write 3 « Operation « Java I/O Q&A

1. Writing a File and Request Dispatcher Forward    coderanch.com

I am trying to write a file to a directory after executing an XSLT transform like so: transformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(new File("\\html\\article.html"))); I have written files before from within a Web App to a directory int a Web App in the same manner outside of the transform method and it works without a problem. For some reason the file is not being ...

2. howto continue write file    coderanch.com

hi, i have following code which function as file writer, my problem is how to i continue write the file which is already exist ? public void navBarContentGen(String content) { try{ PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(path + "\\"+ navbarindex ))); out.println(content); out.close(); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } public void navBarLayout1() { for(int i=0; i<4 ; i++) { ...

3. writing data into a file only some part    coderanch.com

Hello Friends , I have to modify my client property file every time i.e. i need to overwrite some part of my property file how can do that i have dome like this but not working Here i have to modify NotificationServer part only when i login into the system.pls help me out HashMap versionUpdates=secReqObject.getVersionInfo(); //here versionUpdate is the Server peroperty ...

4. write a int to a file    coderanch.com

public class test{ static int r; public static void main(String[] avi){ Random generator = new Random(); r = generator.nextInt(); File file = new File("Status.log"); try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file,true)); out.write(r); out.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } This is my code...r is a random integer... ...

5. Does this help prevent writing to a common file at the same time ?    coderanch.com

Suppose we have a file "WriteToLog.java" which is commonly called by many other applications at run time and mostprobably those applications call this file simultaneously often. In this "WriteToLog.java", it has a method as follows -- public void writeLog() { // open a log file "log" // write to "log" file } Since all the applications will call WriteLog.java at the ...

6. Singleton and writing to a common file    coderanch.com

This is a follow-up to my previous post about "thread safe and writing to a common file". I changed the code to include singleton. Here is sample public class LogWriter { private static LogWriter lw = new LogWriter(); private LogWriter() {} public static synchronized LogWriter getLogWriter() { if(lw == null) lw = new LogWriter(); return lw; } private synchronized writeLog() { ...

7. Writing and reading from a file.    coderanch.com

Do you mean 7 bit ASCII? Never heard of 8 bit. If you are using the current version of Java, PrintWriter has some new convenience constructors, one, for example, takes a file and a charset name and constructs the BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter and FileOutputStream for you. In the other direction, you still have line up your ducks in a row, but check ...

8. Writing to flat file    coderanch.com

Let me be little more clear. I do know the classes to use for writing to a flat file. I am looking for help more on the how to deploy the class on web server. We are using apache web server. I am not sure where to deploy the class file and how to send the data to this file from ...

9. Writing to a File    coderanch.com

Hello there! I posted this code a few days ago, but I really shouldnt have at the time because it was not near complete. But, I have made a lot changes and added a few things to the application. So now basically I am just wondering if someone could just let me know if I am on the right track with ...

10. Writing to a file    coderanch.com

11. writing to files    coderanch.com

i want to write a userinput to a file ... i am currently trying to do that by ... class CreateAccount { String playname; //String directory = "/Plist/"; String directory = "/home/students/barrettchris/"; String mainEnd = "_main.dat"; String itemEnd = "_item.dat"; String statsEnd = "_stats.dat"; String passEnd = "_pass.dat"; String accountname; String userinput = "_user.dat"; String AccountName; FileOutput accountfile; int playlvl; String ...

12. Problem with file and writing UTF-8 information into file    coderanch.com

Hi Thank you for reading my post I have a problem with reading some UTF-8 information from a file and writing it as UTF-8 into another file. imagine , i have a file that contains some utf-8 text ,(i can read them in windows using notepad/wordpad) Now i want to write a java application to split the file into some more ...

13. Write a log-file parser    coderanch.com

Hi guys, This is my first post to this forum. I have a task of creating a Log-Analyser, which parses log files, these log files are created by our own application so they are not standard log files. To get an overview of a parser type application, I want to take a look at some examples, e.g. some log file parsers ...

14. Reading / writing to a file    coderanch.com

Hi, I want to read data from a file and store data to it. If my app is effectively an axis web service, how can I access my file? With new File(String relativePath) ? Can I read a file in a jar? Write to a file in a jar? What if I want to read/write to a file on the classpath ...

15. What's the best way to write to a file.    coderanch.com

Hiya folks, Well i was wondering what would be the best way to write out to a text file. I tried the DataOutputStream and the writeUTF() method( Since none of the other methods are working) But i keep getting two unwanted bites at the beggining of the file. I want the file to be 100% accurate. Got any tips. Why won't ...

16. writing to Temp files    coderanch.com

Hi, I've some data coming in the request of a servlet from Flex front end. I've to write code to create a temp folder in my application context and save that data from request to temporary file in this temp folder. Can anybody guide me on how do i create file names from java code.

17. File System Write    coderanch.com

Hello folks, I am writing an application in which I need to write into a file some information like: Master file Account number Name Balance 100 Alan Jones 348.17 300 Mary Smith 27.19 500 Sam Sharp 0.00 One row for each record, again when an user require to access his accounts he may enter his account number and the related records ...

18. String, read and write file problem...    coderanch.com

Ok here is my text file. Animal; Light; Width; Height; Size // line 1 dog; lamp; 10; 20; 15 // line 2 here is my code: public class Model { private String animal; private String light; private int width; private int height; private int size; public static int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 0; public static int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 0; public static int DEFAULT_SIZE ...

19. Problem with File Being Written    coderanch.com

20. writing ImageIcon object ro file system    coderanch.com

Use ImageIO to read and write images from files. Now the problem is, ImageIcon's getImage() method returns an Image and not an RenderedImage, so you have to make sure you'll get a RenderedImage: Image image = imageIcon.getImage(); RenderedImage rendered = null; if (image instanceof RenderedImage) { rendered = (RenderedImage)image; } else { BufferedImage buffered = new BufferedImage( imageIcon.getIconWidth(), imageIcon.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ); ...

21. Synchronous write to same file using different file pointers    coderanch.com

Hi ranchers, i have written a piece of code like the following: public void writeStuff(byte[] stuff, long location) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("file.txt", "rw"); try { raf.seek(location); raf.write(stuff); } finally { raf.close(); } } This function is being called by multiple threads. Let's assume it can be guaranteed by the choice of value for location and the length ...

23. trying to read from a file and write to a file..but..    coderanch.com

import java.io.*; public class Copy { public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException { File inputFile = new File("C:/one.txt"); File outputFile = new File("C:/two.txt"); if ((!inputFile.exists()) && (!outputFile.exists())) { System.out.println("yes"); inputFile.createNewFile(); outputFile.createNewFile(); } int c; int count = 0; FileReader in = null; FileWriter out = null; in = new FileReader(inputFile); out = new FileWriter(outputFile); while((c=in.read())!= -1){ System.out.print(c + ...

24. Writing to a file    coderanch.com

My requirement is that I should be able to write into a file, using App1, and read from the same file using App2. I have used the same procedure that you have , Mindy, but my problem is that if my text has tab spaces ('/t'), then while reading the file, it diplays junk, where it should display tab spaces . ...

25. Writing to file...    coderanch.com

Well, hrrm... I thought about it. But then I figured that it is a basic thing to write output to a file, so I thought that you could have a go at it. Nobody has told me the 'perfect' way of doing this, and I wonder if there is one. Is there? And secondly, before I knew it, my fingers had ...

26. File Read & Writing    coderanch.com

27. writing to a file    coderanch.com

28. Maulin, problem with file write    coderanch.com

Hey Maulin. That info you gave me before worked great. It's amazing that my code was so close, but it didn't work. Well you know what they say, its not the elephants that kill you...its the ants. Anyway, same program, same code from before, now I just want to write out the students names. I thought I could tackle this one ...

29. File writing    coderanch.com

the code below rewrites the file each time, can i make it to append each time i run instead of overwriting. FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("Rule.xml"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); String lineEnd = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //write rule into file as xml strings bw.write("" + lineEnd); bw.write("" + lineEnd); bw.write("" + lineEnd); bw.write("

30. writing to file - HELP!!!    coderanch.com

I am trying to write some results from my program to a file - I think this should be fairly straightforward especially since there is quite a lot of information to do that. My problem is with respect to the way I need the results to be written to the file. For instance, the results I want displaying are in an ...

31. help with writing file to new location    coderanch.com

The code right now will read in a file so that I can see the text, what I need to do and don't know how is take that text and replace it with other text along with adding txt. Then save it to a different location with a differnt name. Can anyone help me out please. Thank you in advance import ...

32. Help need in reading and writing to a file    coderanch.com

Welcome to JavaRanch, Rashid! Many folks 'round here will be glad to offer advice, hints and nudges in the right direction towards you're better learning Java programming. What have you got so far? Is something particular not clear to you? Are you getting any error messages at compile time or at run time? What are they? When posting code, please be ...

33. writing to a file    coderanch.com

34. Writing to a file...Please help...    coderanch.com

Ok you guys...I tried to do something different...I can read files great like this...but now I am trying to write to a file... Here's what I have so far... BUT I'm no where near done...I still need to ask a user if he wants to read from a file or write to one..duhhhhhhhhhhhh I have no idea what I'm doing. Any ...

35. Writing a file    coderanch.com

My problem is i want to write a file with file name as ejb-jar.xml.when i click save button in my program, the follwoing content Session Bean ActSchedule ActualScheduling FRP.masters.bean.actschedule.ActScheduleHome FRP.masters.bean.actschedule.ActScheduleRemote FRP.masters.bean.actschedule.ActScheduleBean Stateless Container jdbc/ClientDB javax.sql.DataSource Container ActualScheduling * ...

36. Help with writing a client file    coderanch.com

I really don't have a good clue on how to make them communicate well and talk back and fourth. This is what i have for my client so far import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { int port = 7000; try { ServerSocket ss = new ...

37. writing data to local file...while loop    coderanch.com

Hi, this is my first post here. I've enjoyed reading back into the archives and have gotten a lot of helpful info. I'm in the fourth week of an online jave course. I havent done anything with my computer previously other than run software and check email. I am having a lot of fun and sleepless nights with Java so far. ...

38. Writing String Data to a File    coderanch.com

The string data is thousands of characters in length. However, all that is being written to the file is the following: It's actually XML data. Here's an excerpt of the input string ...

39. writing String data to a file    coderanch.com

40. Wrapping my head around writing to files    coderanch.com

All, I am having trouble wrapping my head around how you go about writing/appending info to a file. Am not having a whole lot of luck finding a good example to pull apart on the web. What I am able to find basically creates a file and types "Hello World". I need something just a bit beyond that. Ultimately I have ...

41. Writing a file    coderanch.com

Hello. I'm having trouble to write a file the way I want. I want a .txt file to be written by a program in exactly this way: 1001 HP7 23 100 200 ...but my program records this onto the file. HP7 d This is the code of my method public void Read()throws IOException { System.out.print("\n\nBook code\n> "); raf.readLine(); System.out.print("\n\nBook title\n> ...

42. Write objects to a File    coderanch.com

Hi All, I have a class Person that has name, country and dob attributes. Assume there are 5 such objects. I am sorting them by their dob. I can print the 5 objects (sorted by their dob) on the console. Now I want to write the output to a txt file. I tried using BufferedWriter and FileWriter. But only the fifth ...

43. written file is read-only    coderanch.com

Hi i have a an application that reads an excel file, and then adds some more info into it. it's all working nice on windows, but when i try opening it on a unix based system, it says that the file is 'Read Only' . like it's still in use ... is there a need to perform some action on the ...

44. problem writing to and reading from file    coderanch.com

Hi all, I hope someone can help me, and that this is the correct place to post this. Im trying to create an array of objects and write them to a file. The objects go into the array just fine. When I go to write to the file; however, the only thing I get is gibberish. So when I attempt to ...

45. iteration and writing to a file    coderanch.com

46. Writing to a file in Java..?    coderanch.com

Dear Members, I have to write some data of size 1GB to a file using bufferedReader and StringBuffer. As my file size is huge stringBuffer is not supporting throws out of memory exception. // the input is streamed into a pipe line inputStream = runtimeProcess.getInputStream(); bufferReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); char[] charBuffer = new char[BUFFER]; while ((count = bufferReader.read(charBuffer, 0, BUFFER)) ...

47. Japanese character not read or written correctly    coderanch.com

My program reads lines from a text file with the method BufferedReader.readLine() and writes to another text file using BufferedWriter.write(). It works without any problems, usually, but when it encountered a certain Japanese character, I got some unexpected results. There was no problem with any other Japanese characters in the file; only this one character caused a problem. (By "problem", I ...

48. Reading & Writing Records in java.IO    coderanch.com

Hello everyone, I need to store session keys of type java.security.Key in a permanent storage. I was hoping to store them in binary files. but the problem is that I can only read/write primitive types and byte[]. I was able to get the byte[] of the key using key.getEncoded(); but how can I read this byte[] into java.security.Key which is an ...

49. Write a file at client's machine.    coderanch.com

50. Help writing data to a file    coderanch.com

I want to add data to an already existing file, and I just want to add the data to the end of the list in a text file. I've written this but it creates a new file each time and wipes out all the old data. public void addCity() { Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(System.in); try { PrintStream out = new ...

51. want to write file at specified location    coderanch.com

hi all, I am able to generate a pdf file with some text. however i want to save this file at some specified location like " D:/new files/mypdf.pdf" so that all my pdfs generated can be saved at D:/new files but when i am trying to do this, it gives me error in reading the file. Can you suggest?

52. writing file    coderanch.com

53. writing to a file at a particular place    coderanch.com

54. code to write the command line arguments into a file    coderanch.com

i apologize for the previous post problem here is i am getting only the last argument into the file (i think others are getting overwritten please anybody tell me how to avoid that overwriting ) meaning example :" hello world everyone" is the command line argumants i want all the " hello world everyone" to be present in the file . ...

56. Help! Need to write out a amount after string has certain values in it. Must add and read file.    coderanch.com

Trying to locate a String that starts with 070 positions (0,3) Then has **H1H** on line (8,14) Then I want to have a variable Justin to write the Amount in positions (50,59) Currently it only reads one line (doesn't loop thru) I know this is a simple thing I am missing. I have looked a split, loops, tokenizer don't know what ...

57. Writing to a specified location in a file    coderanch.com

Hi , How to write the contents to a file in a particular position .. example :- in a file from 0-15chars need to write the emp id and from 16-28 job description and so on.. in the above example from 0-15 its the emp id so if the emp id is of only 2 chars then the remaining chars should ...

58. writing into a file    coderanch.com

59. Reading and Writing from Excel Spreadsheet    coderanch.com

I agree but I can't download or copy any code on my office machines . Through JDBC connection I was even able to read and write the data . But while writing , it was writing only one column. So I thought of checking it in I/O section if there is a way .

60. Problem in writing any double in a file    coderanch.com

61. Trouble writing to a file.    coderanch.com

I'm trying to get a program to scan web pages and it sort of works. As is reads the source it makes decisions based on what it finds, and writes to the disk. However it will only write so much then stop. My code is made to show what is being written as it being written. Though my program shows the ...

62. Help with writing to a file!    coderanch.com

For whatever reason my printwriter does not write to the file that is created, can someone help me? import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; public class Lab8 { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter input file name: "); String input = keyboard.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter output file name: "); String output = keyboard.nextLine(); File input0 = new ...

63. how to write printstacktrace() to a file    coderanch.com

Can anybody suggest me how to write the stack trace of the exception raised, to a file. i am able to write the message etc. like e.getmessage(); but e.printstacktrace() is returning void but i am able to find that in the console, so the same console i wanted to write to a file, instead.

64. Writing a sum to a file    coderanch.com

I'm trying to make a shopping list, i've succeded to create a file, print out every objects name and price into my file. But the thing im working with now is to write the sum of the prices at the bottom of the shopping list. How can i reach and add all of the prices of all objects to a string? ...

65. Strange characters on writing a file    coderanch.com

Hi I am writing a file using RandomAccessFile. On opening the file in notepad I am seeing strange characters written. Please help. initial content of file: 000000000000 Ater executing the following code. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ File f = new File("c:\\raf.txt"); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f,"rw"); int i=0; raf.seek(8); raf.writeUTF("hi"); raf.close(); } Final content of file: 0000000000 what ...

66. Problems while trying to write arabic letters to a file    coderanch.com

Hi Anyone, I have installed Arabic language in Windows XP using i386 service pack. And I tried to write one arbic String(hardcoded in a String variable) to one text file using Java program.I used one arabic font named arialuni.ttf. But the problem is, the input arabic string and output arabic string are looks different in each characters. I hope the arabic ...

67. Reading and Writing from Large File, OutOfMemory    coderanch.com

Reading and Writing from Large File, OutOfMemory (Java in General forum at JavaRanch) A friendly place for programming greenhorns! Register / Login Java Forums Java Java in General Reading and Writing from Large File, OutOfMemory Post by: Anant Jagania, Ranch Hand on Mar 24, 2010 01:58:31 Hi All, I have a directory which contains large files ~1GB to ~5GB. ...

68. read and write file in parts    coderanch.com

I am reading one image convert it to Base64 format and writing that converted image into one txt file, but the code is not working properly, My code is public void readFile() { try { byte[] byteArray = new byte[102400]; fstream = new FileInputStream(readFile); int bytesRead = 0; while((bytesRead = fstream.read(byteArray)) != -1) { str = new String(byteArray,0,bytesRead); base64String = Base64.encode(byteArray); ...

69. Why is my string still writing data to my file that i've asked it not to?    coderanch.com

Basically i have a program to read in the contents of a folder and capture instances of a substring stored between two strings. I want the instances of the substring called "resourceline" to be stored within an array and then sorted and printed into a new document. However i only want the instances to be stored IF they dont already exist ...

70. Need to write java code for encryption and decryption of a file.    coderanch.com

I need to write a java code for encrytpion and decryption of a file. I need to encrypt a file using some predefined key and need to decrypt the same using that key. Can someone guide me how can i do that or share the sample code for the same. It is like read a file encrtpt the content using predefined ...

71. Need to read and write data from file.    coderanch.com

I need to read a data from a file and after making modifications in the data i want to write it back in the same file. I have read the data and stored it in some temporary structure now after making modification now i want to write it back into the same file. Can someone let me know how can i ...

72. Writing the file to a webserver    coderanch.com

It may be possible with the PUT method, but most of the time PUT and DELETE are not allowed. What you could do is write a little page with an element that allows users to POST a file. Your server code (JSP, servlet, PHP) must then take the uploaded file and move it to your img folder.

73. write to f file    coderanch.com

74. Writing a content in excel in incremental way    coderanch.com

Hi friends i am facing one issue while writing the content in an excel sheet incrementally.When i try to add the next content in an existing excel sheet. I loose the previous one.Can any one help me to resolve this.Here is the code for this. I have created two java classes 1.ReadXLSheet -->to read the file 2.Create--> to write the content ...

75. Can't write to file    coderanch.com

The code below compiles ok but when i run it nothing happens - i want to be able to write whatever i type (system.in) to a file called fromkeyboard. Any thoughts on why this is would be appreciated import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class TestProperties{ static String s; public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException{ File myFile = new File("fromkeyboard.txt"); ...

76. problem with writing file , please help    coderanch.com

77. Write file under /WEB-INF    coderanch.com

78. Writing to files question    coderanch.com

Okay, I have 4 files... I really don't know how to do this, I've been reading over my book "Blue Pelican Java", on the section for appending but it doesn't make sense to me, or at least I can't think of how to apply in the way I want. I really only need 2 examples, one for the actNum situation, and ...

79. Maintaining File Size while writing    coderanch.com

Hello I am writing my data contained in POJO to a file. I want to make sure the file does not exceeds to a fixed size e.g. 1MB. Say I have list of 50 Objects of Person type each objects size may vary due to string attributes length. While writing these objects I want to make sure my file size does ...

81. Writing from variables into a file    coderanch.com

Hello people, I m working on this code. public void makelinkfile() { // Compile link matching pattern. Pattern p = Pattern.compile("]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(pagecontents); // Create list of link matches. try { File hello1 = new File("links.txt"); String link=null; FileWriter fos2 = new FileWriter(hello1,true); System.out.println("m in try"); while (m.find()) { link = m.group(1).trim(); // Skip empty links. if (link.length() ...

82. writing the files for particular time    coderanch.com

Hi friends, i have a quick question i have .txt files a, b ,c,..... i have to write the these files in to single file for particular time period lest take it as some 60 sec and have to save in pdf format till for 60 sec we have to write to single file and save it by naming it with ...

83. Complete novice with writing to files and reading from them.    coderanch.com

Hey great forum btw, Im just starting out with java and im using netbeans so please bear with me I currently have a little programme for searching and adding houses to and from a txt file. My first form to add a new house contains all the relevant details to that house i.e address , driveway etc. I have used the ...

84. Problem writing a string into a file    coderanch.com

Hi members I am facing a problem with writing a string into a file. I am explaining the scenario. Please help. I have a text which is read from JTextArea and that text is having line breaks in it. I am trying to write this text into the text file. the characters of the text are being written properly but the ...

86. Reading Writing Files    coderanch.com

Lately Ive been trying to read an XML, CSV files for my Android app dev needs. But it seems I need to understand a lot regarding file reading, writing. I can easily achieve my goals by copying some code segment from internet but it doesnt give me the pleasure. Its more like Im running on back of someone else. Could you ...

87. Writing data to a file    coderanch.com

Hi, I am trying to write some data to a properties file. The file is present in a package like "com.abc.files" When i try the following: BufferredWriter write=new BufferredWriter(new FileWriter("com/abc/files/MyFile.properties")); I get the following error: "The system cannot find the path specified." I know that by giving the full path of the file i wont get the error but is there ...

88. Writing to a file    coderanch.com

import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class XML { public static void main(String ...args) { String app = ""; String app_e = ""; File web_xml = new File("web.txt"); PrintWriter pw = null; try { web_xml.createNewFile();// throws io-exception pw = new PrintWriter(web_xml); }catch(IOException ex){System.out.println("SORRY : Problem in creating web.xml file !");} Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("\nWelcome to the xml-maker..."); System.out.println("Enter the name ...

89. Writing to a file    coderanch.com

/* * */ /** * * @author hum09097714 */ import java.util.*; public class AlbumOrder { private Set dataSet; AlbumOrder() { //the class HashSet implements the Set interface this.dataSet = new HashSet(); this.addData(); this.display(); this.setSize(); this.setInfo(); this.orderAlbum(); } // end constructor //add items to the set public void addData() { this.dataSet.add("21 - Adele"); this.dataSet.add("FAME - Chris Brown"); this.dataSet.add("Loud - Rihanna"); this.dataSet.add("Pink Friday ...

90. reading and writing with xml in java    coderanch.com

i am designing a game that 2 player play with wlan.i should mange them with xml.so that when in a side a player press a buttun i write buttun name on xml and in onother side other plaer can read key character on xml. but i don't know how i can start and which classes in java can help me?please help ...

91. Junk data written into file when write() is used    coderanch.com

OutputStream writes binary data and your byte array is an array of binary bytes. If you examine your file hi.txt using a hex editor you will see your bytes (in hex not decimal). If you want to write text then you need to use one of the java.io.Writer classes. In this case you need to wrap your OutputStream in an OutputStreamWriter ...

92. Write a file to filesystem    coderanch.com

In order to access the file system (for read or for writes does not matter) without the JWS Services you need to ask for full permissions when starting the application. You can do that by adding to the security section of your JNLP file (note, however, that your classes have to be signed for this). Unfortunately, there is no finer-grained ...

93. How to write a CD/DVD in Java    coderanch.com

95. Need help writing star pattern to file    coderanch.com

Instructions: 1. Program will ask the user for a number input (integer). 2. Program will then produce the stars ("*") as a square. However while it is printing a line of stars("*"), it will also write each set (line) of stars on a text file vice displaying on screen. 3. The program will then open the same text file for reading, ...

96. Write to file    coderanch.com

97. how to write onto a file    java-forums.org

hi, i m trying to write onto a file.Some of my text is in english and some in urdu.The problem that i m facing is i m able to write the english part correctly but not the urdu part.Here's my code.......... //urdu_synset contains the urdu string //string1,string2,etc are english strings fw=new FileWriter("news.txt",true); fw.write(" \n" + "\n" + "ID :: " + ...

98. Writing to a file (at the end)    java-forums.org

In my program, every time that you run the program, it creates a block of text in a specified text file. The problem is that when it runs, it just overwrites the last block. I tried using Java Tip's code (that he put in a thread titled the same as mine), but I didn't know how to get it to work, ...

99. How to write integers into file?    java-forums.org

100. Reading and Writing the contents of a file to another file    java-forums.org

I have written a code to read and write the contents to another output file. But i am not sure how to search a particular text in a record and write that record alone. import java.io.*; public class rFile { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File inputFile = new File("/Users/t/t.txt"); File outputFile = new File("/Users/t/t2.txt"); FileReader in = ...