Search « directory « Java I/O Q&A

1. Search for file in directory with multiple directories

Here's my goal. I want to be able to pass a parent directory and a filename to a method that searches for that specific file in the directory and any sub-directories. ...

2. How can I create a File[] for all *.properties under a given directory?

I have a directory, C:\myDir. under this directory, there may be folders and various files How can I "loop" through this directory and build up a File array of all files with a ...

3. How to increase alexa search results using alexa api

I am creating a java application which performs URL search for site : User eneters a category name and my application displays all URL's and performs some operations. I am using ...

4. Find files in a folder using Java

I'm new here so be kind to my stupidity :) What I need to do if Search a folder say C:\example I then need to go through each file and check to see ...

5. java: search file according to its name in directory and subdirectories

I need a to find file according to its name in directory tree. And then show a path to this file. I found something like this, but it search according extension. ...

6. How to Search File and give path to process builder

I am using process Builder to execute external command using java Here is Code:

command.add(System.getenv("ProgramFiles") +"\\IrfanView\\"+"i_view32.exe ");
command.add("D:\\BMP\\*.bmp /import_pal=D:\\default.pal /convert=D:\\ABC\\*.bmp")
How can i Get Path if i_view32.exe is located on some other Drive or place ...

7. Searching in folder

I want to create a method that will search files by name. I have variable with a name and I need method that search file with that name in one folder. ...

8. Files searching in Java

Because I asked wrong question last time, I want to correct my intention. How can I find file by name in specified folder? I have a variable with a name ...

10. Search for a directory by its name only

Hi, Till now I was using the following to find the existance of "myDirectory" directory: File currentDir = new File("c:" + File.separator + myDirecory"); boolean dirExist = currentDir.isDirectory(); I would like to search myDirectoryon in my whole computer with just specifying its name (without a path). Can I do that? Thanks Yossi

11. searching a file in a directory

can anybody tell me.... how can i search for a file in a directory ... what i need to do is thaty ill be expecting a file in a specified directory any time a day.. so i need to search for that file all the time as soon it comes ill have to capture it and send it over to some ...

12. Search a directory

Since no one replied to my other post...I may have come up with a work around, but i still need some assistance. Does anyone have any sample code, or can anyone point me to any sample code that will search a directory?......Specifically, I need to search a directory for .class files and store those files in a String array. Thanks in ...

13. Searching a file in a directory

14. directory searching

i have a program that searches a document for a string, however i am having trouble trying to make the program able to search a folder of documents with sub-directories. i am using a fileDialog to pass the path of the document to the program, i want to be able to pass the a directoy path instead of a file path. ...

15. Dig in to Directory Search

16. how to search and return the existence of a file of a particular type on a path

Hi everyone, Could anyone help me on the below problem.. I want to search a file with a particular extension(say .txt) on a particular location i.e inside a folder(C:\xyz\abc). Here i want to search and return wheather any .txt file exists iniside the folder abc. I tried the following code,but its not working because i have not specified any file name.(I ...

17. search files in directory for string and return count

Hi folks, Im trying to write a program that accepts two input parameters: 1. The string to search for 2. The directory to search in For each file in the specified directory the program counts the number of times the specified string occurs in the file. I'm assuming that all the files in the directpry are .text. //this program searches a ...

18. search string in all files into a directory

In some ways it would be nice if you could specify a wildcard (or a regex) so that a FileReader would treat ALL the matching files a one file but the current FileReader does not no this. You need to list all the files using File.listFiles() using a file filter if you want to restrict which files are chosen. You can ...

19. Can we search different files in a directory!!!

Hello!!! I have a simple question.Suppose we have a directory containingg different types of files,say zip,rar,txt,gif etc.Now if we want to show only txt files to client then how to do that. I am using jsp. I want to show my client only text files contained in that directory. Please help me how to implement this. Thanks in advance.

20. search file within a directory

21. Searching directory and subdirectories ................

I've seen a couple of example java programs which do a recursive file search... one was a reasonable approximation of the unix find command... I fell over it whist searching for something else. One thing though... a native compiled program will be substantially faster at this... it's heavy I/O stuff, and java's performance suffers a tad from it's (good) decision to ...

22. Searching Different Directory

23. Search through all the files in all the DIRECTORIES

You mean your problem is that some of those File objects you got from the listFiles() method are actually directories, and you want to search those directories too? Then there's two things to do: (1) Find the method in the File class which tells you whether a File object is a directory. (2) Write a method which searches a directory -- ...

24. Searching directories for specific file extensions

I wanted to try something, and that was to create a file with basic text loos it some where on the HD and make a program that would search the directories (So lets say you put in C:\bla\ ) for the file matching the extention (already set by the program) as say .doc - it would then open all of those ...

25. Searching directories for specific file extensions

I wanted to try something, and that was to create a file with basic text loos it some where on the HD and make a program that would search the directories (So lets say you put in C:\bla\ ) for the file matching the extention (already set by the program) as say .doc - it would then open all of those ...

26. searching for a file in a directory

28. Directory Search for unkown named files

Hi all! I am using a Client interface, with the Command design pattern. I'm also using reflection, so that when a new command is added to the directory commands/, it is automatically found by the interface (once it is started next time). The idea is to save work and to be easy to add commands. The interface, when it starts, searches ...

29. File search in the directory when yoou know that the name starts with xyz

Hi all , Plz help me in finding out the solution I tried FilenameFilte,... file.exists() method also.I can find out the file in a folder by complete name only. Ithe query is u kno myfile* (* is dynamic portion of the file means u know that the file starts with myfile but its not the complete name) and file Directory you ...

30. How to search for names of files in a folder

I've been searching this for awhile and haven't found anything so,I have a game and a game map editor or what not.. and you know when a user clicks on what map they want and such, but how can I search the files inside of a folder? I found JFileChooser but I don't really want to use that because it just ...