jna « Windows « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java on Windows: how to delete a file to trash (using JNA)    stackoverflow.com

I'm not experiences with Windows API at all, so please excuse my ignorance. I want to delete files to the trash. How to do that using JNA and how to ...

2. Problem in accessing dll file from a Java program through JNA    stackoverflow.com

I have a dll file and I am trying to call functions of it through a Java program through JNA But the problem is It is not able to locate ...

3. Java Native Access in JDK 1.3    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to integrate JNA into JDK 1.3 application. JNA pages have following on this subject:

Supported on 1.4 or later JVMs (earlier VMs may work with stubbed NIO ...

4. Wrap C header file to use it with a dll and JNA(erator)    stackoverflow.com

I have a C header to a certain library I need to access. So I used JNAerator to do the boring transitions of code - after I read that people recommend ...