delete « Zip « Java I/O Q&A

1. Delete a zip file after unzip in java

How to delete a zip file in java? file.delete method returns false. Why?

File file = new File("/mibook/"+mFilename+"/"+mZipname.toString());
boolean deleted = file.delete();
Rule "Directory should empty before deletion.." does it apply for zip ...

2. Delete temporary files created by acessing zip entries before the JVM terminates

I am working on a web application which envolves unzipping lots of files. This leads to a lot of zip entries being read and a lot of files being created in ...

3. Best way to delete a ZipEntry in a ZipFile

Hello, I'm attempting to create a set of methods that allow you to edit a ZipFile by adding ZipEntry objects and deleting ZipEntry objects. But the only way I can think of removing an entry is by opening a ZipInputStream to read the zip file and then writing the entries and lines of interest, while skipping the to-be-removed ZipEntry and its ...

4. How to delete a zipped folder

5. Deleting '.zip' file...

Thanks JosAH, I was unable to delete the file using the code stated earlier. So I tried it in some lengthy way . Bt it worked. After getting filename, I found I got it's Directory name using file.getParent(). Then I listed the files within it using listFiles(). & using counter I deleted files one by one. It's lengthy bt it works. ...

6. Not able to delete the file from the temp location after creating a zip file.

Sir Can any one tell me , looking at my code , what the problem is and the solution for it . I am running a sql select query , which brings me clob data and the record ID number. Each record is put into a file and all together i get around 200 files . All these files are placed ...

7. unzip issue: Could not delete the zip file after unzip it

I have issue with the following code, the purpose is to unzip first then delete the zip file. But I could not delete the zip file. When I put a break point before my delete() call, I manually delete it and get the file is used by another process. Please help. Here is my code; try{ File primeZip = new File(dir, ...

8. delete zip file

Im just speculating but Im guessing you still have some other object that is "holding" the zip file and making it "taken/buissy" sort of say(some streams or other things perhaps), which would persumably make it impossible for your program and other programs etc to delete it during that time. Try and make all references to the zip file => null after ...

9. delete an entry from a ZIP archive