compile « directory « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java default compilation directory

I'm using the Java Compiler API to build a couple of classes at runtime. However, I'd like these classes to be compiled into the default compilation directory, to where other class ...

2. How to compile a java program from directory?

I'm learning java and I would like to know how to compile a java program from other directory. For example, my compiler is in my drive c:\ and I want to compile ...

3. Compilation of the java files in folders

Hello friends, I have a problem regarding the compilation... I want to compile all the java files in the folders at a time. Now every folder has folders in them and there are different java files scattered in the folders. I am trying to compile all the java files from the parent folders and i am not able to do so ...

4. How to compile a java file in a different directory location from the original java directory?

Hi Guys... My .java file has the location, MyName/src/ My question is when I compile this .java file, I want its .class file to be saved automatically in a different location which is, MyName/WEB-INF/classes/newBean/Bean.class and not in the same location as the .java file How do I make that happen? I was wondering if this has got something to do with ...

6. How to compile java program in other than bin directory

i have 4 drives on my pc c,d,e,f: i saved my program in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin ,it compile well and run too. when i try to save my program in a folder named(amrit) in other drive such as e,and when to compile it as cd \ e: cd amrit javac it give me following error "javac is not recongized as internal ...

7. .java files located in different directories - trouble compiling

HERE ARE THE ERRORS: First I compile the ../master/child/ file and it compiles fine. This I attempt to compile ../master/ and I get the following errors: K:\COMMON\ITS\STEVEB\java\master>javac cannot find symbol symbol : class BicycleChild location: class master.BicycleMaster BicycleChild bike1 = new BicycleChild(); ^ cannot find symbol symbol : class BicycleChild location: class master.BicycleMaster BicycleChild bike1 = new BicycleChild(); ...

8. compiling all the files inside a folder

1) in order your os recognise the javac command do as follows a) right click my computer b) select properties c) click advanced tab d) click on enviroment variables button e) in the system variable view look for path variable click edit and append c:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\bin; or the directory where you have installed jdk. now open a command window and type javac ...

9. How to compile ALL java files in OR UNDER a given directory?

I only read your title, not your message. You have to give javac the names of all the files. On unix, you could do something like javac $(find * -name \*.java) I don't know the cmd.exe equivalent. You may also need to explicitly tell javac the classpath to use. And I don't even remember what the -soucepath argument is for anymore. ...

10. Compiling code from any directory

Dear all, Currently, I use java 6 and the home directory where all my JARs, java files and programs are located, which is c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_02\bin. However everytime i want to compile a program i have to put the .java file in that bin file and compile from there, since the javac.exe compiler program is located there. Is there any way that ...

13. Compiling Multiple Directories Cleanly

Hello all, Right now I have something along the lines of: javac -cp aaa aaa/tests/*.java aaa/dir2/*.java aaa/dir3/*.java These aren't the actual names and I also have many more paths in the compile string. I noticed there is something where you can do: java -cp aaa @compile_path However, when I put something like aaa/tests/*.java in the compile_path file it says *.java can't ...