1. Why is my image coming out garbled? stackoverflow.comI've got some Java code using a servlet and Apache Commons FileUpload to upload a file to a set directory. It's working fine for character data (e.g. text files) but image ... |
2. The best way of storing an image/sound inside a class? stackoverflow.comI'm developing a kind of an exchange format between instances of an application so that user could save information to file and restore it later. The whole 'exchange format' is a ... |
3. java program to divide an image file into 4 parts stackoverflow.comI want to divide an image file into 4 parts using java i tried it but i am getting exceptions and also i want to store all the pixel values of ... |
4. How to change image permission mode to 777 using java code? stackoverflow.comHi All : |
5. J2ME store image to file stackoverflow.comI'm trying to create a program that emulates the camera. How can I store the Image to a file in the mobile? I am targeting Symbian S60v3, using Nokia N82 for ... |
6. Is there a way to identify audio or image files in java, without use the file extension? stackoverflow.comSupposing new audio and image types will be created, I want my filter to separate the images and audio files. Is there a way to recognize then? |
7. Java - ImageIcon Serialization Trouble (Last Part of Game) stackoverflow.comI've been working on my game pretty much non stop since 11am this morning. And I'm just about done. But I get an error whenever I try to serialize and deserialize my ... |
8. How to draw an image file stored in a subdirectory in Java stackoverflow.comI'm trying to images in Java, and right now I'm using images that are in the local directory and it is working fine. However, it would be nice if I ... |
9. What are some good java image processing tools or APIs? stackoverflow.comI want to build an upload applet / desktop client that can resize - trim and then send an image to my amazon s3 bucket. Trimming my images has proven to take ... |
10. Maximum length of an image file for a j2me application? stackoverflow.comi am building a application in j2me where i will receive an image via a Wireless connection. I want to know what can be the maximum length of the filename when ... |
11. How can I configure my .htaccess file such that a query for myurl.com/imageX.bmp where X is some interger all serve up the same image? stackoverflow.comI want to be able to take a large number of requests for an image using unique image names (for the purposes of tracking) however I don't want to upload them ... |
12. Appending to an Image File stackoverflow.comI have written a program that takes a 'photo' and for every pixel it chooses to insert an image from a range of other photos. The image chosen is the photo ... |
13. How to reduce image file size in java stackoverflow.comI want to reduce image file size of an uploaded image before saving it into server (to reduce loading time). how can I do it using java? |
14. How do I re-set a BMP file's resolution (DPI) indicator? stackoverflow.comI have a BMP tagged as 299 DPI resolution. I'd like to change that to 99 DPI. Importantly, the DPI marker in a BMP has no structural meaning. An image has ... |
15. Where to get image io package? stackoverflow.comWhere do I get the api for imageIO? So That i can use functions like
16. Where should I store my images? stackoverflow.comI'm developing a Java application, and I don't know where is the best place to store the images in the project folder. Should I make a |
17. not able to transfer Image file stackoverflow.comhi this is my client program for transfering Image , while transfering the image file it is getting corrupted , not able to open that image file , i'm not ... |
18. Resize Image files stackoverflow.comI have a lot of images that taken by my Digital camera with very high resolution 3000 * 4000 and it takes a lot of Hard disk space, I used Photoshop ... |
19. Firefox = Render the Web-Page to an image file stackoverflow.comwhat is the current "state of art" to render a webpage in firefox into an image file (saved on disk). I want to implement something like "browsershots.org" 1.) Does firefox provide some ... |
20. Java: from RGB image stored in ShortBuffer to image file stackoverflow.comI am currently trying to capture 16bit raw bayer images from a camera using libdc1394 through JNA and have everything setup to capture and decode the data into an RGB image ... |
21. Write/Read a series of different serialized objects to/from a file stackoverflow.comI have a collection of objects:
I want to write those to a file, and then be able to read them back in the same struct.
I can't just write ... |
22. Can we have images as values in properties file? stackoverflow.comI wanted to know can we have images as a values in properties file if so in which folder it needs to be placed. Any solutin with example is of great ... |
23. Identifying pixel colors from image file stackoverflow.comHow can i check the colors of specific pixels in the image? |
24. Analyzing an image file for quality assurance stackoverflow.comI was assigned a project at work that deals with quality assurance. The objective is to have a program that will take in an image file of a sample of our ... |
25. Can any one tell me how to deal with .pal file stackoverflow.comI am working with images where i want to load an .pal file to an image. Currently i am doing this with the help of paint shop pro. Can we implement this in ... |
26. How to submit an image using java? stackoverflow.comI have to following code which should submit a form on a website with some text fields and an image, it should simulate a situation like somebody would submit the form ... |
27. Image Serialization coderanch.com |
28. problem with the image field coderanch.comi have a data base in sql in which i hava a field which is of type image useing jdbc i am getting the values of the table into the result set. now my problem is that i am unable to retieve this filed, i need to retrive this and save it on to the disk as a file. my result ... |
29. Image Transfer Using I/O coderanch.comI m working on Image processing.I wish to transfer images from one location to another.I used DataOutputStream .It works fine for .bmp but .jpg and .gif gives"error reading file" when I open trasfered image. How I can pass url(eg.e:\vaibhav\test.bmp)in string form so that I can tranfer the image to the desired folder through outputstream.It works fine for the same folder. please ... |
30. Image Transfer Using I/O coderanch.comI m working on Image processing.I wish to transfer images from one location to another.I used DataOutputStream .It works fine for .bmp but .jpg and .gif gives"error reading file" when I open trasfered image. How I can pass url(eg.e:\vaibhav\test.bmp)in string form so that I can tranfer the image to the desired folder through outputstream.It works fine for the same folder. please ... |
31. Image coderanch.com |
32. Image Serialisation coderanch.com |
33. No Body Out There Image Serialization coderanch.com |
34. Recieving Images from a scanner coderanch.comHello every one I would like to know how I would go about recieving an image from a scanner. What I would like to do is recive the image in the tiff format(is that supported by java) and display in a container. I'm pretty much a newbie so I have no idea where to start on this. Any info would be ... |
35. Image Encoding coderanch.comHi, I'm pretty new to the Java and need some help using the Advanced Image I/O library. I've managed to read/write various formats to/from file but I can't seem to implement the encoders. In particular the G3/G4 Fax encoders. I have actually discovered the (Java Advanced Imaging) JAI.create command but if I'm not wrong it should be able to encode a ... |
36. Images coderanch.comWell, java.nio can help you copy things very efficiently. However if you want to interpret image data, that's something else altogether, and you probably can't (yet) benefit from the new java.nio classes for this. You should probably check out the new Java Image I/O package. What exactly do you want to do? When you say "changing its size", do you mean ... |
37. A Challenging Image I/O problem coderanch.comHi Developers, im having some serious kind of problem , with IMAGE Processing using java. What im doing is, that im using a client server application , over TCP/IP through Sockects , I have Image Data saved in the Database in BLOB format I read that data and make a BMP file (or GIF,JPG depending on format ) locally on the ... |
38. Image file Properties -> height and width coderanch.comI have written the following code to obtain the height and width properties of a gif series of gif files. The oly problem is that is takes so long to process. Does anyone have an alternative method or faster method to find this information. File file = (File)i.next(); ImageIcon image = newImageIcon(file.getAbsolutePath()); photos.add(newPhoto(file.getName(),date,0,image.getIconWidth(),image.getIconHeight())); Regards David |
39. Please help, Image serialization coderanch.com |
40. image input and output coderanch.com |
41. Image File to ByteArrayInputStream coderanch.comTake a look at the constructor for ByteArrayInputStream in the JavaDoc. It wants a byte array argument. So, you'll need a way to read a file into a byte array. One challenge with arrays is you have to declare the size up front. Fortunately you can get the size of a file from the File object. Now you're looking at something ... |
42. loding image file coderanch.com |
43. embedding images in HTML coderanch.comhi i'm trying to embed an image in a html document which can be done by using base64 encoding in HTML but for that i need to provide the content of the image in hexadecimal can anyone tell me how this can be acheived in java there's a restriction that i shudn't use applets for this... |
44. image dimension coderanch.com |
45. Merging data With image coderanch.comI have 1 file that has records in it and a directory that contains images (one image per data record). I read the data record and then read the matching image and then merge them and create a new record that contains both. The issue is that when I write out the merged data and look at the image in a ... |
46. Image corruption coderanch.comI do not have much experience in image manipulation. I am trying to take an upload from webapp place into the database and retrieve with a servlet (which dynamically resizes the image). Everything works except sometimes the image, which are all jpg, turn grey halfway through the drawing process. Since this occurs no matter how the image is dynamically sized, I ... |
47. Image Degradation coderanch.comIt's just the nature of image scaling that there is going to be some loss of information. java.awt.Image has a method, getScaledImage(), which gives you some control over the quality of the scaling through the third parameter, hints. Unfortunately it does not return a BufferedImage, so it is still necessary to create a BufferedImage instance and paint the image onto its ... |
48. Extracting images from binary file coderanch.comHi, I have access to a binary file that contains 1 or more images. I am trying to access the images in java so that I can extract them and place them in a directory. I know the file is in little-endian format and I used com.mindprod.ledatastream.LEDataInputStream to read it. I the first line is ascii and tells me the length ... |
49. Sending Image to Client coderanch.comDear Readers, I need to send an image from the Server to the Client. I have successfully done so but how do I inform the Client that the entire image has been sent. I use BufferedOutputStream on the Server side to send data to the client by reading the image file with the help of FileInputStream's read() method. I tried sending ... |
50. Retrieving images from a folder coderanch.com |
51. Binary data to Image File coderanch.comHi, I want to convert Binary data in to Image file. Actually, i have converted an image file to binary data and send it to a server.and that is my custom server and from here i need to send image to web server. and from custom server to image server i have to send image File rather than binary data. so, ... |
52. Image IO classes usage in jdk1.3 coderanch.comHi I am using the class Image IO to do certain transformations in a image. I understand that Image IO is supported only from jdk1.4 onwards. However the Application Server I am using Oracle App Server 10g which still has jdk 1.3 incorporated. Is there any workaround to solve the problem . I tried copying the classes from jdk 1.4 rt.jar. ... |
53. How to send a image file to theservlet coderanch.com |
54. Getting information from a Image file stored on client side coderanch.comi am using JSP in my application, I want to store the image in the database (in the BLOB datatype column). For this client will select an image file from his hard disk . To select the file I am using file field tag in html i.e when client will select the specific file using this tag ... |
55. Image file data decoding... coderanch.com |
56. problems with unziping image files coderanch.com |
57. sending image from servelt to SVG file coderanch.com |
58. storing and viewing image files coderanch.comhi folks, My application needs to store and view images on the fly. Where should I store the image and be able to get its http path in context? 1. storing in WebContent of the application. But i have a hard time getting its real path in the server's file system. Is this feasible? 2. storing in a global context(eg.the application_server_root), ... |
59. Specify the filename of a dynamically generated image? coderanch.com |
60. can we serialize images coderanch.comSerialization is required so that the objects can be written to streams of bytes.Image by itself are binary so no need to serialize.If just sending to any outputstream is the concern then you can use that as it is.But if you want to strialize as object then you may read to bytes of image to object and serialize that. |
61. how to crop an image file coderanch.com |
62. Image IO problem coderanch.comHello, The following code reads a jpg image into an int array and writes the same pixel array without any modification to a jpg file import java.awt.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.io.*; public class RWImage{ int Pix[]; public RWImage(){ try { int cols,rows; //to store no. of rows and cols BufferedImage inImg= ImageIO.read(new File("d:\\abc.jpg")); //input image cols=inImg.getWidth(); rows=inImg.getHeight(); pix = ... |
63. Here is how to create process and Image APPName.exe file instead of java or javaw coderanch.comHi, I am not talking about how to write kicker ( small c program that will create a new process with java.exe with parameters like java.exe -jar somejar.jar ) Ex: if you execute netbeans.exe(small kicker), it just starts another process with java.exe (try killing netbeans.exe ,your IDE still works) I used to wondered,"How come eclipse.exe managed to embedded JVM with in ... |
64. extracting image binary data from file coderanch.com ]> |
65. extracting image binary data from file coderanch.com ]> |
66. Where to store image files? coderanch.comIt's because when you actually run the program, you are running from javasrc directory, right? The path to your images has nothing to do with where your class files reside. It starts with whatever directory you are running from. So you will have to include the full path to your images in the Icon declaration, or leave the images in the ... |
67. Single image file coderanch.comHi guy, One question I want to ask is 'How can the application display a single image file (without making multiple copies) into different size?' It's because I design an application showing a image and the users can choice the image size with different size(eg. small middile and large). If anyone doesn't understand my question, I would explain more details as ... |
68. Packaging an application with image file coderanch.comIm packaging an application which consists of a class file and image file is it possible to put the 2 files into 1 jar file for deploy. the prob I got is after packging the program doesnt read image included in the jar, to work the program needs to read image from outside. |
69. mhtml file with images coderanch.comIf you save the file (as streamed by the servlet) to your local hard drive, can you still open it and view it with your browser? If not, maybe the file is being corrupted in the streaming process. Also, are you setting the Content-Disposition header? MSIE often disregards the Content-Type header and tries to figure out what the file type is ... |
70. access a image file which is outside war file coderanch.comOriginally posted by Sudha Govindarajan: Hi, I want to access an image file(which is outside the war file where the folder of image file is protected by credentials)from a war file where the image file and war file are located in the same server. Anyone please help me? Thanks in advance. regards, sudha. |
71. Storing images in a file coderanch.comI am not too comfortable with IO, to tell the truth! I looked at the image IO class, it seems to be what I need, but if I have a stream of bytes how can I convert it to a buffered image? In fact what I am doing is reading the data from a socket. Is there a way to read ... |
72. Inserting an Image to Ms-Word File. coderanch.com |
73. How can I view an image using SMB? coderanch.comBrowsers don't understand SMB (and I doubt you'd want to make the password available to the web users), so you need to find a way to access the image via HTTP. Maybe the server's image directory can be a shared directory that's mapped to a directory in the web server's public space. |
74. Image file in cannopt access-getting error coderanch.comHi All, I am devoloping an application with swing as front end and tomcat as web server.Now I am using jnlp to start my application. My jar have several image files. But when running without using an image file in jar and commenting the code section using image, it works fine. When image is used the following error shows by the ... |
75. Image Icon Update Problem?? coderanch.comWe encounter problem when using ImageIcon, anyone can help? In JFrame1, we use ImageIcon to show an image (says, C:\abc.jpg with an apple) on JButton It shows Apple on the Jbutton. We then update abc.jpg. (says, copy C:\def.jpg with an orange to C:\abc.jpg) So, we check in Windows, both abc.jpg and def.jpg are orange now. But when we load again JFrame1, ... |
76. I want to set Expire header for images,css, js files coderanch.com |
77. Byte images coderanch.com |
78. how to encrypt data into an image coderanch.comAbstract Several methods have been proposed for encrypting images by shared key encryption mechanisms since the work of Naor and Shamir. All the existing techniques are applicable to primarily non-compressed images in either monochrome or color domains. However, most imaging applications including digital photography, archiving, and internet communications nowadays use images in the JPEG compressed format. Application of the existing ... |
79. Image color changing coderanch.com |
80. Images in downloaded files coderanch.comI created a small little java game and sent it to my friends but I realized that they don't have the images so they won't see the pictures that I put in the game. How would I make it able for them to view these images. Do I put them in the jar somehow? And what would I put for the ... |
81. Attaching an Image coderanch.comHey, So I'm having problems attaching an image into a java application. The application is mainly JDBC oriented and connecting to a database, but I would like the image to remain on the local machine but the location should be referenced in the database so that we can pull it up. Each image is associated with a person whose details are ... |
82. Image into serializable object? coderanch.com |
83. Set Response Header on only Image Files coderanch.comHi Lester, Thanks for the reply. The problem that I am seeing is that the browser especially IE is not caching my images files/css/js files. Everytime it request for these files thereby slowing my apps. I am thinking of creating a filter for myself that will intercept all url, check for any images/css/js files then add the cache control response headers ... |
84. Image width & height return negative coderanch.com |
85. Sending an image (under the HTTP protocol) coderanch.comHi, I've created this simple HTTP web-server. For now, it's simply sending files on response, so I'm obviously able to send HTML files and such. I'm willing to implement image-sending, so I that I could send images as-well, but I've encountered a problem. When the server receives a request for an image file, it reads up the file. public byte[] readFile(String ... |
86. Image Processing coderanch.comDear Sir/Madam, Firstly, I am sorry if the thread ( my post ) already exist,if so kindly refer me that post. I have searched already about my problem but i could not find solution. Secondly, i describe about my problem here. i have to read a image ( which is stored in binary format) from server ( php - xampp) . ... |
87. Images, css and js files coderanch.comHello everyone, I am trying to put all the css, image files and javascript files as a part of my web-application so that I can use that path for calling those css, image or js files from the html. I want to do something similar to how you reference jquery, you put src=" |
88. bytearray image decoding coderanch.compublic static File byteArrayToImageFile(byte[] elByteArray, String filename, String extension) { File file = null; try { ImageInputStream in = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(elByteArray); BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(in); archivo = File.createTempFile(filename, extension); ImageIO.write(image, "png", file); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("FileNotFoundException : " + ex); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("IOException : " + ioe); } return file; } |
89. Print Image file java-forums.org |
90. How can i combine these two files (image and coordinate file)? java-forums.org |
91. Image File Location java-forums.orgHi. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. It deals with an Applet (which theres a separate section for), but is also incredibly basic. Since even most of the post titles in the "New to Java" section went over my head (lol), I figured I was better off posting in here. I recently taught myself some basics over the ... |
92. Which folder do you put image files in java-forums.org |
93. what image files can be used in a java project forums.oracle.com |
94. customised file explorer window for Geo-tagged images forums.oracle.comDear All, I am really stuck on this issue. Did lots of searching but reached nowhere. I want to launch a file explorer window which displays only geo-tagged images(can be .jpg,.tiff,.gif) in the form of thumbnails. On selecting any of the images, the latitude adn longitude information is extracted from the image. I have found a few helpful links on the ... |
95. mixed/multipart Request with a image file and a amr audio file forums.oracle.comSession session = Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties()); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart(); FileDataSource filedatasource1 = new FileDataSource("seestorme.frf"); DataHandler dh1 = new DataHandler(filedatasource1); mbp1.setDataHandler(dh1); mbp1.setHeader("Content-Type", "x-seestorm-avatar/frf"); MimeMultipart mmp = new MimeMultipart(); mmp.addBodyPart(mbp1); msg.setContent(mmp); msg.writeTo(baos); bos.write(baos.toByteArray()); bos.write(Boundary.getBytes()); ByteArrayOutputStream baos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Message msg2 = new MimeMessage(session); MimeBodyPart mbp2 = new MimeBodyPart(); FileDataSource filedatasource2 = ... |
96. a question regarding the bits of an image file. forums.oracle.comI want the data of the video such as the bits that represent the picture. I can see the way going around wth the a single picture but what about the video. Do you need to saparate the video files into different frames before applying that method to it to get the colors and if so how do you do it. ... |
97. Cannot access the image file forums.oracle.comIt just depends on what directory you are running Java from. If you manually run java from within the src directory, that is different than an IDE running it from a project directory and using the classpath variable to load your code. I could be wrong, but I think the standard practice is to put the images in a src/resources/images/ directory, ... |
98. Importing an Image from a file forums.oracle.com |
99. web.xml and image directory forums.oracle.com |
100. Accessing images in file system forums.oracle.combut why access the filesystem from an applet? it may run on your machine, but for security reasons it won't on other peoples, unless they specifically allow it, which unless they're trusting friends of yours, they won't. if it's just for your own use, why bother with an applet? well, it's your project, of course! |