error « Zip « Java I/O Q&A

1. error in opening zip file

Hi, in my application I have to read Zipfiles (plain textfiles, zipped with gzip). Reading/writing through GZIPInputStream and GZIPOutputStream works fine, but when I try to open the Zipfiles using, an exception is thrown: error in opening zip file I just invoked the constructor like that: new ZipFile(new File("myFile.txt.gz")) The Zipfile is valid, I can open it with WinZip. ...

2. UnZip error

Hello Everybody, i have a following code to unzip a zip file, but if i try to unzip with the command: java UnZip C:\ There is a error which throw : Extracting : c:\DA\ : c:\DA\ at UnZip.main if i try to open with winzip there is no error, besides that i try to open another ...

3. zip file error

4. error in opening zip file

hi guys i tried to load a properties file form classpath using classloader by using the following code import; class prop { public static void main(String as[]) { try{ ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); URI path= (classLoader.getResource("").toURI()); System.out.println( " path: " + path ); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("erro " +ex) ; } } } but i end up in error ...

5. Installation "Error 25099: Unzipping core files failed."

I recently uninstalled an old version of JRE and JDK, then attempted to install the current version of both. However, the installation failed with the error message "Error 25099. Unzipping core files failed." The help page for the message says it is caused by a failed uninstallation that leaves jqs.exe (Java Quick Start) running. But a check of Task Manager doesn't ...

6. Error while read zip file

I have zip file with size above 3GB and i have an method that will accept file name as argument and return the file from the zip as byte array ZipFile zip = new ZipFile("zipfilename");//Error ZipEntry entry = zip.getEntry(filename); System.out.println(entry); if (entry == null) { System.out.println("entry not found for file ---> " + filename); return null; } BufferedInputStream istream = new ...

7. Error during unzip ...

I am using Java API to unzip a file. The size of the file is 9mb and i am getting the below error. If i upload file of 4mb size, there is no issue in unzipping. But my requirement is 75mb. Since i started with 75mb and got error, i tried until the unzip process gets success. It was 4mb. Files ...

8. unzipping core files failed error 25099

I am trying to put java 6 update 14 back into my windows xp.It starts the install then stops at unzipping core files failed.Ive went to self help but what it says and whats on my computer are two different things.I can not get any version of java to load on my computer.So as of now i have no java working ...

9. Unzip error extra header info exceeds 256 bytes

I saw this as a bug on the site from Nov 2001 I had code compiled in WSAD5 under 1.3 and I recompiled the code in RAD7 under compiler compliance level 1.4. I am running on annie@testsrvr[/home/annie]>java -fullversion java full version "J2RE 1.4.2 IBM AIX build ca142-20080122 (SR10)" annie@testsrvr[/home/annie]>oslevel I am getting the error on unzip with certain files ...

10. error reading zip file in Java 6 error reading zip file at Method) at$1200( at$ at$1.fill( at at at com.XXXX.trent.installer.Installer.writeStreamToFile(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.Installer.installFile(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.PatchFileInstaller.installFile(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.PatchFileInstaller.installFiles(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.UpgradeInstaller$ Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.UpgradeInstaller.runActions(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.UpgradeInstaller.install(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.TrentInstall$SoftwareInstallStage.install(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.TrentInstall$UpgradeInstallWorker.install(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.installer.PatchInstall$InstallWorker.construct(Unknown Source) at com.XXXX.trent.utils.SwingWorker$ Source) at

11. Error in reading the contents of a zip file

12. unzip error

13. Error while extracting zip file

14. memory error:unzipping file

/* or condition and continuous loop it should work for or condition for loop 1. first it will search for record if found unzip else again search for record.. you may give sleep of 5 minutes 2.change the filepermission of unzipped file to 777 [read,write,execute] */ import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.Object; import java.text.*; import java.lang.*; public ...