BAT « batch File « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java Problem running a .bat file

I'm trying to run two bat files from a Java app. I'm using:

  Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
  Process proc = rt.exec(fullCommand);
  InputStream stderr = proc.getErrorStream();
  InputStreamReader ...

2. Run a .bat file on closing java app

I want to run a .bat file when I close my Java application. I try, but when I close Java app the bat file doesn't start.

3. Why Java programs use .bat file as program launcher?

I found that a lot of Java programs in Windows use .bat batch file as program launcher. It looks weird if compared with other programs which use .exe executable file. Why can't ...

4. Running a .bat/ .cmd file from Java

I wanted to run a .cmd file from Java. I have something which works for me. Can someone help me understand possible failures of my program.



5. creating .bat file for java

I need to create a .bat file to run java program. I have a DatabaseConnect.class file under "C:\Program Files\Java" directory. And I have a jar files for database connection in "C:\Program Files\JarColl" directory. I ...

6. Running bat file with java

here i'm trying to run a bat file from a java program. i want to run the bat file from c:\File\Create.bat but when i run the code it's searching in my d:\NetBeansPeoject\ where my ...

7. Couldn't run bat file through Java code

Problem is that the same code below is working on other machine with Windows 7. I also use Windows 7, and bat file works well. But if I try to run ...

8. Discover if 32bit or 64bit Java is installed from a BAT file

In my BAT file I would like to have something like:

set javaVersion=...

if %javaVersion% equ 32 (
  echo "do 32 Java routine"
) else (
  echo "do non-32 Java routine"
On a ...

9. How to launch .BAT file inside HTML?

P: 1 jbfarley I am having problems with a shockwave .EXE that leaks memory like the dickens. At launch, it loops a welcome screen until a user touches the screen/clicks the ...

10. Appending Text to AutoExce.bat

12. problem of brackets running file bat

Hello. I have a problem in my java code when I want run a file bat whom the name have brackets (Ex: VAL(SAU)-AccType01.bat) My java code is: File f = new File(pathFileBat); ... run = Runtime.getRuntime(); process = run.exec("cmd /c start " + bat, null, pathClassCommand); The following message appears: VAL is not recognized as an internal or external command.. If ...

13. run bat file within java

I have a bat file with works perfectly when run from Windows. When I try to call it within java I get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/security/auth/callback/Callback The bat file uses a vendor jar file. The following is the bat file with specific info marked out for proprietary reasons. java -Duser=xxxx -Dpassword=xxxxx -Dhost=xxxxxxxxxxx -Dport=##### -jar c:\xxxxxxxx.jar list agents matching (.*) The code I ...

14. How To Run .bat file from java application

//java source import*; public class MyRun { public MyRun() { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); String[] cmd = {"cmd","/c","abc.bat"}; try{ Process p =runtime.exec(cmd); BufferedReader b =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line=null; while( (line=b.readLine())!=null) { System.out.println(line); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String args[]) { MyRun r =new MyRun(); } }

15. Running a .bat file with Java code

I'm trying to run a .bat file with Java code. The following code does not run the .bat file even though the variable 'batCommand' contains the name of a valid bat file (test.bat). This was verified by writing the variable to a log file. _____________________________________ String batCommand = bufferName.toString(); LogAccessor.getLogger().logAction(batCommand); // e.g. returns test.bat Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(batCommand); _____________________________________ However, when ...

16. run a batch file (.bat) from java programm (.java)

Running .bat files as a Process should be easy if you pay attention to: 1. consuming the standard out stream in a separate Thread 2. consuming the standard err stream in a separate Thread (NOT the thread in 1) 3. constructing the command line properly (so many alternatives!!!) 4. avoiding dependence on the "current" directory Bill

17. How to Return an Error from a .bat File

I have a Java web application that runs a .bat file (shell script) on an AIX box. The .bat file has a command that runs the executable of a product called Antenna House which generates .pdf files. Antenna House has its own Java classes, including some that generate specific error messages if the PDF generation fails. I'm interested in how any ...

18. Running Java program using .bat file.

After you create the .bat file, make sure it's on the PATH for your OS to be able to find it. If you have a bunch of batch files that you want to be able to execute without having to change directory, create a folder for them and put the path to that folder in the PATH variable.

19. How to run this batch-file (.bat)?

Hello everybody, I am not sure if my posting is in the right subforum, but I hope so. My question: I wrote a short .bat file to run a task: C:\SQLTask.bat "C:\Programme\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.Exe" -i "C:\code.sql" pause This bat-file runs an sql file without opening microsoft sql management studio. If I run the file a dos-window is beeing opened and displays ...

20. Not able to call a bat file from JAVA

Try this...then read through what is going on...should help... private void execCommand() { // gather the environment settings final Map env = System.getenv(); // I am using USERPROFILE, but can be whatever your pre-set is String filePath = env.get("USERPROFILE"); try { // the directory where the batch file is located File fileDir = new File(filePath); // get the runtime object ...

21. Running java programs from .bat file

22. TextPad and bat file

my language (portuguese) has chars such as ,, and so on. I wrote a bat file to change my codepage to 1252. So, when i'm running from command line i see the text perfectly. Now, with TextPad its diferent, because i dont know how to add that bat file to config/tools/run in params. Can someone pls help me? thanks in advance ...

23. Bat file to setup java enviroment.

Ok, I understand what you mean by setting up your environment, but it would be good to be able to see exactly what you're doing in that .bat file to know better whether or not this would help you. Anyway, I *think* this will maintain your environment. I have 2 .bat files on my Desktop: test.bat, which calls another.bat another.bat has ...

24. Problem with running java via .bat file

Originally posted by Yo Nathan: Hi, I have a problem with running a java class via *.bat file. The problem is the .bat file doesn't work consistently. What I'm trying to say is that I've tried to execute the .bat file in 3 different PCs; it was run succesfully on the first two PCs and failed on the last one. The ...

25. Need to run 3 .bat files using JAVA

Hi, I am quite new to Java. I am trying to make a utility for myself that can do the following: 1) go and execute C:\start\start1.bat 2) go and execute C:\start\start2.bat 3) go and execute C:\start\start3.bat Right now what I do is personally go to these folders and click on these files to start them (so I get three command window ...

26. keep cmd window open after System.exit(0) (.bat file)

You can use the "pause" command to block a bat file and optionally display a message like "Hit any key to continue, any other key to quit." Hmmm, just tried it an it doesn't take an optional message. Maybe that was OS/2. [ March 03, 2006: Message edited by: Stan James ]

27. how do lock a bat file?

You can't, at least not through Java. You will need to change the file permissions in Windows to disallow execution rights to all users, then set it to execute only for specific users you designate. You will need administrator privileges for this on any workstation the operation has to be performed at.

29. Bat file to run Java program

30. Exception while running the java program through run.bat file

You have to set your lib files in your required file in the CLASSPATH while creating the batch file like this echo "Launching Java Application..." java -jar "location of java file" put your required file in your lib folder and create a jar or set in the set path for the corresponding files

31. Automatic execution of java file using bat or something else

Several Approaches: 1. Write a Java Program. Use Timer Class, to invoke your relevant class to do the job periodically. This Java program must run forever. Advantage: Platform neutral solution (windows/linux/...) 2. On Linux, you can use cron job to execute your java program, or write a shell script that does this. 3. On Windows - i would suggest stick to ...

32. Running a .bat/ .cmd file from Java

Hello, I wanted to run a .cmd file from Java. I have something which works for me. Can someone help me understand possible failures of my program. import; /* How to run a batch .bat or .cmd file from Java? 1. I don't want the command window to open up. It should be in background. 2. Gracefully destroy any new ...

33. run java code through bat file

34. Problem in creating a automatic build using java , batch(.bat) file .

Hi, I am tried creating an automatic build process using a java scheduler which triggers the automatic build process at regular interval. The java code---> timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try {File dir = new File("D:\\"); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\build.bat", null, dir); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}, delay, 60000); I am trying to invoke a batch file "build.bat" using java ...

36. .BAT File problem

Hi, When i try to start up a a .bat file, in this case with the code: @echo off title WE NEED TO BE #1 AGAIN SO PLEASE VOTE! javaw -Xmx300m Jframe 10 0 highmem members 32 pause it just says: Press any key to continue. Now, I dont know what the problem is. I dont even know if it had ...

37. How to run this bat file in Mac?

Hi folks, I was issued a CD by Airbus (the company making aircrafts). This CD contains a program which runs in Java environment. It contains a file called eManual.bat which I am supposed to execute to activate the program. Problem is I use a Mac which doesn't run bat files. I called up Airbus for help and they just bluntly told ...

38. Help with .bat batch file problem

Hi, This is my first post so please bear with me. I am trying to create a .bat file that will do the following: Launch python Run a python script that picks up the 3rd party jars required to run my java app, Run the java script Increase the memory allocated to the java virtual machine. I have got this far ...

39. start/compile java from .bat batch file

40. outOfMemoryException run bat file to increase heap space?

Hello. I have a program that runs out of heap space and throws a outOfMemoryException. I can fix it by typing in command prompt: cd c:\directory\ java -Xmx128m programName where 128m is the increase necessary. though i need to run my program from command prompt and i want it to be fixed when i run my program automatically. so i created ...

41. [Help] Severe Error when lanching .bat file

42. problem with.bat file

Obviously we're not going to know why you're not receiving mail based on the contents of a batch file. Since the ip changed, I would check with your security team to see if the smtp server also changed ip addresses, if there is a firewall setting that has to be updated to account for the new ip address or (insert 1000 ...

43. Problems running a bat file

It's very likely that depending on the bat file, it might be running but you don't notice it. I made a bat with a list of echo calls, but I didn't see anything appear. However, when I changed it to execute java.exe on a GUI I made, the GUI appears as expected.

45. How to run java file from bat

46. what is the easyest way to run a .bat .com or .reg file from java?

long story : I useally use windowskey+R and type a command in and that brings up the program or folder i want. I was getting sick of having to go in the registry every time i wanted to add a command so i made a java program that pops up with a window that allows you to put a command and ...

47. Running java from a .bat file

48. Open Java program using bat file

Why? If the end point of this (the 'program feature') is to "Easily launch the application..", and it has a GUI, you might look to use [webstart|] to launch the app. instead. Webstart can not only arrange for a desktop shortcut, but also add a menu item to launch the app., splash screens, automatic update.. and webstart works on Windows, Mac ...

49. how to invoke the .bat(batch file ) from the java program

i want to run some commands when i run one java program. I wrote those dos commands on the batch file and i want to include the bat file in the java program so that i can execute the bat file when i run the java program. tell me the way that i can run my bat file inside the java ...

50. Automatically Set JAVA_HOME in a .bat File

I think what the OP wants is some way that the batch file can pick up a variable that exists in the registry, or as a System setting of some kind, that gets set when the new version of Java gets installed. That being the case, doing something like I suggested won't do it because the java pgm itself would need ...

51. How to call a .bat file from java code?

thanks for ur reply but still i am getting the same error. I am trying to run a .bat file of together tool, my code looks like below import java.lang.Runtime; import java.lang.Process; import; class SysCall{ public static void main(String args[]){ String cmd="D://Borland//Together6.2//bin//Together.bat -metrics out:D://MySamples//Metrics// -fmt:html D://Borland//Together6.2//samples//java//CashSales//CashSales.tpr"; //String path="D://Borland//Together6.2//bin//Together.bat "; Runtime r= Runtime.getRuntime(); //Declare the system call try{ System.out.println("Before batch ...

52. Run .bat file?

53. Call .bat file from java code

54. Setting the keys of .bat file using java

55. Regarding .bat files

hi all, my requirement is i want to run a batch file in java i have sennthe java docs and created a sample .bat file and executed using java it is running well and good now my problem is i want to install tomcat,mysql and editplus using this batch file in java what i did is i have called all the ...

56. Batch file (.bat)

57. how to invoke bat files using java program

58. Bat file calling problem?

59. How to run a .bat file with string arguments?

Hi, I have a problem in running a .bat file with string arguments - the file is XPathOverlap.bat with 2 stringarguments like: "/a" and "//a" - the cmd: c:\Downloads>XPathOverlap "//a" "/a" works fine. - here is my code: public static void test(){ try{ String loc1 = "//a"; String loc2 = "/a"; String[] cmdarray = {"c:\Downloads\XPathOverlap", loc1, loc2}; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdarray); ...

60. Need help on Rnn .Bat file

61. Bat file creation

62. Adding .bat file in a manifest file ??

If you didnt undestand wat i mean i will explain .. We are simply adding jpg file in manifest file and it smoothly working .. Then why is it not possible to add a bat file in a manifest file ... How i tried is in the above post, jar created successfully but it is showing that bat file is missing ...

63. How to call .bat file

hi ; i want to call a batch file in my java programe, i have tried it but i am gettin a error any one can help me ,, public class ExecutingBatfile { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Runtime rt= Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p=rt.exec("C:/DumpFile/Deliver.bat"); int exitValue=p.exitValue(); System.out.println( exitValue); //rt.exec("cmd start /c C:/DumpFile/Deliver.bat"); }catch(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Finished"); } ...

64. How to get the erroe message, if i run java program using .bat file

Hi, I have a java file which accepts two inputs as command line argument. I want to make this pgm a tool. So have created a *.bat file which has the following command java myprogram arg1 arg2 I'm gonna share this program with others. So i'll keep the class file and the .bat file in a commaon folder. All the users ...

65. Calling a Java Program from a .bat file

Hi can anybody let me know how to call a java program from a batch file. i have a folder structure like this wsclient--->src--> TestClient --> i have written this program and now i need to call this program when i click a batch file .bat Can anybody give me a idea as how this is to be done. any sample ...

66. Regarding .bat file

rem ***************************************************************** rem $Header: 26.6 2005/05/30 11:13:03 viksingh noship $ rem USAGE: rem 1) Workflow Schema User/Password@Database rem 2> "Workflow Schema User Password Database [protocol]" [charset] rem To disable output, use the jrew command instead of jre rem ***************************************************************** set WF_UN=owf_mgr set WF_PSD=oracle set WF_CHARSET= IF "%2" NEQ "" set WF_CHARSET=-DCHARSET=%2 set WF_CLASSPATH=;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\wf\java;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\lib\tools.jar;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\lib\dt.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\wf\java;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\wfjava.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\fndctx.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\wfapi.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\share.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\ewt3.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\ewt3-nls.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\swingall-1_1_1.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\orai18n-collation.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\orai18n-mapping.jar;C:\wrkng\Flow.jar;C:\wf_demo\internal.jar;C:\wf_demo\mailapi.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\ultrasearch\lib\agent\wkagent.jar;

67. Regarding .bat file

rem ***************************************************************** rem $Header: 26.6 2005/05/30 11:13:03 viksingh noship $ rem USAGE: rem 1) Workflow Schema User/Password@Database rem 2> "Workflow Schema User Password Database [protocol]" [charset] rem To disable output, use the jrew command instead of jre rem ***************************************************************** set WF_UN=owf_mgr set WF_PSD=oracle set WF_CHARSET= IF "%2" NEQ "" set WF_CHARSET=-DCHARSET=%2 set WF_CLASSPATH=;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\wf\java;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\lib\tools.jar;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\lib\dt.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\wf\java;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\wfjava.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\fndctx.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\wfapi.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\share.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\ewt3.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\ewt3-nls.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\swingall-1_1_1.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\orai18n-collation.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\jlib\orai18n-mapping.jar;C:\wrkng\Flow.jar;C:\wf_demo\internal.jar;C:\wf_demo\mailapi.jar;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\ultrasearch\lib\agent\wkagent.jar;

68. Running Java Program via bat file

Hi I have a bat file. I have compile the java files and the class files into the same folder. I am suppose to double click on the bat file and it is suppose to run (in the same manner as IDE) but it only appear the 1st line of the program. Whatever i type, it refuse to budge. What should ...

69. running .bat files from java code

71. How to run java file from bat

73. Java to run bat file and return results to java

Hi all, I have a bat file and i using java to run the bat file. and i need the results to return back to java. My bat file is just simply query the active directory and the return result is just textual, is it possible to print all these textual back into java. Anyone done before. My java code to ...

74. run bat file closing prompt ms-dos

Hello guys, I've a question for you. I've a java application and I want to run it from jar. I need to execute it from .bat file. My question is...when I run bat file ms-dos prompt is opened and it logs each operation that I execute on my application. I would like to close prompt ms-dos in background, without closing application. ...