Image write « Media File « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java:Create an image file and write strings in it?

Hi i want to create an image file and write strings in it.and if there is no space left on the image file to write more strings ,then the remaining strings ...

2. Reading - Resizing - Writing Images

I've been banging my head against the wall (literally) trying to figure out how to do something that should be very easy. I want to reading in an image file - "logo.jpg". I want to resize the width and height to 150%. I want to write the resized image to "logoResized.jsp". First thing I tried was to read the image file ...

3. Need help writing image data file

I am using following program which reads a binary data file from an UDP input stream and writes it on my local hard drive import*; import*; import routingdelaytimer.*; public class Client { public Client() { try { //ceating the socket to connect to server running on same machine binded on port 3000 Socket client=new Socket("",3000); System.out.println("Client connected "); //reading ...

4. Unable to write Image on Web Host Directory

Please I need help, i am trying to write an image file to the web server directory but i am not able to write image file on the web server directory. I am using Apachee Fileupload to write image file on server directory. My java code works fine when i run the application locally on my laptop but once i upload ...

5. Unable To Write Image on Web Host Directory

Please I need help, i am trying to write an image file to the web server directory but i am not able to write image file on the web server directory. I am using Apachee Fileupload to write image file on server directory. My java code works fine when i run the application locally on my laptop but once i upload ...

6. writing Java Images to file

Hi All, I have a Grahics2D object which I create by wrapping a Graphics Object (which comes into my method from somewhere else in a larger system). I cannot under any circumstances change what comes in, but I want to write this image to a file. How can I do this? Munaf

7. Writing an Image to a File

Hello, I have created an image using the Graphics2D class. I would like to be able to take the image I created and save it into a file. I have some familiarity with Input and Output streams but I can't seem to figure out make take the image and output it into a file. Any help or suggestions that are given ...