gzip « Zip « Java I/O Q&A

1. Decompress a Gzip archive in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to decompress about 8000 files in gzip format in Java. My first try was to use GZIPInputStream but the performance was awful. Anyone know any alternative to decompress gzip archives? ...

2. GZIP compression did not work good for a data of 64K    stackoverflow.com

Hi I have created compressin and decompression technique using gZipinputstream in both c#.NET and java If I compress upto 15000 bytes in c#.NET then i can decompress it in java but if i ...

3. What are the different zlib compression methods and how do I force the default in Java's Deflater?    stackoverflow.com

I am using DeflaterOutputStream to compress data as a part of a proprietary archive file format. I'm then using jcraft zlib code to decompress that data on the other end. The ...

4. Is there a GZIP J2ME library?    stackoverflow.com

Is there a gzip compression library that will work on J2ME?

5. Multi-part gzip file random access (in Java)    stackoverflow.com

This may fall in the realm of "not really feasible" or "not really worth the effort" but here goes. I'm trying to randomly access records stored inside a multi-part gzip file. Specifically, ...

6. Are there benchmarks of Java LZO vs. Deflate vs. Gzip available?    stackoverflow.com

The (very outdated) page for LZO contains a link to a Java implementation. There is also the vague promise of "New ... Java ... interfaces ... sometime in ...

7. GZIPInputStream implementation for J2ME    stackoverflow.com

Are there any GZIPInputStream implementation for J2ME available. I would prefer an Apache Style License

8. How to process compressed data in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have some data which takes up more than 50MB in an uncompressed file, but compresses down to less than half a MB using gzip. Most of this is numerical data. ...

9. How do I get Java to use my multi-core processor?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using a GZIPInputStream in my program, and I know that the performance would be helped if I could get Java running my program in parallel. In general, is there a command-line ...

10. Compression in J2ME    stackoverflow.com

Are there any OSS compression libraries (gzip) available for J2ME?

11. Zip and Unzip the Folders and Files Using Java    stackoverflow.com

If My Application wants to zip the Resultant files(group of Files) using java in a dynamic way, what are the available options in Java? When i Browsed I have got java.util.zip package ...

12. Java Deflater strategies - DEFAULT_STRATEGY, FILTERED and HUFFMAN_ONLY    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to find a balance between performance and degree of compression when gzipping a Java webapp response. In looking at the Deflater class, I can set a level and a strategy. ...

13. Updating gzip library in jre    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to update gzip library that JRE uses? There is a bug in gzip library that is used by latest JRE, and it has been fixed in later version ...

14. GZIP Java vs .NET    stackoverflow.com

Using the following Java code to compress/decompress bytes[] to/from GZIP. First text bytes to gzip bytes:

public static byte[] fromByteToGByte(byte[] bytes) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;

15. String base64 decoded un-gziped from little-endian 4-byte int to java int    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to implement TMX files in Android and I was hoping someone could help. Based on the TMX guide, in order to get the GID's I have to ...

16. Decompress GZip string in Java    stackoverflow.com

I can find plenty of functions that let you decompress a GZip file, but how do I decompress a GZip string? I'm trying to parse a HTTP response where the response body ...

17. GZIPInputStream to String    stackoverflow.com

First of all, I'm sorry if my terminology is a bit amateur, try to bear with me ;) I am attempting to convert the gzipped body of a HTTP response to plaintext. ...

18. Java GZip an object and serialize it using MappedByteBuffer    stackoverflow.com

I'm serializing a large 3d array to disk.The original data is around 50MB and GZiped output is in Kb's size.But the operation takes around 5 sec's.I would like to optimize it ...

19. Working with Zip and GZip files in Java    stackoverflow.com

It's been a while since I've done Java I/O, and I'm not aware of the latest "right" ways to work with Zip and GZip files. I don't necessarily need a full ...

20. Writing game-file-storage with GZip support?    stackoverflow.com

    public static void loadModels() {
    try {
        DataInputStream indexFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("./cache/models.idx"));

21. How do i get a filename of a file inside a gzip in java?    stackoverflow.com

int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
    InputStream input = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream("a_gunzipped_file.gz"));
    OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("current_output_name");

22. Zip file all 24 hours    stackoverflow.com

I've got a problem with this method. It will be called each 24 hours (at 3 am) and should zip a file. The first time, it works correctly. at the second ...

23. GZIP does not accept fileStream    stackoverflow.com

String inFileName = testDoc.gz;

File inFile = new File(inFileName);
FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(inFile);
GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(fileStream);
When executing the above code in the the last line returns the error:
java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP ...

24. Creating gzip file using jzlib    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to create a gzip file using jzlib which is an open source. The JAVA GZIPOutputStream is a bit problemtic, the CPU got higher and never released. The problem with the ...

25. Is this a bug in the Java GZipInputStream class?    stackoverflow.com

I noticed that some of my gzip decoding code seemed to be failing to detect corrupted data. I think that I have traced the problem to the Java GZipInputStream class. ...

26. Fastest compression for serialzable files in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have a bunch of files (around 4000), each weighting 1-5K more or less, all created using the serialization mechanism of Java. I'd like to compress them and send them over a network ...

27. How to I find out the size of a GZIP section embedded in firmware?    stackoverflow.com

I am currently analyzing firmware images which contain many different sections, one of which is a GZIP section. I am able to know the location of the start of the GZIP ...

28. java: save string as gzip file    stackoverflow.com

I'm java beginner, I need something like this:

String2GzipFile (String file_content, String file_name)
String2GzipFile("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", "lorem.txt.gz")
I cant figure out how to do that.

29. java: decomprss files into string too slow    stackoverflow.com

Here is how I compressed the string into a file:

public static void compressRawText(File outFile, String src) {
    FileOutputStream fo = null;
    GZIPOutputStream gz = null;

30. java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format with class.getResourceAsStream()    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to load some GZIP-ed data from a resource in my .jar, but I get a java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format message. When I load the same data from a ...

31. Compressing and decompressing large size data in java?    stackoverflow.com

I need to compress/decompress different types of files that are contained in a Folder the size of that folder might be more than 10-11 GB. I used following code but this is ...

32. SBT java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format    stackoverflow.com

A Windows 7 Pro machine was shut down improperly. When the machine came back up, running 'sbt test' resulted in this error:

[error] {file:/C:/Jenkins/jobs/job1/workspace/}default-2990ce/copy-resources: Error wrapping InputStream in GZIPInputStream: java.io.IOException: Not in ...

33. Gets the uncompressed size of this GZIPInputStream?    stackoverflow.com

I have a GZIPInputStream that I constructed from another ByteArrayInputStream. I want to know the original (uncompressed) length for the gzip data. Although I can read to the end of the ...

34. Decompression of .net created gzip String in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm calling a web service that provides an XML response with multiple elements.One of the elements has a compressed response. Its a gzip archive. This gzip archiving is done using .Net. ...

35. java gzip can't keep original file's extension name    stackoverflow.com

I'm using GZIPOutputStream to gzip one xml file to gz file, but after zipping I find the extension name of the xml file (.xml) is missing in the gz file hierarchy. ...

36. Java - Parallelizing Gzip    stackoverflow.com

I was assigned to parallelize GZip in Java 7, and I am not sure which is possible. The assignment is:

  • Parallelize gzip using a given number of threads
  • Each thread takes a 1024 ...

37. GZipping from standard input to standard output in Java    stackoverflow.com

Preface: I'm a total Java noob...I just wrote Hello World yesterday. Have mercy on my noob self. I'm not sure how to read from standard input or output to ...

38. Java - Using Deflater to write to a GZIP file    stackoverflow.com

I am having trouble using Deflater to write a GZIP file. I created a default header and used CRC32 to keep track of the checksum. The file I am zipping is ...

39. How to output the results of deflater in GZIP format?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Java. I want to use the Deflater class to deflate some input, then I want to output it in GZIP format so it could be unzipped with GZIP. ...

40. gzip Compress XML-RPC Datagrams, How    coderanch.com

41. java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format    coderanch.com

Hi All I have a file which is in compressed form without any extension.(say A) My requirement is to rename it to A.gz and then extract it to a file and save it to B ,the data in which can be viewed using a WordPad. What I am doing is as follows:- 1)renaming it to A.gz 2)trying to extract this gz ...

42. Corrupt GZIP trailer    coderanch.com

Hello this seems to work fine for smaller files, ie 10 million or so, but when i try to create a 40+ million file i get that Corrup GZIP trailer! I've tried many combinations of .close, .finish, .flush ect, but for some reason, i quess it's not writing the last buffer of data! Thanks very much for an insights! [code] try ...

43. using gzip to compress results    coderanch.com

hi all , i'm new to input/output streams and i'm very stuck I'm using jdom to return a db recordset and format it as xml, like this ....... RecordsetToXML rsXML = new RecordsetToXML(rs, "root", "record"); // create the XML from recordset Document jDOMDoc = rsXML.build(); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(); outputter.output(jDOMDoc, writer); result = writer.toString(); ........ where result is the recordset ...

45. best way to compress in GZIP serialized objects in MEMORY    coderanch.com

Amer is right, actually. My experience with Jess's binary dump files is that GZIP can do about a factor of 5 on complex object graphs. But in any case, serializing to a compressed byte array just looks like ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream(), 10000))); oos.writeObject(myObject); oos.close(); [ May 06, 2008: Message edited by: Ernest Friedman-Hill ]

46. Access the entry such as entry filename in gzip file    coderanch.com

GZIP compression is very, very different from ZIP compression. Unlike ZIP, GZIP can only store one single file. The name of the file is usually the same as the GZIP file minus the .gz This is also why TAR is so popular in combination with GZIP - to pack multiple files (and folders) in one file that can then be GZIPPED. ...

47. Corrupt GZIP trailer    coderanch.com

I'm trying to convert a log file to a gzip file, and another application will unzip the file to a log file. I have attached my class that does so below. This is the error I get : ------------------------------ 1132 [Thread-0] INFO util.GZipUtil - in unzip func 1132 [Thread-0] INFO util.GZipUtil - input file name = 1098035357042.gzip 1132 [Thread-0] INFO util.GZipUtil ...

48. Order of close() statements GZIP    coderanch.com

Hello, When i have the files nested this way, is there an order that the close statements should be in? I keep getting a Corrupt GZIP trailer for some reason! Thanks much! GZIPInputStream in = null; GZIPOutputStream gz = null; PrintWriter outf = null; byte[] buf=new byte[4096]; try { gz = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(xml_file)); outf = new PrintWriter (gz); ...... } ...

49. "Corrupt GZIP Trailer"?    coderanch.com

I got "Corrupt GZIP trailer" exception message in my program. I'm not sure what this is. Could somebody please advice? The code is actually fine when I run it in my local machine (windows). It retrieves the data just fine. But when I run it in the server (linux), it gives me this exception. Thanks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GZIPInputStream gzip_in_stream = null; BufferedOutputStream ...

50. Recovery from corrupt GZIP file    coderanch.com

51. please help me to sove the GZIP exception    coderanch.com

Hi all, I want to login to the site. For that I am using httpunit. In that the code is as given below. The problem of this code is that it is giving the GZIP exception and also this exception is caused for this particular site only. Code is as below : import com.meterware.httpunit.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.PrintWriter; /** ...

52. java.io.IOException: Corrupt GZIP trailer    coderanch.com

Dear Ranchers, My code tries to unzip a folder read the file in it and display the contents of the file. But while doing it I get this error. I did google for this error and saw a post in this forums but nothing is directing me towards a solution. Here is the code snippet and the error String FilePath="path to ...

53. Help needed for "java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format"    java-forums.org

Hi Eranga, Thanks for your response on this. The file that I am using is a proper tar.gz file which has been downloaded from internet. The file is working fine. By using the WinRAR or any other extracting tool, the file gets extracted correctly and even the contents can be seen properly. There is something wrong with the "readHeader" of GZIPInputStream ...

54. Reading GZip File returns less lines than Uncompressed File?    forums.oracle.com

wc -l is just going to count the number of newline characters in the given file. A text file compressed by gzip is a binary file, so the idea of newlines in it is basically meaningless. It's perfectly possible that the binary compressed file happens to have more bytes that when interpreted as ASCII are identified as newlines than the uncompressed ...

55. Not in GZIP format exception    forums.oracle.com

56. GZIP file download help    forums.oracle.com

I actually did that part first without the 0, 1024 in there, and got the same results. I don't fully understand the 1024 buffer size in the first place, but I assume that's how large of a chunk of the file it's grabbing before writing it to the disk? Anyway, would that have anything to do with my corruption problem?

57. writing gzip file issue    forums.oracle.com

58. How to compress a datastream using gzip?    forums.oracle.com

59. How do i gzip an entire folder    forums.oracle.com

Hi All, I have a requirement where i need to create a gz file containing a complete folder hierarchy. That is, i have a folder which contains some other folders and some files. I want to create a gz file for the root folder along with its contents. can anyone suggest me a method how i can do this? Thanks and ...

61. GZIP part of a file    forums.oracle.com

I have a text file that I am currently using to export data from a database. This data has to be in a particular order and must be readable. I have this part working just fine, but now I have a requirement to place more data at the end of this text file from the same database. This new data will ...

62. GZip Version Problems    forums.oracle.com

63. Getting "IOException Not in Gzip format "    forums.oracle.com

64. GZIP    forums.oracle.com

tnx, i have this program that sends large files on the net and i have to chunk and compress it into pieces. after all the data have been sent and compiled to form a single file on the receiver's end, i have to decompress it as a whole file. when i tried it, i found out that the file is not ...

65. Not in GZIP format problem    forums.oracle.com

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip Other uses The Content-Encoding header in HTTP/1.1 allows clients to optionally receive compressed HTTP responses and (less commonly) to send compressed requests. The standard itself specifies two compression methods: gzip (RFC 1952; the content wrapped in a gzip stream) and deflate (RFC 1950; the content wrapped in a zlib-formatted stream). Compressed responses are supported by many HTTP client libraries, almost ...

66. File not in GZIP format    forums.oracle.com

Hello, i have already searched the forum but no one seems to give clear answers on why GZIPInputStream gzip = new GZIPInputStream(new (*any input stream)); throws an IOException: File not in GZIP format... can somebody please help me with a code sample. My program sends compressed files on the network and the receiving end decompresses it. But it doesnot work because ...

67. Java and corrupt gzip files    forums.oracle.com

68. Creating multi-volume archives (ZIP, GZIP) ...    forums.oracle.com

Hello, from time to time I need to archive huge amounts of data (a few gigabytes) and this requires to use multi-volume archives (each having 1 GB, for example). Is this possible using Java SE (1.6)? I've been using ZipOutputStream to create ZIP archives, but it does not support multi-volume archives afaik. Or do you know of some library usable for ...

69. GZip implementation slow    forums.oracle.com

70. Not in GZIP format    forums.oracle.com

71. Create GZIP compressed data using DeflaterInputStream?    forums.oracle.com

You are right -- I added this code for testing and just used the compression level that is the default for the gzip command. The documentation makes clear that values between 0 and 9 inclusive are allowed for this parameter. However, changing this to Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION did not change anything. What I really would like to know are two things: 1) is ...