move « directory « Java I/O Q&A

1. Moving files from one directory to another, using Java

I have problems with moving files in directories in Java. The problem is that I cannot understand why the program behaves the way it behaves. Below is a (slight) modification of ...

2. Java: Watching a directory to move large files

I have been writing a program that watches a directory and when files are created in it, it changes the name and moves them to a new directory. In my first ...

3. How to move a folder(including subdirectories and files) into a new folder using Java code

Can anyone help me for a Java code which copy or move one folder as it is into another folder. For example:
I have a folder named temp, inside temp I ...

4. Problem with moving a file to another folder

I am using:

// File (or directory) to be moved
    File file = new File(output.toString());

    // Destination directory
    File dir = new File(directory_name);


5. Move file to new folder

Hi Purpose of the program: A thread should periodically check a folder and move the files in the folder to another new folder. The existing folder name is : c:\Transmission -Transmission (contains two files) - Filename0.xml - Filename1.xml The destination folder is: c:\TransmissionResponded I have written the following program but it comes up with the error saying c:\TransmissionResponded created ! SendResponseThread ...

6. io Problem ..moving the files one directory to another

hi guys, i m writing a progrma using i m unable to move the files into another directory.the following code is working file expect moving the files into another directory.can anyone plz help? import*; import java.sql.*; class FileVerifier{ public static void main(String[] args){ Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()); con ...

7. Move file from one folder to another

8. Move files in a bulk from one directory to another

Hi, How can I move all the files in one directory to another in a bulk. What is the fastest way to move files under one directory to another as there may be 1000+ files in a directory so trying to find out the fastest way to move all those to a different directory. Thanks

9. Move a directory?

The only thing I can tell you is: It is not trivial to move a directory. Many things can go wrong and this permission to delete is only one of them. You can: - notify user that it was copied but not removed (I think most file managers would do this) - delete what you have copied so far - ask ...

10. Move portion of files from directory

Hi I just want to know whether is there a way to get a portion of the total files from a directory so that I can move the portion of files to another directory. For example I have 1000 files in a directory and I want to move 200 of these files to another directory then will continue move another 200 ...

11. Moving a file to another directory

12. What s wrong in this file program to move a file to directory

import; public class moveFile { public static void main(String args[]){ try{ // File (or directory) to be moved File file = new File("file.txt"); // Destination directory File dir = new File("d:\\myDirectory"); // Move file to new directory boolean success = file.renameTo(new File(dir, file.getName())); if (!success) { System.out.println("File was not moved"); } } catch (Exception ioe){ ioe.printStackTrace(); } } }

13. Cannot move a file from one directory to other.

Hi All, This might seem a very old problem, but I have searched a lot for this and I think I know the problem but I want some clarification for the workarounds that I am planning to implement for this problem -- My problem: There are four folders A, B, C, D. I am getting a file in folder A, moving ...

14. moving files to different folders

Can anyone show me how to check files and move files from one folder to another if they dont exists in another folder. I would appreciate if you could also show me a code to do this. My code is moving the entire folder though i want to move only the files. Thanks nuko

15. Move File from one directory to another

16. Need help with moving file from one directory to other

This is the code i have written....I am not knowing why the code is not working. Please somebody help me package com.hcsc.parser; import; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { test t = new test(); t.moveFileNew("source", "destination", "book.xls"); } public static void moveFileNew( String directory1, String directory2, String fileName ) { File file = new File(directory1 + ...

17. Moving file to another folder

public static void moveFile() { try { // File (or Directory) to be moved File cFile = new File("C:/FolderA/[B]file.txt[/B]"); // Destination directory File dir = new File("C:/FolderB"); // Move file to a new directory boolean success = cFile.renameTo(new File(dir, cFile.getName())); System.out.println("Success::"+cFile.renameTo(new File(dir, cFile.getName()))); if (success) { System.out.println("File was successfully moved.\n"); } else { System.out.println("File was not successfully moved.\n"); } } catch ...

18. Moving up two directories from a file

Hi, I have been using the getParent() method on a file to move to the directory. How do i get the parent of that directory now? The directory structure is like, ----> Directory1 ------------->Directory2 ---------------------->File I select the file through using a fileChooser method, and i can get the Directory2, but am not sure how to get Directory1? Any help would ...

19. Move file to archive folder

Hi ProZ, Thank you sooooooo much for your valuable help!!! actually through your very simple example, it brought me to re-evaluate my codes.. I'm able to run your codes but when I plug them in to my actual program, it still did not run. Then, I realised the problem is more than meets the eye. After much investigation, I realised that ...

20. Move files from one folder to another

Hi all, I'm trying to figure how to write a script that will check files from folder A to folder B and move only the files from folder A that do not exists in folder B to folder B. For checking and moving single file i've already created the script. I am only confused in how to move more then one ...

21. Move files into subfolder of a shared folder

Hi, I have used the same method. The files are moving when source and destination paths are in local system. But when source and destination paths are on anohter system(shared system), the files are not moving. I have checked the permission of folder. Both folder have Read & Write Permissions. We are getting the path from properties file. Thank you, Regards, ...

22. moving files into new folders (help needed)

i like the idea of the rename copy the file and delete would take long wouldn't it? (i duno) because the files are mp3 (I've never worked with files be for I've only done the AP Computer Science A sub set) so yeah.... well this is what i tried but it gives me rename to( in cannot be applied ...

23. How to move a entire directory!

Hi, is there any direct or easy way to move a directory to another place. I guess that the File class should has a method Move, copy and things like that to make way this kind of tasks. I guess that reading the FIle content, detecting is its folder or file, if is fil move it using a fileOutputStream, else entering ...