name « directory « Java I/O Q&A

1. What are possible reasons for "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect"

I am trying to copy a file using the following code:

File targetFile = new File(targetPath + File.separator + filename);
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileToCopy);
fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(targetFile);
byte[] buffer = new byte[64*1024];
int i = ...

2. In Java: create unique random filename in a directory

How do I create a random unique filename in a directory (of my choice)? Note: I don’t want this file in the system temp path but rather in the ...

3. getting directory name in java

how to get the directory name for a particular file on the drive in java? for example i have a under a test directory on my D do i find ...

4. Noob question, passing in a file name / directory into command line in Java

I'm trying to do some processing on whether the user enters a (1) file name, or (2) directory name into the command line. Anything else should throw an error. ...

5. Change the name of the deepest directory in a File object

I have File object in Java which is a directory path:

...and I would like to change this to:
I'm don't mean renaming the actual directory, but, simply modifying the path in the ...

6. How to upload 2 files with the same name from different folders and set them in xsl-fo properly

I have an xsl-fo file, which has some external graphics(paths for images). I am writting xsl-fo to pdf converter. I have one browse button for xsl-fo file, and another for images. ...

7. How to extract the name of immediate directory with the filename using lastIndexOf method?

I want to extract the name of immediate directory with the filename. For example c:/wallpapers/images/images.gif I just want to retrieve images/images.gif. How can I do this?

8. How to get file name from folder or under subdirectories using java

I have to find the file names in tree view which has placed under folder or sub directories. For example,assume directories called A,B,C... A--B/testb.txt--C/testc.txt/......E---G/testg.txt How to get all the file names from above directories ...

9. Move inside a particular directory without knowing its name

I want to move inside a directory in Java but I don't know its name? Does Java provide any functionality to do so?

File srcFile = "C:/Entertainment/XXXXXXX/break.avi"
I am certain that there is ...

10. How do I create a new file with a slightly modified name and will be in the same folder?

I am creating a file based on the another. So if the original is called doc.txt and is in myDocs I want to have it called docv2.txt and also saved in ...

11. How to get just the parent directory name of a specific file

How to get "ddd" from the path name where the resides. File file = new File("C:/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/");

12. I would like to check if the file name inserted by the user match the name of a the file in the directory

I would like to know how to check if a file exists in the directory or if the name of the file typed in by the user matches what is ...

13. filename and absolute path ?

Hi again!! my program involves accessing a text file.. my problem is that, i have to type the absolute path of that file on for the program to work... Then I put all my files in a directory and zipped my java source files, and packages, and classes, and text file... Now when unzipped run my program on another computer I ...

14. Locate true path name of virtual drive?

15. space in directory name

My program can not move a file to a directory. The directory has spaces in its name. How do I convert the path name to something that my program can recognize? This is the command I execute: String command = "cmd /c move " + file + " " + destDir; Thanks.

19. Getting names of files in a folder

String dir="D:/New Folder/"; //where New Folder contain files File files=new File(dir); //creat a file for the given dir if(files.isDirectory()) //chech if it is an Directory { String fileNames[]=files.list(); //return a list of file names for(int j=0;j

20. Getting file name from a directory path

Hello everyone, I need some help in determining the filename from a given directory path. After gettign that I have to save it in the DB with a different path. I dont need to physically save the file in the other path but just get the file name and prefix that with the other dir path. Say, the file that I ...

21. obtain file path by just specifying filename? basedir?

How about this.. You make the path configurable. May be using a property file, passing a property to the JVM using -D or using a database etc. Then you build the absolute path using the configurable path and the file name. Hope this helps. I can only help so much with the available information..

22. Getting all parent directory name

24. creating directory name for file upload

26. upload file - different browsers send different path name

Hi guys, I use the following code to save a uploaded file on server: List items = upload.parseRequest(request); Iterator iter = items.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItem item = (FileItem); if (!item.isFormField()) { String fieldName = item.getFieldName(); String fileName = item.getName(); String contentType = item.getContentType(); long sizeInBytes = item.getSize();"fieldName = " + fieldName);"fileName = " + fileName);"contentType = ...

27. need to get the file name from folder

28. file pathname

Why do you need to display 2 backslashes instead of one? If you plan on actually using the path to create a File object then as Daryl mentioned the double backslash is only needed in String literals in your code to get around the compiler. If you are reading the path in from some external source then the double backslash is ...

29. Fully qualified filename (including path)

Ah yes, the '\' escape character. That fixed my output. Thanks. But if JAVA is OS independent how would it distinguish between the '\' on Windows and the '/' on UNIX or would I have to physically update my program and change the hard coded path/filename in the program? Or does JAVA have some way of handling these fully qualified filenames ...

30. extract actual file name from the filepath

31. reading the name of a directory

d@mn me and my inability to correctly type in words. but yes i ment File. It has a listFiles() method and an isDirectory() method. With those two and a loop you should be able to do it. Lima Message was edited by: LimaBravo -- trying to type d@mn without it being filtered :S

33. How to get the full path name of a file

Hey everybody, I'm new here and in Java. so I will explain my question by giving an example: I want to send file from the Desktop by the "Send to" on the popup menu to my program. I want to know how can I read the full path name and the file name, and show it on my text box. Thanx ...

34. Spaces in directory name?

36. Setting path for "Content-disposition" filename

I'm going to get criticized for asking a stupid, newbie question, but here it goes: How will the servlet know which file to serve up to the client if we don't provide the path? I've tried what you guys suggested (remove path info), and get an error that the file isn't a valid zip archive. But I've checked it -- it's ...

37. long file and path names

I have a dialog window where users can choose a file, the name and path of which is then displayed. The field where this is displayed isn't big enough to hold the typical long path names found on for example Windows. I was wondering if there is a standardized way of shortening/abbreviating the full path name already written up somewhere? I ...

38. Method to obtain filename apart from path

I'm trying to upload a file using Apache FileUpload. It's working on my Mac OS X - Using Firefox. No problem. Then I tweaked it using the code above to get it to run on Windows using IE 7. IE will append the directory path from the client unless the setting is established not to do that. So I included code ...

39. Change folder name to Date 'n' moving files

40. Get all file names in a folder

I have a couple of files in a folder and I want to get all the names of the files within a folder. How do I do that ? I don't want to register the file names inside a config file or xml or something. I just want my program to go directly into a specified folder nd grab all files ...

41. Getting First and the last filename from the folder

Is there any other way to get the first and last filename from the folder? I dont want to use File.listFiles()... I have millions of files in my folder and listFiles() really kills the server.. My folder contains images which are named sequentially like image00001.jpg image00002.jpg image00003.jpg and so on... And from my JSP file, i will be display only 10-15 ...

42. Concatenate a path and a Filename (different Filesystems)

Hi, i've got the following problem: I have 2 Strings. One contains an absolute Path to a Folder (not a File!), the other one contains a File Name. Now I want to concatenate this 2 Strings to an absolute Path to this File. Problem is: Example: String1 contains c:\ String2 contains blah.txt Concatenation is: c:\blah.txt This is ok. Example 2: String ...

43. Reading in from File w/out path name

Does anyone know why netbeans requires an entire path name to read from a file? I am trying to read from a file and I want the program to just look in the directory that the jar file is in to find the file to read from. I do not want the file to be IN the jar file, just inside ...

44. filename from filepath

46. How to get the latest filename in a specify directory in client's machine

Hi all, I've created a web application which user need to input some text and upload a file to server, It's simple that user just need to browse the directory to select the file. submit the form to server then ........ However, after user's review and they prefer the system can upload the latest file in a directory in the cilent's ...

47. How to read a File in Java given the pathname?

The original codes for getting the file using JFileChooser are as follows: ... JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setAccessory(new FindAccessory()); int result = fc.showOpenDialog(null); System.out.println("result " + result + ":"); System.out.println(fc.getSelectedFile()); switch (result) { case JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION: File selFile = fc.getSelectedFile(); ...... After getting the selFile, then I'll use it to send. And it works successfully. What I mean is that now ...

48. Sequential file name if the file already exist in a Directory ?????????????

Dear All, I need to create a sequential file name if the file already exist in the specified directory. It should find the last sequential number of the file. for example. Following files present in d:\test folder ... ... Now i need to move a file which of name or Now it should check all other names ...

49. Get file name from folder

Hi all, how to find a .txt file in a particular folder. My text file comes with following name ., e.g., fn_fnprod.102806015605 so how to get this file name. nd also tell me if there are multiple files then how to retrieve the oldest one first and so on.... Thanks & Regards Gaurav

50. removing the file name from a file path

Hi there I am trying to get the folfder path from a file path. I create a nw file using the File class, then try ot set dirPath. But, it does not work as the \ is an escape character, so i added , but it still doesnt work. Does anyone know how i can remove everything after last \ in ...