extract « Operation « Java I/O Q&A

1. how to compare two files and extract the difference?    stackoverflow.com

I created a video recorder which stores recording to a file. I would like to implement a method which would read the file each second, compare the current file with the ...

2. Extract parents from a File up to the "root" ("c:\" or "/")    stackoverflow.com

I need to extract all available parents for a file. For example, i have a file like "c:\users\admin\Downloads\1\2\3\4\5\test.stub", i need to add any parent to a list of Files, that it ...

3. ar file extract in java    stackoverflow.com

Anyone have any links to a class or package for extracting ar packages in java? Thanks

4. Extracting a file with JUnrar    stackoverflow.com

I asked a question earlier about extracting RAR archives in Java and someone pointed me to JUnrar. The official site is down but it seems to be quite widely used as ...

5. Obtaining (Extracting) Height, Width, XPelsPerMeter, YPelsPerMeter and Size of WMF File using Java    stackoverflow.com

Cordial greetings... I'm using Java for read Bytes from image file...

FileInputStream fis;
FileOutputStream fos;
JFileChooser JFCImage = new JFileChooser();
//JFCImage.getSelectedFile() = "MyImage.WMF" in somewhere.. no matters

byte[] BytesFile = = new byte[(int)JFCImage.getSelectedFile().length()];
fis = new FileInputStream(JFCImage.getSelectedFile().getPath());
fis.read(BytesFile); // ...

6. extracting strings from a file    stackoverflow.com

Hi i have written a java program to get molecular function and biological process from a file if ID matches but im gettin StringIndexOutofBoundsException. can any one please correct it? Thanks in ...

7. How to extract subtitles from MKV files in pure Java?    stackoverflow.com

does anybody know how to extract subtiles from MKV files using pure Java? (I know how to do it using tools such as mkvtoolnix. I know I could call them from ...

8. Extracting only one file type with Jsoup    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to extract a number of pictures from a webpage. The conventional method using: Elements media = doc.select("[src]"); is of no use as there are 87 src tags on this page and ...

9. How to extract .gz file Dynamically in Java?    stackoverflow.com

In http://www.newegg.com/Siteindex_USA.xml lots of urls of .gz-files are given, like this:

I want to extract these dynamically. I don't want to store them locally, I just ...

10. Extracting Japanese(kana) Charecters from a file    coderanch.com

Can anybody help me?? I have a csv file or a fixed length txt file from where I'll have to capture some Kana Information and store them in a Database and also display them on a browser Im trying with this code but cant do it its displaying some junk ************************** import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import java.io.* ; import java.lang.*; import ...

11. Urgent Help Required Pls!!!! how to extract date from file.    coderanch.com

Let me see if I can put this specification correctly, I like to extract a date value and some text by reading lines from a text file. I want to start reading the line from a specfied position and read upto a certain position. Like the substring funtion and convert the string into a data value, then do some calculation with ...

12. extract .rar file with java    coderanch.com

Joanne, there are two different things called RAR. What you are referring to are J2EE Resource Archives. These are indeed just JAR files with the extension RAR (just like you have WAR and EAR files in J2EE). But there's also an archive format called RAR, which is an alternative to ZIP files. Such RAR files are something entirely different than J2EE ...

13. Extracting strings from files?    coderanch.com

15. Problem using PDFBox to extract text from PDF documents    coderanch.com

Hi all, I am trying to extract the textual content of PDF files from my Java code. I (am trying to) use PDFBox 0.7.3 and the examples I have found online so far are rather limited. Basically, I did something like this: PDDocument doc = null; try { doc = PDDocument.load("sample.pdf"); PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper(); String text=stripper.getText(doc); } finally { ...

16. Extracting data from a file    coderanch.com

I have a .dat file which has some 100 odd lines,i want to extract some 50 odd lines and put them in some memory (not a file) and the rest of the content in some other memory,like a buffer (again not in a file).The final output should have both the contents but some text must be inserted between them.There's also a ...

17. Comparing two files and extract the difference    java-forums.org

Hi all, I want code/soltn for comparing two files and extract the difference write it to the new file Line1 in file1 compares with all the lines in file2 and similarly for all the lines .... it's not line by line, each line in file1 compares it to the all the lines in file2 Thanx RK

18. Extracting embedded files    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I am working on Project where I want to identify and save the embedded files of Microsoft Office File type which are embedded in Word Document. I can identify and save the Word File which is an embedded object in Word Document but can not save PowerPoint and Excel files. Can anyone help me out???? I am pasting here the ...

19. How to extract file from different project    forums.oracle.com

whenever I try to run this class as an application there would be a note Error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\Ai\workspace\Homework2a\outdata.txt (The system cannot find the path specified) I set up like this: try { FileReader fr= new FileReader("C:\\Documents%20and%20Settings\\Ai\\workspace\\Homework2a outdata.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); while ((thisLine = br.readLine()) != null) { // while loop begins here arrayList.add(thisLine); i++; System.out.println(thisLine); } // end while ...

21. extracting rar file    forums.oracle.com

i need to unrar/extract a .rar file into certain destination is there any java library can to do this? ive been searching for last 2 hours i got nothing beside Junrar, which i dunno how to use because not giving The API is there anyone have ever using Junrar before? or any other library can do rar extraction? Thanks

22. How to extract files from jarfile?    forums.oracle.com

Why extract a JAR file? And why use the command-line when it's unclear that the target system has that jar command available? And second: since a JAR is basically nothing but a ZIP file, have a look at Zip*-classes in the API docs, which will provide access to the ZIP's entries and let you write them to disk.

24. How to extract File META information?    forums.oracle.com

Sorry for the above link, but I was at the library and some dumb restriction didn't let me go on the page with the FTPClient documentation. I know that I have to specify the file type before the transfer but I thought if I say now I'm transfering an image the meta information of the image would be stored somewhere too. ...

25. Extracting Column data from multiple files    forums.oracle.com

26. Extract .sitx file on Unix using Java    forums.oracle.com