eofexception « error « Java I/O Q&A

1. EOFException in my Java Code    stackoverflow.com

As other posts here at stackoverflow has already explained, the EOFException occurs when the end of the stream is reached unexpectedly. I have a method, which converts a byte array into a ...

2. handling EOFException in java    stackoverflow.com

I have created a method in my java assignment to write into a file from a LinkedList (I used serialization) , then I have created another method to read the file ...

3. Java - IzPack and EOFException    stackoverflow.com

I have one installer with several packs. None is required. When I mark all, the installation completes with success. When I mark just two packs, I get EOFException. [edit] Using trace I can see ...

4. Marshaling & java.io.EOFException    coderanch.com

Hello Every Body. I am Newbie in RMI. So please be patient and read whole of the posting. My problem goes like this I have the following files (i) Product.class which is Remote (ii)ProductImpl.class Product's implementations class (iii)ProductServer.class which binds the references to registry (iv)ProductClient.class which invokes remote methods (v) a policy file client.policy (iv) a Stub. When i start the ...

5. readObject() throwing EOFException    coderanch.com

Hi there... I am trying to send an object (Vector) from an applet to a servlet. When I call readObject in the servlet, it throws an EOFException. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong here? Here is the code in the applet: connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type",application/octet-stream"); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); out.writeObject(new Vector()); out.flush(); out.close(); And for the servlet: try { ObjectInputStream ...

6. Urgent help needed--EOFException    coderanch.com

yes, yes. actually, i have some codes before that. ------------------------------------------- message = "some message".getBytes(); mp.Initialize(message, messageSize, messageNumber); bOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream(256); wOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(bOutput); wOutput.writeObject(mp); ---------------------------------------------- 'mp' is a of defined in my class. and follows the code mentioned before ---------------------------------------------- DatagramPacket packet; byte[] message; message = packet.getData(); bInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(message); wInput = new ObjectInputStream(bInput); mp = (MulticastPacket) wInput.readObject(); ...

7. ObjectIInputStream Throwing EOFException    coderanch.com

Originally posted by Shekar Atmakur: I dont know what you mean by "Format of the Object", If you serialized an object to a database then added a field or made some other change to the object, the serialized version will no longer match the object specification and an attempt to read it out of the database will fail. The ...

10. EOFException    coderanch.com

11. Need help with EOFException error    coderanch.com

Hi, I am trying to fix the following error. java.io.EOFException at java.io.DataInputStream.readChar(Unknown Source) at Decode.main(Decode.java:27) I have tried using conditions by the first is.readChar() method to test for false and blank characters, but nothing seems to work. Any help is appreciated. import java.io.*; public class Decode { public static void main(String[] args) { DataInputStream is = null; DataOutputStream os = null; ...

12. Random EOFException - runs for minutes, hours or days and then suddenly throws this (sometimes)    coderanch.com

I am having a problem that is strange and very hard for me to track down. I have several servers that are communicating with each other and with external callers. I'm not sure where to start with describing the problem but I'll try. I have a socket that does a lookup of an IP address, determines where the user is coming ...

13. java.io.EOFException using readObject    coderanch.com

hi there i am trying to write a class that save a temporary binary file that holds records for a game i'm working on. i keep getting java.io.EOFException and i get it in this line "ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);", so i didn't even get to read from the file. can any one tell me what am i doing wrong? this is ...

14. java.io.EOFException    forums.oracle.com

Thank you very much for your fast and accurate answer.... hmm but i still get java.io.EOFException but now i only get it once then the client disconnect.. why?? I have setEvig to false so it should never enter the loop and get into indata = in.readUTF()... yes when i close my client he send one string = "disconnect" to the server ...

15. How can i avoid EOFException?    forums.oracle.com

16. How to avoid EOFException while using readFully() in java    forums.oracle.com

/** * Stream reader for HTTP messages (requests and responses). */ public abstract class HTTPMessageReader { /** The header of the message (blank line included) */ protected ArrayList header; /** The body of the message */ protected ArrayList body; /** The whole message obtained from the stream */ protected byte[] message; /** Start/Status line: The version of HTTP protocol, eg. HTTP/1.1 ...

17. My FIle Throws EOFException....    forums.oracle.com

/************************************************************************************* * updateRecord(String key, int col, String value) * parameters key - key value of record to update * col - column of field to update * value - new value for this field of the record * * method must find the record with key and update the field. The updated record must * be put back in the file ...