parse 1 « Operation « Java I/O Q&A

1. Parsing an HTML file using Java

How can remove the comments and contents of the comments from an html file using Java where the comments are written like:

Any idea or help needed on this.

2. How to parse a large HTML file with Java HTMLParser library

I have some html files created by Filemaker export. Each file is basically a huge HTML table. I want to iterate through the table rows and populate them into a database. ...

3. Parsing a .sis (symbian) file using java

Im looking to read a .sis file (symbian content) using java, and hopefully try to derive as much meta related information from the binary as possible, such as application name, version, ...

4. Problem querying an HTML file using HTMLEditorKit in Java

My HTML contains tags of the following form:

<div class="author"><a href="/user/1" title="View user profile.">Apple</a> - October 22, 2009 - 01:07</div>
I'd like to extract the date, "October 22, 2009 - 01:07" in this ...

5. How to parse a file with several delimiters

i need to parse a file of this format,such that i can get/fetch the values present in place of those tags by avoiding linefeeds or "/n",carriage return 0r "/r",^^(spaces). just give ...

6. Tips for writing a file parser in Java?

EDIT: I'm mostly parsing "comma-seperated values", fuzzy brought that term to my attention. Interpreting the blocks of CSV are the main question here. I know how to read the file into something like ...

7. Where can I learn more about parsing text in Java?

I'm in a Data Structures class (in Java) this semester, but we're doing a lot of parsing on text files to populate the structures we design. The focus is on ...

8. Parser as main file?

I am trying to write a big system that inputs data from a text file, and has a parser file. So, do I have to write a main file that would ...

9. Parsing a string, Grammar file

How would I separate the below string into its parts. What I need to separate is each < Word > including the angle brackets from the rest of the string. So ...

10. SAX parser does not resolve filename

Another day, another strange error with SAX, Java, and friends. I need to iterate over a list of File objects and pass them to a SAX parser. However, the parser fails ...

11. How to parse .ics file in java?

I need to parse outlook calendar file(.ics).how to parse it using java ?Is there any api is available to parse the calendar file ? I am new to java . ...

12. Whats the best way to parse a file in Java

I have a text file with Tag - Value format data. I want to parse this file to form a Trie. What will be the best approach? Sample of File: (String ...

13. How to read or parse MHTML (.mht) files in java

I need to mine the content of most of known document files like:

  1. pdf
  2. html
  3. doc/docx etc.
For most of these file formats I am planning to use: But as of now Tika does ...

14. Retrive and parse an XML from the web

I want to use XPath (in Java) to parse XML files. However these XML files are only available on the web (downloading them all manually is not an option (of course ...

15. how to parse ics file manually in java?

Hi i am new to java.I wish to parse the ics (outlook calendar file) manually.With out using third party api how to parse ics file in java?

16. Reusing Weka Code to Parse ARFF Files

Has anyone done this? Is there any documentation on how to use this parser module? I've looked through the code but it's not clear to me to how to ...

17. What is the best way to parse this configuration file?

I am working on a personal project that uses a custom config file. The basic format of the file looks like this:

name: bob
    hat: brown

18. Parsing multi-line fixed-width files

I have a fixed-width flat file. To make matters worse, each line can either be a new record or a subrecord of the line above, identified by the first character on ...

19. How to parse and modify HTML file in Java

I am doing a project wherein I need to read an HTML file and identify specific tags, modify the contents of the tag, and create a new HTML file. Is there ...

20. Parse and change a file line-by-line while preserving EOL characters in Java

One hell of a long question :) Here's how I usually do it:

StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(s));
while ((String line = r.readLine()) != null)
    b.append(doSomethingToTheString(s) ...

21. parsing a big big not well formed file with Java

I have to resolve a problem close to parsing a huge file like, 3 GB or higher. Well, the file is structured how a pseudo xml file like:



   ... ...

22. How to get a value from HTML file in Java?

I need to get a value ("abc" in below example) from HTML file that looks like this:

          <input type="hidden" name="something" value="abc" />
As ...

23. Parsing Date that is read from file

I have record in the file as 17 Dec 2010 17:02:24 17 Dec 2010 18:02:24. I am reading these from file.... my parser code is:

static SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy ...

24. I need a Help in Creating a Search Engine in Java

My Problem is, I am goin to develop a site where every one uploads the doc file, txt files etc. Now here I need a component which actually pasre the file ...

25. Which is the best way to parse a file containing Assembly language using Java.?

Hy , sorry I ;m asking the same question again but I need some help .I have read about StringTokenizer , StreamTokenizer ,Scanner , Pattern & Matching from the java.util.regex package ...

26. parsing owl file

I have an OWL file and i want to extract the classes present in the owl file.Can anyone provide a sample program in java how to do this. Thanks in advance ...

27. parsing owl file

Thanks for the previous posts. That helped a lot in parsing the owl file. Please look at the following code.

        OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();


28. Issues with parsing huge file

I'm parsing a document and writing to disk pairs such as these ones:

0 vs 1, true
0 vs 2, false
0 vs 3, true
1 vs 2, true
1 vs 3, false
and so on. Successively i'm ...

29. How to modify a HTML-file in Java and save the changes

I have to make a simple change to a HTML-Element (add and remove some attributes). The problem is that I have to go through a lot of HTML-files to do that. ...

30. NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: An attempt is made to modify an object where modifications are not allowed

Hello I am getting NO modification allowed when trying to add a new node to an xml file and I am not sure why because I am using the same code ...

31. Performant text-file reading and parsing (split()-like) needed

Currently I have:

  • 1 file with 9 million lines
  • BufferedReader.readLine() to read every line
  • String.split() to parse every line (columns separated by a pipe)
  • A lot of RAM used (because of String interning?)
The problem is: ...

32. java framework for parsing action file

I want to write a program in J2SE that be able to read commands (with their parameters) from some file (Like an XML file)
And then do the corresponding procedure on some ...

33. How to parse INI-like (or XML-like)files but with closing section tag?

I need to pase a text file in this format:

[section A begin]
some lines
more lines
[section 1 begin]
some lines
[section i begin]
some lines
[section i end]
more lines
[section 1 end]
more lines
[section A end]
[section B end]
[section B ...

34. Library for parsing proprietary settings files

Is there any free library that I may leverage for parsing a unique settings file described like so (taken from actual file). Perhaps something like ini4j (perhaps ini4j is ...

35. Parsing a HTML file in Java

I am currently in the process of developing an application that will request some information from Websites. What I'm looking to do is parse the HTML files through a connection online. ...

36. Library to parse a bind 9.x zone file in Java?

Is there anything out there that already does this? I looking for something that will help me get a bind zone file loaded into java objects.

37. Parsing Ofx file with java

I am currently trying to read an ofx file with java. But I get the following error: Unhandled exception type FileNotFoundException (for the 2nd line). I am using OFx4j. Could you please ...

38. Parse a Comma Delimited File using JAVA

I want to read this file:-, A0,D1,L0,T0, A1,D0,L1,T0, A0, D1, L0, T0
I have a list of urls and I want to compare those url's with the url's that are there in ...

39. Parsing .wab Microsoft Outlook Address Book files in java

I am attempting to parse .wab files using java. Upon inspection the files look encoded because when you open them in note it just looks like garbage. The only way I ...

40. how to parse a file

Alright, i have an assignment and i dont know how to parse the file. Is string tokenizer my best option? The file has commas, newlines and spaces. S is the starting state ...

41. Haskell program to remove comments

I'm trying to write a Haskell program that takes a Java program (.java) and outputs it with all of its comments removed. The input does not have to be syntactically correct. ...

42. Which goes fastest when you parse html from online?

Using,, what is the fastest way to parse html from online, and load it to a file or the console? Is buffered writer/buffered reader faster than inputstreamreader/outputstreamwriter? Are writers ...

43. Code used to parse input throws InputMismatchException

    id = inputbook.nextInt();
    name =;
    year = inputbook.nextInt();
    price = inputbook.nextDouble();
    Book b = ...

44. How can I parse string to separate integers? Java

I need to load (int) data from file. New line separates different data so it's important to know where the new line is. I can use

and then I have ...

45. Parsing file using finite state machine

I am implementing my own fsm to parse a file. I am new to fsm pattern so trying to learn about it. My fsm class takes a stream of the file ...

46. parsing string value from file into float where string contains comma

I have a input file coming into my application with some product prices values in each rows. However, when the price is higher then 999.99, the values contain , at appropriate ...

48. Trouble parsing int while reading a file

It's always a good idea to verify your assumptions in the code. For example, why do you assume that what you are passing to parseInt is actually an integer. Or even ...

49. reached end of file while parsing

P: 3 flibberdee I keep getting this error when I try to build my project. I have checked I have two opening { and two closing }. I cant for the ...

50. reached end of file while parsing - Help?

What is the open bracket before while, and what is the closed bracket after it? You may need to post additional code so we can see that piece.

51. reached end of file while parsing

52. reached end of file while parsing

Input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the speed " + "of the vehicle in miles-per-hour? " + "*Please enter a POSITIVE number*");

53. looking for java parasers for parsing string expressions

hi u could provide a bit more info regarding wot u wanna parse exactly. hav u tried using string tokenizers? for example, if i define a string as follows: String expr="

parse this

"; -say i wanna parse this and extract from it each of the html tags, say , then i create a string tokenizer: StringTokenizer tokens = ...

54. Parsing a file containing special characters

Please can somebody tell me a way to parse a .csv file. I am having an excel file(saved as a .csv file) with 8 columns and every column is having certain data. I have written a code which parses this data and reads into a business object . My problem is that whenever there is a text message which has the ...

55. Parsing

Hello, You can use a StringTokenizer. Suppose , String s="a b c d"; You can use the StringTokenizer constructor: StringTokeizer(String s) Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string. The tokenizer uses the default delimiter set, which is "\t\n\r\f": the space character, the tab character, the newline character, the carriage-return character, and the form-feed character. Delimiter characters themselves will not be ...

56. re: parsing between string tokens

I'm having lots of problems trying to get all the tokens between a recurring one. I have tokenised a string using stringTokeniser and placed the resulting output into a vector. However, I can easily find the occurence of specific tokens, but I want to pass whats between to another vector. This is a generalised representation of my string before tokenising: 1:A:B:C ...

57. Parsing an HTML file

HI, I'm creating a banner applet that checks headlines from another url. My thinking is that I could use the applet as the front end and then use RMI (all on my own machine, so it'll be local) to query the url and retrieve the headlines. None of this seems too difficult. My problem is parsing the html file. From what ...

58. parsing out strings

I want to parse out strings from text files. Specifically I want to be able to search for the specific string "Query" in an HTML source file. This string occurs many times in the source file and will serve as a delimiter. I want to dump all the characters that occur in between each "Query" string into individual arrays or vectors. ...

59. Parsing a Dat file !!!

Hi Guys ! I am writing a servlet which parses a .dat file (which has records seperated by "~" as a delimiter) and then loads them into a database.I am using StringTokenizer class for parsing. Everything goes well if the Dat file has some value between two successive delimiters in each row and all the rows. But if there is an ...

60. parsing an input file

i have an input file that has a series of numbers and letters in rows like this: 56 ee 34 10 22 cb 1c 56 ee 60 01 f0 70 7e ... ... ... etc. i want to take each number to categorize and compare it to something else. each number meaning '56','ee','34', etc. and then write the entire file to ...

61. File parsing woes

Hi everyone, I am having difficulty parsing a file which has variable syntax... any help would be apprciated. Each "record" in the file has four columns. The first three are ascii, and the fourth is binary. The record separator is a newline character. The column separator is a comma. As of now, I am using the newline character to separate records ...

62. parsing html document---problem

hi, I am working on some project where i am parsing html document using HTMLEditorKit.Parser class of javax.swing. PROBLEM : I am unable to retrive the contents of script tag. eg: ... ... Contents: var highlightcolor="lightyellow" var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all var previous='' var eventobj are not displayed kindly help me ...

63. sax parsing problem

Hello to everybody...I have a problem when I try to parse a big xml file with SAX ( org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser ).I have made a class that extends DefaultHandler and re-implemented the methods that read from the file.In the method characters(char[] text, int start, int length) appens a strange thing....the content between the start and the end tag is not complete..... For examples ...

64. Progress when parsing file?

Hello all, I'm writing a program that needs to parse large text files and place the contents into a StringBuffer(so the contents can be manipulated). I would like to provide a progress bar for users, so they can know the status of the parsing. In order to make the progress bar work, I need to keep track of the "percentage done". ...

65. DOM parsing

I have a scenario like below, If someone can help me out to do it best way it would be great. I receive an invoice in to my java program with 1000 lines . But the backend I am talking to cannot handle all 1000. Hence I need to do follow, Send first 200 lines (as a dom document) get a ...

66. text parsing

I want to write a little "engine" which parses the text and filters out the words I don't want (like "the", "or", "and", etc.). Ultimately, it will become a search engine and I've heard of Lucene, but my gut tells me this is overkill (definitely open to hearing opinions on this). For now, I'm more concerned with how to efficiently obtain ...

67. Parsing and HTML document. Char set problem.

Hi, I have one 'doubt'. I have this code to parse an HTML file/stream: URL url = new URL(urlStr); content = url.openStream(); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(content)); ParserDelegator parser = new ParserDelegator(); HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback callback = new HtmlParser(htmlContentTempBean); parser.parse(in, callback, false); I'm parsing pages from a SAME website. All works fine but with some pages I got this exception: javax.swing.text.ChangedCharSetException at javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser.handleEmptyTag( ...

68. XML Parsing through Java

HI, I am trying to parse an XML File some of lines are as follows REFRIGERATOR 2006-05-16 V If I am using DOM Parser then It is not a problem for me. But The XML File is very large in size, so in that case I do not think that it will be wise to use DOM Parser. ...

69. reading and parsing fixed length file

Hi, I have to read a fixed length file of 2000 records. Each record is of 1800 bytes. I have the field position of the file in a excel document. What can be the possible ways to code the file reading logic without hard-coding the field position? Which API is best for this scenario as each record is separated by a ...

70. How to parse UTF-8 file with BOM

Welcome to JavaRanch. How are you parsing or reading the file? The easiest way to detect the BOM would be to read the first 3 bytes from a file input stream, and then checking that they are EF, BB and BF, respectively. Note that a BOM is only at the beginning of a file, not the end. If you have files ...

72. Parsing strategy

Hello all! I'm writing a parser to generate JUnit-like files from a custom test format used in one of our products. The product is not writted in Java, so we cannot rewrite the tests to JUnit, but our build statistics tool only reads JUnit-format. What I'd like some help with is evaluating if I'm doing this in a smart way, or ...

73. Parsing Flat files

Hi Friends, I have 4 or 5 flat files with it's own formats. Can any one suggest me a design or to parse these flat files ? Or does any one know any design pattern for doing the same.. Hlp me out plz . Srini [ October 02, 2004: Message edited by: srini vasan ]

74. Parsing .java file

Hi Serghei, Even we faced this kind of a requirement when we were devloping a code analysis tool. ANTLR(Another Tool For Language Recognition) is a genral purpouse grammar recognition tool, and its a bit difficult getting around using it. The way we opted out was to write a nice wrapper around StreamTokenizer with the right set of tokens the '{};' delimiters ...

76. File parsing with header info dynamic

Fellow ranchers I would like to have your opinion on this problem. I have a file which is to be imported into database. The data is to be to be inserted in Table DATA_INSERT for eg. The header varies with different database and this mapping is in DATA_MAPPING. Now I am using hibernate to insert the record. Let us assume file ...

77. parsing plain file into html

Hi guys, I have a plan file that looks something like this: ID Name Phone --------------------------------- 1 Bob Smith 555-555-4444 2 John Doe 233-222-2222 ..... ..... ..... This is how file looks in plain form and this is how html source code looks if I view the source code in the browser. Of course when I view the page in the ...

78. Parsing HTML files...

79. JAVA APIs to parse MP4 file

80. help req. regarding parsing a file and tokenising the contents

Hello. Im fairly new to java, and need help to complete a task. I need to read in a text file, and each line on it for errors and print out messages accordingly. So far, reading the file is fine, but I need to split the lines into tokens. The lines are formatted as follows surname:forename:1234:01-01-06 Im having trouble creating the ...

81. Parsing a file

I need to parse a text file grades.txt and pull numbers from it to calculate my grade. The grades.txt file will look like this also my current code is below it albeit still a bit rough. Just trying to pulling the info from the file at this point then I will worry about calculating the grade. So any sample code I ...

82. Need to parse a complex file

Looks pretty straightforward... Here is a possible (not optimal) solution in pseudo code -- because I can't tell if this is a homework problem and it can be tedious once you add error checking. Read 1 line from file Split the line into array Switch(type) 1: create out line from split data write line to output 2: copy split data to ...

83. Parsing HTML

84. Parse data from a file

hi guys, i have a file which looks something like this, 111, X, 12, 34, 56 111, Y, 12, 34, 56 122, X, 12, 34, 56 122, Y, 12, 34, 56 133, X, 12, 34, 56 133, Y, 12, 34, 56 now i have parsed this data and am storing individual records in a class and then accessing them and everything ...


Hi, i made the following parser: public void dataParse(String fich) throws IOException{ LanguageBean lb=new LanguageBean(); String line; BufferedReader buffread=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fich)); //scan.useDelimiter(System.getProperty("line.separator")); while((line=buffread.readLine())!=null){ line.trim(); if(!line.startsWith("#") && line.length()>2){ lb=parseLine(line); insertData("pt", lb.getCode(), lb.getDesc()); lb=null; } } buffread.close(); //return readFromFile; } public LanguageBean parseLine(String line){ String code; String desc; Scanner scan=new Scanner(line); scan.useDelimiter("=");;; scan.close(); return new LanguageBean(code, desc); } the LanguageBean has ...

86. "parsing file"

I cannot figure out the correct regular expression for this problem. I have tried the following: "cdr\\s*([\\w\\p{Punct}]*)\\s*([\\w\\p{Punct}]*)\\s*([\\w\\p{Punct}]*)\\s*([\\w\\p{Punct}]*)\\s*(?:Msg)" But this gives me only the first line not the info in the second line. (Msg) ... I match everything till this string is matched. I am new to the regexp "business" and tried to read up some stuff, however still could not figure ...

87. Cant parse xml string with javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory

hey, this is retarded, cuz my code was working until now all of a sudden it doesnt do what it's supposed to and i can't find the mistake ... here is what happens /* * create new xml document builder */ DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ().newDocumentBuilder (); // webservice gets called and returns an xml document // lets imagine the response ...

88. Parsing a .java file

Your requirements are too vague to help effectively. Your XML file contains only the elements in the fieldList array; creating XML from that is trivial and doesn't require any parsing at all-it just requires the ability to traverse the fieldList array and produce a suitable XML element for each type contained in the list. If you *do* need to actually parse ...

89. Parsing Files with spaces

Hi, I have a file in the following format. Each Columns are separated by one or multiple spaces Column A Column B Column C Column D Text1 2 3 Text4 Text2 & Text 3 4 5 Text5 and Text6 what i have to do is to extract column C or any column . I have the following regular expression which splits ...

90. File Parsing

D:\ +---err | wer.txt | ert.txt | rtr.txt | +---rttt | rte.txt | wretreer.txt | \---gddfhg +---jhgjhgkjkg | | erter.txt | | rtre.txt | | ertr.txt | | | \---hklkhj | ertre.txt | t.txt | ert.txt | +---jygjhgkj | | ert.txt | | et.txt | | ert.txt | | | \---jkhkjh | cv.txt | xcvx.txt | sdf.txt | +---khghg | | ...

91. Parsing a custom made file

Hi. My recent project requires some sort of mapping between files and these mappings need to be stored in an 'index/map' file. E.g. /home/user/test/this-is-a-test.txt is related to /home/user/test/another-test.txt I want to map them in my index file in this manner "/home/user/test/this-is-a-test.txt" = "/home/user/test/another-test.txt" in the index file. What I have thought is to use the 'split()' function for the String read ...

92. Parsing an .mht file and retrieve values

Hi, Not exactly sure whether this is the right forum to address the problem I have been facing lately. I have a .mht file that contains drop downs and based on the values chosen in those drop down lists, other fields get populated. I somehow need to collect all these information by my code and prepare the data to persist in ...

93. File Parsing - Implementation Feedback needed

We need to develop a functionality where user can upload a file, then file gets parsed and saved into database. Here is how I think it should be implemented and I need feedback on this. We are going to implement it in asynchronous way. User will hand over (upload) the file to server. There would be a daemon process running at ...

94. Parsing scripts files through java

Hello All, I'm working with embeded system, which has standard command set. I need to store some of those commands in some kind of script file and then parse them sequentially(thr' java) and pass those commands to embeded system (thr' java). Everything looks simple so far, but real challenge is handling conditional statements for e.g script/command file could be something like ...

95. Unable to parse an xml string using builder.parse

Hi, I am trying to take an xml string, convert that into a document type to be used for a function that is expected to verify the validity of the contents of this xml string. However, after converting to a document type, the builder.parse() attribute doesn't seem to return any values at all, due to which the validation function is failing. ...

96. How to parse xml inpustream

I am new in java and I want to parse xml inputstream but when, I ma running this codes to find the Nodechild nothing in output. Here are my codes any help . I will appreciate. package org.apache.xalan; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import javax.xml.transform.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator; import org.apache.xpath.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import org.apache.xpath.objects.*; import; import; import; import; import ...

97. HTML FILE parsing.

Okay, my friend, I could create a HTML parsing called XML Parser . Now I need any confirmation from you to can compile this HTML to you . I will send this HTML as attachments right, Thanks Furthermore, if you want to see my posted java program called HTML web page parsing scraping is was posted in advanced forum.

98. E:\IT 215 Java Programming\ reached end of file while parsing

E:\IT 215 Java Programming\ reached end of file while parsing Java Code: import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.*; public class Inventory { // This constant is the max # of inventory items: public static final int maxItems = 10000; // main() method begins execution of a Java application: public static void main( String args[] ) { // ...

99. help to parse an xhtml file

100. Issues with parsing huge file

I'm parsing a document and writing to disk pairs such as these ones: 0 vs 1, true 0 vs 2, false 0 vs 3, true 1 vs 2, true 1 vs 3, false .. and so on. Successively i'm balancing the trues and falses rows for each instance, by removing random lines (lines with true value if they exceed, and viceversa) ...