Property 3 « PropertyFile « Java I/O Q&A

1. Writing input properties file.

Hi, I am modifying the properties file using my java code. before username=interglobe password=5712175 apicode=14 countrycode=91 sendercli=56300 deliveryReportUrl=http://localhost:8080/SMSNotificationService/DiliveryReportServlet #deliveryReportUrl= individualMessageUrl=http://localhost:8080/SMSNotificationService/SendIndividualMessageServlet #buldMessageUrl= buldMessageUrl=http://localhost:8080/SMSNotificationService/SendBulkMessageServlet mstatus=Y birthdayTemplate=Dear Many Many Happy returns of the day... anniversaryTemplate=Dear Happy Anniversary... After #--- Last Modified on 06/18/2009 12:22:27 PM --- #Thu Jun 18 12:22:27 GMT+05:30 2009 countrycode=91 individualMessageUrl=http\://localhost\:8080/SMSNotificationService/SendIndividualMessageServlet birthdayTemplate=Dear I have changed the templete username=interglobe ...

2. Exception while accessing .properties file.

Hi, I amm stuck at one thing, I am trying to access .properties file through the simple java program which is standalone java program. FileReader fReader = new FileReader("/"); It gives me null pointer exception as resource is not found. 1) I know .properties file should be in classes folder, but is there no any alternative to do this?

3. Where is a good place to put application-wide properties files

This might be more of an ANT or deployment question, but I'll start here. If it belongs elsewhere, we can move the thread. I've been putting assorted .properties files in the WEB-INF/classes directory, and it works fine. But, I've checked in these files into SVN, and when a user does a checkout, they get the "standard" versions. And that may not ...

4. need help reading a properties file

Hi Friends, I might be posting this message in a wrong forum.I have a situation where there is a global variable in the java class files of my application.This global variable stores the path of a folder which is created on the file system: private static final String GENERAL_STORAGE_PATH = "D:\\Storage\\"; I need to remove the above hard coded folder path ...

5. How to edit a properties file in java

What does it mean exactly that you're "unable to edit the value of an existing key"? Does it mean you don't know how to do it? Or does it mean you tried something, and it didn't work? And if it didn't work, then did you get a compiler error or a runtime error, or did the program behave differently from what ...

6. Java property files best practices

I have to read the property file. Could suggest me the best way to handle the property file. My code is deployed on the server as a jar file. I have to totally avoid the hardcoding. Currently I am reading the properties using. Properties prop = readProperties("C:\\PPMCustomCode\\"); String endpoint = (String)prop.getProperty("ENDPOINT_URL"); It is not convincing & not a best way. I ...

7. Selecting a properties file in command line

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\bin\javac" C:\pw\ java -classpath NCClient I am trying to use the above command line, in a batch file, to run NCClient with the as a properties file. It is giving me the noclassdefound error. I've tried it a hundred different ways but it won't work. It compiles but then complains that it can't fine ANy help would ...

8. Updating a properties file

9. Updating Properties file

10. reading from a properties file

Hello, I am trying to read from a properties file: id=1 name=abc dept=xyz id=2 name=efg dept=asd id=3 name=gh dept=yu In my code, i will be passed one id value, I will have to read the properties file to get the id's corresponding name and value properties. Can any one tell me how i can write the java code to accomplish ...

12. Property files in java

13. Reading Windows directory path from .properties file.

I am trying to read a .properties file through java.util.Properties class. And I have to read a directory path (Windows) as one of the items in the properties file. So, if have log_dir=D:\log\today, in java I am getting this as - D:logtoday. I know putting D:\\log\\today is a workaround because of the escape character '\', but this property will be user ...

14. Problem with jsr80. Unable to connect to USB due to file unavailable

Hi everybody, I am Krishna, I want to connect to usb port using java on windows. For this I have downloaded the jsr80.jar. I downloaded some examples and written a Sample code. Every time I run the code I am getting an error "Properties file not found". I have this file with me. I tried to paste it in the ...

15. max line length for a .properties file

I use Spring and properties file. But I don't think this is a specific spring question so I choose to post it here --- what's the max line length allowed in a .properties file. I have a file. Some lines have about 220 characters. it works fine. Do you know if there is a max line length for such file ...

16. Variable in properties file.

pawan chopra wrote:In above case {0} represents the number of bags. I was just thinking if instead of 0 I can say {numberOfBags}. is it possible by any way? Is numberOfBags another property in the file? If so, you can definitely get this to work. Well, I could I won't give you my full class, but here are a ...

17. exe file to get the property of the files in a folder

yup finally i started something.......i created a program which got the name of all the files from the folder.....but how to get the properties of the files(basically all are dll files and want to read version, comments, description under version tab) and create a launcher of it is not done yet ... putting the code below please help me out.. /* ...

18. Constants vs Properties file

When you use constants you need to recompile your class, and probably every class that uses the constants as well because of inlining. With properties it's easier to change them since their values are not compiled into the classes but are only read at runtime. So if you expect your values to change, don't use constants.

19. Retrieve Properties of Files

20. save properties file without affecting existing comments.

A friendly place for programming greenhorns! Register / Login Java Forums Java Java in General save properties file without affecting existing comments. Post by: Krishnaa Kumar, Greenhorn on Jul 07, 2011 12:00:09 Hi, I have a properties file filled up with comments about the key value pair, followed by key value pair. If, i edit the some key values ...

21. Writing to .properties file

22. Html Tags in file

Hi All, I am using struts2 validation framework to validate a Registration Page for a web site. I want to show error message with anchor tag so as to point to the field that is empty on clicking the link. But i am not able to make the html parse when the tag is used. Please suggest a way to ...

23. Best way to open a properties file

Hi, Currently I am using the absolute path to open a properties file, shown as below: propertiesUtil = new PropertiesUtil("C:\\work\\NetBeansProjects\\MyProject\\Properties\\"); In my PropertiesUtil constructor, I use the following code to open the file: properties.load(new FileInputStream(filename)); I am not writing a single program. The above code is written in my application package. The problem of using this method is that, I have ...

24. Stax.Properties File

26. Reading a properties file

Here is the error I am getting: 05/10/2007 10:12:58 [http-9090-Processor24]:med.tas.commons.util.Settings.loadSettingsFile()2 26 Cannot load settings file constants.conf; bad path supplied or file does not exist C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\pp\workspace\Bar CodePrintingService\web\WEB-INF\classes\constants.conf (The system cannot find the path specified) But my file IS in the location that it mentions above. Why can it not find the path? Am running eclipse/tomcat. thanks

27. Reading properties file

29. Properties file not found

import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Properties; public class MySqlTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet result = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Authors"); while ( { System.out.print(result.getInt(1)); System.out.print(": "); System.out.println(result.getString(2)); } con.close(); } catch (Exception ex) ...

30. ResourceBundleViewResolver properties file

package practice; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction.MultiActionController; public class ProductController extends MultiActionController{ private List products; private Product createProduct(Long productId, String name, Date expirationDate) { Product product = new Product(); product.setId(productId); product.setName(name); product.setExpirationDate(expirationDate); return product; } public ProductController() { products = new ArrayList(); Date today = new Date(); products.add(createProduct(1L, "test", today)); products.add(createProduct(2L, "Pro ...

31. where we set path for properties file?

32. read a local properties file

Hi all, I have a new to Java. And I have a JBoss+Hbernate app. (should be allowed here ???) I need a configurable file. Can i create it in "jboss-service.xml" or a new properties file like: InputStream is = Client.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""); if (is != null) { Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(is); archivedPath[0] = prop.getProperty("ArchivedPath"); is.close(); } ? But eventually my hibernate ...

33. File Version from dll. file properties

34. how use properties file

36. How to read a .properties file

import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.MissingResourceException; public class PropertyRead { private final static String CLASSNAME = "PropertyRead"; private static String prop; /** * This method is responsible for fetching the value for the concerned * KEY attribute. * @param sKey : Name of key to be fetched. * @return String */ public static String getProperty(String sKey) { try { //property file name is ...

37. Properties file problem

39. Properties file question

I want to read all the properties in a properties file in one String and display them to the user. Of course I will play with that string later ?? Ah. Somewhat different from your initial question! Properties implements Map, so you can ask it for it's keySet, entrySet or values, depending on exactly what you want. If you're interested in ...

40. help in properties file

41. Can anyone help? file is not found?

Hello All I am trying to set up turbine, to manage database pooling in an application that I am building in Tomcat. "turbine-2.1b4.jar" has been placed within my tomcat lib directory, along with "velocity-1.2-dev.jar" I have created a file and required file I have placed the properties file within "Tomcat 4.1\webapps\MYAPP\WEB-INF" The, which tells turbine where the properties ...

42. properties file

HI I tried to run the following code. But it gave the error message that "Can't find bundle for base name MessageBundle, locale en_US" import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class MessageFormatDemo { static void displayMessage(Locale currentLocale) { System.out.println("currentLocale = " + currentLocale.toString()); System.out.println(); ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessageBundle",currentLocale); Object[] messageArguments = { messages.getString("planet"), new Integer(7), new Date() }; MessageFormat formatter = new ...

43. Adding data in .properties file during runtime?

ok, so, i have a properties file that contains unlimited number of IP addresses: 1= 2=... . . . n what i want to do here is to display the data from that file (using a jsp page) and at the same time let the end-user add, edit or delete the contents inside the property file. could that be possible? ...

44. about arguments in properties files

46. how to read a properties file

Either format it properly--I think a \ before the space will work--or write your own method to use in place of Properties.load. (Or, I suppose, you could inject your own InputStram that translates the lines on the fly to include the \, but that would probably be more trouble than it's worth.)

47. Java properties file

Eddie404 wrote: I am using trying to write data to a java properties file , by using the setProperty method and somehow the order of the data is not by the order of inserting it ,Is there a way to use the setProperty method and still keep the order of data in the file after storing it. It shouldn't matter what ...

48. New to .properties file?

I am new to the .properties file concept. Can someone provide me some knowledge or some good link regarding the same as I have already visited some pages but, not to much avail. My questions are mainly: how to save/compile a property file? (I have seen how to write it but, not sure how to save it or where to save ...

49. properties file

Hi , I am working on some EJB project using RAD7.5 . I have a properties file which i need to externalize from the build . I mean if i change some thing in properties file i dont want to compile and make a .ear file . I am using RAD 7.5 and WS server 7.0. Thanks in adv pk

50. .properties file

It will be trying to find your file in the current working directory, which is not the correct location. You can include the full path to your props file or work out where your props file is in relation to your working directory. You can get the working directory from the System.getProperty() method.

51. where to include the file?

Hi, We have a code that needs to be run. I have used the netbeans to do it. I understand that netbeans has its own environment variables that makes the application independent. The code works in netbeans but when i try to run it in the command line, this appears: "jpos/res/ not found" As i had traced it, the directory(where ...

52. file

53. properties File and UTF-8 characters

54. Quoting in java properties files

55. Error reading properties file upon deployment

56. File Properties

paulcw wrote: That's a bad practice. The less code you have lying around, the easier it becomes to maintain. Write the code that does the new thing you're implementing; don't write code that does the same thing as existing code. Firstly I write code because I enjoy the challenge of creating something new. Secondly if I don't do that (Practice) I ...

57. properties file not found

What is the absolute path of your servlet container? I forgot what the command is. Might be getServletPath() What is the absolute path of your properties file? I believe the path starts at where your servlet container is running (home). So if your container is running in a home something like /usr/mycontainer, thats where your properties file needs to reside or ...

58. application to edit properties file

All, any ideas on what framework or library to use to build an app that will edit a properties file. details: I have a prop file: QUERY=accountnumber,lastname,dob CRMFIELDS=AccountNumber,LastName,DOB TYPES=String,String,Date So, each item in each list is paired up. accountnumber=AccountNumber=String, etc.... I am looking to build a drag and drop app to be able to move the items around at will, ...

59. need example of properties file use

60. Properties file

Well, remember the Applet is running on the client machine, not the server, and so can't access stuff unless it's served by the web server as a document. everything the Applet needs it must obtain through http, and from the server that the Applet's code is on. Of course you could install a Servlet on your server which could provide the ...

61. Default Properties file for English locale

Hi, ResourceBundle class searches for a property file with en_US for English locale. I have file under the WEB-INF location. The browser locale is in English and my system locale is in Chinese, I am trying to fetch the properties file using the getBundle() method of ResourceBundle class. I am passing three arguments to getBundle(BundleName, new Locale(language,country), facescontext.getClass().getClassLoader()) method. But ...

62. properties file

63. Properties Files

Hi, First up thanks for helping out, I really appreciate it. Is there a way to change that or should I simply add the file to the Classpath? The config file at present sits in c:\Temp\ESFGFL\servicelayer\config\ with the code in the servicelayer directory. My classpath is set as .;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\javamail-1.4.2\mail.jar What do I need to change here? Ultimately te code ...

64. Properties files - multimapping?

Many things are possible, the question is "does it make sense?". If you can unambiguously represent these multiple values as a single entry in a property file or if you can build some kind of string to represent these multiple values then you can make it work. But perhaps it's time for a Map of Lists or something. It really depends ...

65. Very strange behaviour of properties file

Hello! I'm programming some applet and wanted to use properties files for i18n, but even when I spent more than an hour searching and debugging, I haven't found the bug yet. I use Netbeans 6.5 as an IDE and OpenJDK plugin in Firefox. The problem is that the properties file isn't somehow read properly. My first though was that it has ...

67. Nitpicking about .properties file syntax

Both; also the same thing with : instead of =, or without either. See the Javadoc for java.util.Properties.load(): 'Any white space after the key is skipped; if the first non-white space character after the key is '=' or ':', then it is ignored and any white space characters after it are also skipped. '

68. Java Properties File - Making Certain Entries Required

The reason for this is that some of the setting in my application that I am working on are critical to the application running at all, and instead of writing if then statements to see if has been set, I can just have Java throw an exception if i isn't set.. That would make life a lot easier for me! Can ...

70. Writing/Reading properties file.

You don't generally write properties files back to a jar file. For one thing, the virtual machine may load the entire jar file into memory when the program is loaded, so then writing back to the jar file would leave the jar file out of sync with the copy loaded into the virtual machine. If you really feel you must do ...

71. how to use properties file

1. I am using ant as build tool. 2. My properties file is for database configuration My properties file is:: (inside myProject/properties) JDBCConnectionURL=jdbc:mysql://pmdbmysql:3306/bandwidthshaper?user=admin&password=admin My java package structure is WEB-INF/src/java WEB-INF/src/classes For build WEB-INF is the base directory and build.xml is inside the src directory In my build.xml i wrote the following lines for compilation::

72. Maintaining order of properties in a properties file

That's the point he was trying to make. Read the .properties file into a Properties object. Then test that that Properties.equals(your manually constructed Properties). Properties implements Map, and Map's equals contract says that the two Maps have to contain the same keys and values. It says nothing about order, since maps aren't ordered. You could even construct a HashMap or TreeMap ...

74. Reading properties file in Webspehere

Hi All, I am using a web application which uses a prperties file containing JNDI url (DB userID and password also ). This properties file is not packaged inside the war and kept in a folder named config. I have worked on App servers like Resin and Tomcat, I usually place the config folder in the server root, lets say Tomcat\config ...

75. Links in properties file

76. Reading from Properties Files using relative path

Hey Guys, I am Using BEA WEblogic Workshops SP2 to build a J2ee application. In one of the codes, I have to load a properties object using a particulare properties file. TYhis works fine when i give the local path of that properties file . Thats is if i load the properties object with a file located at C:\..\...\.. It works ...

77. Properties file

78. arguments to a properties file

I have a file, to which I should pass the name as an argument... the properties file looks similar to this message = hi ${0} , This is a test mail. the name is dynamic and is passed when the properties file is loaded. I'm loading it using ResourceBundle. I'm unsure how to pass the name as the argument and ...

79. Order in properties files

I got a problem with the order of properties file. I have gone through the thread below. My Issue is : I have a flat file, which i need to process according to one properties file. In order to process the flat file , order of properties file entry is extremly important. For example: flat file contains: peter1234tyny properties file ...

80. File Properties

Is there a way in Java to read the Summary part of the file that we can see by right clicking on a file in Windows and clicking on the Summary tab? The File class does not seem to offer that functionality. The Properties class tells us the System Properties. Can someone point me in the right direction with this? Thanks ...

81. Reading the properties file from Simple Java Application

Hi, I am trying to read the properties file using simple java application I have got the following directory structure. MyProject src ---> file src---> Code from which i am trying to access the file. public class SimpleTopicPublisher { ... ... public static void main(String[] args) { ... ... Properties props = new Properties(); props.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""); System.out.println("getting the properties ...

82. properties file changes

Hi, I have a war file in which a java class is fetching a value from a .properties file. I am made a few changes in the properties file, stopped the server, redeployed this war and the started the server. The application is not reflecting the changes that I have made. Is there any other change that I need to make? ...

84. Making properties files available

86. application setting - properties files, user settings - Preferences API

HI! I have 2 rules: 1. All application settings (e.g. debug level, path to resources - icons, images, path to localization resources) I store in properties files.In other words all information that user CAN NOT change I store use a properties files. 2. All user settings (e.g. language, skin and so on) I store with Preferences API. In other words all ...

88. property files

i have created a java file,in that i have ""file in the property file i have created database connection.. so that am gonna call tat file in my once i set key and value for properties file it will be in non-understandable format...after that is the property file still can be accessible in my jsps since i have database connection ...

89. Properties Files during the build process.

Hi everyone, I have a question about files inside the src directory and how they relate to files in the /WEB-INF/classess directory. From what I've read, eclipse copies the files inside "src" into "WEB-INF/classes" when building a project. Inside my "src" folder I have a few properties files for my application, let's call them, and When I build ...

90. About using the properties file

93. setProperty is not saving to .properties file

94. getProperty problem from properties file

95. How to edit *.properties file?

Yes I did. Sorry I should mention it. I would not like to use Preferences due to the fact that this way user's settings are not portable. Yeah, I know that I can export it to the XML file, but with settings stored in file and accessed thought Properties API user can easily move the entire application to other disk or ...

96. File Properties

Meaning, there is no way in java to know that status of a file, is that what you trying to emphasize? Btw, actually the third party software does the writing of a file. my web application will read the file but before I read it I need to check first if the third party software finished writing the file. Do you ...

97. passing properties file to java

98. Help required in reading properties file

Hi, I have in one of my package say, aaa/bbb/ccc/ I need to read this from a Java main class located in another package aaa/bbb/ddd/ This is read to get the version details of the war file that is created by running in the command prompt. is formed inside a jar file which is available in the war file. ...

99. Query on preparing properties file(s) for multi languages

I am working in JAVA Web technology project (Its very simple MVC pattern), Now I am developing code for Multilanguage captions displaying to end-user by using of properties file. Logic for pick the specified property file and displaying is completed. I want language translator to ASCII or UTF-8 format for preparing multi language properties file(s). Please help me on this. Its ...

100. how to append bean property to a file

hi. i am appending values to a file. it works fine when i only append string values but problem occurs when i get dynamic data. i get the dynamic data using bean property. here is the code: <% String path = "C:/fop_jdk1.4/fop-0.94/build/cocafReport.xml"; // put the context of the file into StringBuffer so you can append and // just write out once. ...