read « error « Java I/O Q&A

1. Mysterious EOF exception while reading a file with Java IO functions

I got following exception when I am trying to seek to some file.

> Error while seeking to 38128 in myFile, File length: 85742 ...

2. Why am I getting a NullPointerException when trying to read a file?

I use this test to convert txt to pdf :

package convert.pdf;

//getResourceAsStream(String name) : Returns an input stream for reading the specified resource.
//toByteArray : Get the contents of an InputStream as a ...

3. read a file using Scanner: Why am I getting an error when using Scanner for read files in java?

This example demonstrates using Scanner to read a file line by line (it does not perform a write operation) I don't know why I get an error when I try to ...

4. exception while Read very large file > 300 MB

My task is to open a large file in READ&WRITE mode and i need to search some portion of text in that file by searching starting and end point. Then i need ...

5. How can I catch all the exceptions that will be thrown through reading and writing a file?

In Java, is there any way to get(catch) all exceptions instead of catch the exception individually?

6. Java, read from file throws io exception - read error

Im reading from a file (data.bin) using the following approach -

 fis1 = new FileInputStream(file1);
 String data;
    dis1 = new DataInputStream(fis);
    buffread1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(dis1));

7. Reading file error: File Not Found

I have the follwing

 Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("hello.txt"));
       int i = scanner.nextInt();

8. IOException: Read Error

If you want more info on the error, the full source can be downloaded here Hey, I'm reading an ini file using java.util.Properties; and I've run into a strange issue. ...

9., file not being found

I just wanted to read a file line by line. This was meant to be simple, but i just can't get it right!

    String fileName = "C:/Users/Diogo/Desktop/Krs_Grafo/Graph.txt";

10. error reading .po file in java

i read a bit about reading from .po files and i still have some questions. Does anyone know if you can directly read from a .po file just like reading from ...

11. FileNotFoundException while reading file

While executing the program I am getting FileNotFoundException Shyam\src\sam\examles\TextFile.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)
    at Method)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)

12. Reading multiple times in Java causes IOException?

I am playing around trying to create a little command line game to reinforce some of the things I have learnt in Java over the last few months. I am trying to ...

13. Unresolved compilation: Unhandled exception type IOException

When trying to write read an int from standard in I'm getting a compile error.

System.out.println("Hello Calculator : \n");        
The program throws an exception:
Exception ...

14. OutofMemoryError when reading large files

I am trying to read several big files(over 100MB). And by so far it always cracks down in the middle with the OutofMemory Error. Is there any solutions to it?


15. Reading from file Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException

I have a file.txt it contains like that lines:

  • 461 480 0
  • 461 494 0
  • 461 496 0
  • 461 524 0
  • 461 527 0
  • 461 535 ...

16. Reading a large file, getting out of memory error.

Well, as you probably know, the problem is that the ByteArrayOutputStream is trying to allocate a single byte array with over 90 megs of data. If you don't have 90 megs free, this is a problem. You can get a bit more efficiency out of this setup if you know the size in advance - by presizing the ByteArrayOutputStream you eliminate ...

17. error in reading from a file

Hi all, I'm getting this error: shapes.txt (The system cannot find the file specified) at Method) at at at folder.Folder.Test.main( Exception in thread "main" And this is my code (not long): package folder.Folder; import*; public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File inputFile = new File("shapes.txt"); File outputFile = new File("copy.txt"); FileReader ...

18. Error reading a file

Hi, I don't know how to read a file and display it in the screen to check if the reading is correct. The code is the following: import*; public class LFichero { void leerfichero() { File inputFile = new File("BAP.R4XRQZ.PPRO"); FileReader f = new FileReader(inputFile); try { int c; while ((c = != -1) { System.out.println(c); } } catch ...

19. IOException while reading objects

A friendly place for programming greenhorns! Register / Login Java Forums Java I/O and Streams IOException while reading objects Post by: raji toor, Greenhorn on Jun 20, 2007 00:13:00 i don't know why this code is throwing an IOException. below is the main classpackage Basics1; import java.util.*; public class UseStaticIpData { public UseStaticIpData() { } public static void main(String[] ...

20. error cannot read file

21. exception while Read very large file > 300 MB

(0) Copy the original file to a tmp file (1) set the output file as orignal file (2) While reading the new tmp file (2.1) if it matches the start point, set output file as result file (2.2) if it matches the end point, set the output file as orignal file (2.3) Write to the output file (3) close both files ...

22. error while reading objects from file

Below is a short code to explain the problem i am facing i have been working on the same for past one week i am facing exceptions while reading a file containing more than one objects import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * @author sakshi ...

23. Got Exception in File Reading

package javatestrun; import; import; import; import; import; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("C:/Data.txt"))); String curInput; int count = 0; while ( (curInput = dataInputStream.readUTF()) != null ) { int index = curInput.indexOf('|'); String name = curInput.substring(0, index); String value = curInput.substring(index + ...

24. Error printing out from a read in file.

The error I am having here is that my code is only printing the first and second number from the file and it is set out like this ------------------- 12 2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ------------------- Without the ---- and I can only remember the 12 2 because they print, but everything else isn't appearing ...

25. java.lang.NullPointerException when trying to read files

hi i have a little program here that gets a directory from the command line and adds all the files in this directory and its sub-folders.. so here's the code: package oop.ex1.filescript; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class MyFileScript { public static void main(String[] args) { File dir = new File(args[0]); //LINE 13 ArrayList files = readAllFiles(dir.listFiles()); } private static ArrayList ...

26. error in reading objects from file

Below is a short code to explain the problem i am facing i have been working on the same for past one week i am facing exceptions while reading a file containing more than one objects Java Code: import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * ...

27. Reading from file - NullPointer exception

//below reads lecturers String [] LecturerField;//array to store data after read Lecturer []sLecturer = new Lecturer[numL];// temp array of lecturers for (int i = 0; i < numL; i++) { line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) break; LecturerField = line.split(","); sLecturer[i] = new Lecturer(LecturerField[0], LecturerField[1], LecturerField[2], Integer.parseInt(LecturerField[3]), Integer.parseInt(LecturerField[4])); //line 185 head.addLecturer(sLecturer[i]); }

28. Error printing from Read in file.

The error I am having here is that my code is only printing the first and second number from the file and it is set out like this ------------------- 12 2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ------------------- Without the ---- and I can only remember the 12 2 because they print, but everything else isn't appearing ...

29. Error reading file

31. reading from file, can't fix error

Hi! I'm writing a method in a class Word storeWords(), which reads words from the file and then store them in an ArrayList. the code: public void storeWords() { try{ BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("words.txt")); String line = r.readLine(); while(line != null) { line = r.readLine(); words.add(line); } }catch(FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("The specified file could not be found" + e.toString()); }catch(IOException ...

32. Problem with reading from DAT file. FileNotFound exception

I was just looking at your code you are also reading the Date of Birth Field as type int, this line will also throw an exception, or just read incorrectly, should being using a date field here and parse the string to a date like this Date dob = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).parse(; this can thow ParseException so must be in a try catch ...

33. how to be handled Read Exception in java IO

34. HELP!! ERROR IN reading from file!! (PART of )PROGRAM

for(int i=0; i PANTS 35 23.3 LOGITECH CORDLESS DESKTOP 200 50.23 MONITER 62 54.9 <= but when i run the program the errors such as : ...

35. exception in file reading

I am writing some objects to a file using ObjectOutputStream. Initially some objects are written and then the output stream is closed. Then stream is opened and some more objects are written. This is done multiple times. Now while reading those objects with ObjectInputStream ( in a separate program ), I can only read those objects written ( before closing the ...

36. read file Exception

# This is a comment. Everything from '#' to the end of the line must be ignored # Any empty line like the following one must be ignored. 0 1 3 I tried to use a scanner to read each token in the file. whenever the scanner reads a "#", I use the nextLine() method to forward the scanner to next ...