delete « error « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java: What is referring to my file, preventing me from calling .delete() successfully?

I am making a game and have started to work on a class called SaveManager, so far I have had no problems except when it comes to deleting the game. My problem ...

2. Why am I having nondeterministic file deletion errors when using DiskFileItem?

My upload servlet keeps throwing me an exception saying that the file that I'm trying to replace (near the end of my code) could not be deleted at (seemingly) random. I ...

3. Deleting file after method throws exception

How do I delete a file after I've passed it to a method that ends abnormally? I'm trying to write an integration test for a simple program by extending Spring's AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests and using JUnit. In one test, I create a tempfile, then call a method which is supposed to contact a remote service (via Spring and HTTPInvoker), retrieve data, and write ...

4. Error after deleting files

I have a problem in netbeans, I am creating a web application with Hibernate and JSF, the problem is that once you delete a file, I restart the tomcat, and even then the tomcat is still looking for him there is an error below happens GRAVE: Unable to load annotated class: br.salesianos.db.listaVariasPessoas, reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: br/salesianos/db/listaVariasPessoas (wrong name: br/salesianos/db/ListaVariasPessoas) 29/03/2011 11:29:02 com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener$WebConfigResourceMonitor$Monitor ...

5. Deleting a file Exception

6. Error in deleting in file

7. capture exceptions when deleting a file

Hello All: I am using File.delete to delete a particular file, however this method only return a boolean to indicate the operation is succeeded or failed. In a scenario such as a file is in use and can't be deleted, this method can't give more details. I did some search and found in the new nio2 package, the new method, Files.delete(Path) ...