1. Converting transparent gif / png to jpeg using java stackoverflow.comI'd like to convert gif images to jpeg using Java. It works great for most images, but I have a simple transparent gif image:
2. How to get the compressed image data from JPEG encoder in Java stackoverflow.comI want to compress an image using JPEG encoder and instead of writing it to a file I want to pass the compressed data to another application. My problem is that ... |
3. Problem reading JPEG image using ImageIO.read(File file) stackoverflow.comI'm having problems reading this one JPEG file using ImageIO.read(File file) - it throws an exception with the message "Unsupported Image Type". I have tried other JPEG images, and they seem to ... |
4. Can a BufferedImage be written to file any format? stackoverflow.comIs it correct that if we have a BufferedImage object in java, we could potentially write it out in ANY format using ImageIO.write (if we have a Writer object for the ... |
5. How to convert dwg file to jpeg or gif format using java api or .net library stackoverflow.comHow can be autocad file (dwg) converted to jpeg or gif file using java api or or .net library. Without using the convertors Thanks in advance |
6. Is there a 100% Java alternative to ImageIO for reading JPEG files? stackoverflow.comWe are using Java2D to resize photos uploaded to our website, but we run into an issue (a seemingly old one, cf.: http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5425569) - a few particular JPEGs raise ... |
7. JAI: Reading in 12 bit JPEG files stackoverflow.comI'm brand new to Java Advanced Imaging, and the first stumbling block I've reached is the ability to read in a 12 bit, single band, greyscale JPEG file. I've seen references ... |
8. ImageIO not able to write a JPEG file stackoverflow.comI have a BufferedImage I'm trying to write to a jpeg file, but my Java program throws an exception. I'm able to successfully save the same buffer to a gif and ... |
9. Creating a jpeg file with metadata stackoverflow.comI have a Java application that creates a BufferedImage and saves it to disk as a JPEG. I'd really like to add a caption to the image. To prevent ... |
10. Need to convert EMF to jpeg,png file formats using java stackoverflow.comI need to convert the emf,wmf file formats to png or jpeg using full java code(since these formats are not supported in some browsers)..Can anybody guide me.. Thanks in advance |
11. png file turn all black when compress to jpeg. Is it because PNG is lossless? stackoverflow.comI have a piece of code that compress an jpg image with a certain quality, but when the image is png type, they all turn black. Any idea why and how ... |
12. How to save jpeg Image file size after read--rotate-write operations in Java? stackoverflow.comIm trying to read a JPEG image as BufferedImage, rotate and save it as another jpeg image from file system. But there is a problem : after these operations I cannot ... |
13. Unable to create thumbnails for large image files stackoverflow.comI am a newbie to graphics. I've been using this code to make thumbnails of image files. When i use small files(~100KB) like wall papers, it works fine but when i ... |
14. Calculate filesize of resized image (for example JPEG) before resize stackoverflow.comHow can I calculate file size of resized image (for example JPEG) before I resize it? I need to send HTTP request Content-length, then I will resize image, else nginx get ... |
15. How can I detect basic 2D geometric shapes (i.e. square, triangle, circle etc.) on a JPEG image file? stackoverflow.comAfter a user takes a picture, I want the application to detect the shape of the object that is shot. What I'm looking for is similar to face detection, except I ... |
16. To convert the images into JPEG... coderanch.com |
17. How do I save an image as a TIFF or BMP, JPEG, PNG ? coderanch.com |
18. Converting JPEG images to HPGL coderanch.comConversion to HPGL is not possible, since that is a vector format while JPEG is a bitmap format. Using the javax.imageio.ImageIO class you can read and write JPEG, BMP and PNG, and there are extensions for GIF and TIFF available on the net. Are you interested in any other format in particular? [ September 02, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ... |
19. jpeg and mp3 doubt coderanch.comJust use InputStream and OutputStream, possible the Buffered versions. Next, don't read lines but instead chunks. The basics, which works with every type of InputStream and OutputStream: byte[] chunk = new byte[XXXX]; // some size; it matters only for performance int len; while ((len = inputStream.read(chunk)) != -1) { outputStream.write(chunk, 0, len); outputStream.flush(); } You can also choose to read byte ... |
20. Accessing a jpeg or gif in an unpacked war file coderanch.comHi All, I have a unpacked EAR file as well as a unpacked WAR file which I deploy in my application server. The ear structure is as follows MyProject.ear | |--MyProject-WebApp |____Adv |____MyAdv | |_images | |_logos | |_MyPortrait.jpeg | |____WEB-INF |_Classes I want to access the MyPortrait.jpeg in my servlet which will be there in the packed war. How should ... |
21. Creating image jpeg file from a image object coderanch.com |
22. how to decrease the size of the jpeg image file? coderanch.comHi friends i'm using this code for capturing the screen . i want to set the quality of the image . how to do that? baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder enc = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder( baos ); // encode the image to jpg enc.encode(BI); FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("Screen_Shot_"+count+".jpg"); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream( fos ); byte[] b = baos.toByteArray(); bos.write( b ); bos.flush(); bos.close(); ... |
23. how to convert one media file to another (i.e. jpeg to Png and mpeg to midi etc) coderanch.comDear friends, i want some hint if i have diffenet images files of type .jpeg, bmp etc then can any one tell me how should i convert it to .png file i searched the java api but i did not got any clue similarly i have requirement for conversion of audio files to .midi format and video files to .3gp format ... |
24. help with saving JPEG image coderanch.comhi I need help with JPEG image format I try to open image in Bitmap format and do all JPEG compression steeps "DCT,Quantaization,ZigZag,Huffman.." I have done all steeps but when I reach to the final bit stream I don't know how to save this as a JPEG format dose any method in java could help me to add all the headers ... |
25. how to compress the JPEG image file? forums.oracle.com |
26. Animated GIF file Creation from no of JPEG files forums.oracle.com |
27. Trying to read system properties of image(gif & jpeg) file forums.oracle.com |
28. How can I "read" JPEG, GIF or BMP files using Java? forums.oracle.comWhat do you want to do exactly? Not clear If you want to read and store the file somewhere (may be in DB) then just read it as any binary file (using InputStream or BufferedInputSTream or FileInputStream) and save it as binary data. If you want to read the images and display them on a console, then please refer AWT/Swing image ... |