ZipEntry « Zip « Java I/O Q&A

1. Change the root of a ZipEntry?

My project has a few xml templates that were modified and added to a zip file. The problem was that the templates were all in a template folder but the expected ...

2. ZipEntry Problem on WinNT and Win2000

I've been using the Zip classes in the standard JDK for several years and have had no problems with it. However, my use of it was limited to compressing files, setting the mod date on each file archived. Recently, I had need to make use of some of the additional data fields that can be set on a ZipEntry. (btw, i'm ...

3. zipEntry.getComment() returns null

Hello All. I have some troubles with zip files. When I compressing some files I add comment to each ZipEntry: ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(files[i]); zipEntry.setComment("Comment fo " + files[i]); zos.putNextEntry(zipEntry); But when I read archive back, zipEntry.getComment() returns null. I want to write some information about files format in comments, to parse files after extraction. Please help me. public static ...