object « File Attribute « Java I/O Q&A

1. How can i generate xml from an object hierarchy?    stackoverflow.com

I have object, tree/model/hierarchy, whatever the correct term is. It consists of what could be characterized as a one-to-one mapping of the desired XML. That is i have the following (in a ...

2. How to instantiate a FormFile Object?    stackoverflow.com

i have a String with a path of my file and i want to instancie a new FormFile with this String. It's possible ..? My code:

    public ArrayList<FormFile> getFilesFromFolder(String ...

3. Create Java object from external java file    stackoverflow.com

How can I load a *.java class file into my java app and create an object based on that class file?

4. xstream flatten an object    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to flatten the xml output of xstream using a converter/marshaling with no luck. For example,

public class A{
    public B b;
    public int ...

5. How to create object graph from an XML-file?    stackoverflow.com

I have an XML file. It could be something like:

  <born year="1983" day="31" month="01">Finland</born>
  ... lots of ...

6. Generating .proto file from existing Java objects or xsd    stackoverflow.com

Does anyone know of any tools that will generate a .proto file? Either from an existing xsd or from existing Java objects? I am using Apache CXF to make a webservice call. ...

7. how to instance a non-static method, that has a wired object and is from another file    stackoverflow.com

I'm having trouble calling a non-static method from an another file. My main file is called jroff.java, and the other file (which has the two methods I need) is called linkedqueue.java In ...

8. Files clearing themselves upon object creation    stackoverflow.com

I am having an annoying problem that I cannot seem to fix. I have a class named DirFormMgmt which manages two files; directories.txt and formats.txt. The problem is that when I ...

9. Create file using File object?    stackoverflow.com

If i pass this fil Object to the Server can i create the same file there??

File fil=new File("D://Resume.doc");

10. java set file permissions to 777 while creating a file object    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
How can I set the umask from within java?
How do you set file permissions to 777(or any other arbitrary permission) while creating a ...

11. Manually XML-serializing a Java object    stackoverflow.com

I currently have to store a Java object of a class that is not implementing Serializable but is surely SOAP-serialized because was generated from a WSDL and is the input of ...

12. Java saving/opening File objects    stackoverflow.com

After painstakingly trying to implement TCP file transfer in my conference chat application using raw byte streams, I've decided it's much easier to send files that I want transferred through object ...

14. how is System.in an object?    coderanch.com

Thanks a lot for all the answers.I tried teh code given by Mr.Frank and i came to know that System.in is an object of BufferedInputStream.Thanks a lot for the information. Mr.Maiilik tahnks a lot for answering me but I believe that it is System.out which is an object of PrintStream and not System.in.Since PrintStream helps you write to a destination It ...

15. classes and objects    coderanch.com

17. Object I/O    coderanch.com

Hello, Does anyone know of a good Object I/O tutorial for JAVA? I've looked around the 'net and I haven't been able to find a decent one. I'm having some trouble using Object streams over socket connections. I can send objects between them, but it seems that if I send an object over the stream, update it at a later time, ...

20. File object question    coderanch.com

21. Deserializing objects    coderanch.com

I have scoured the net for a simple answer for how to get a field from a serialized object after it is read back from the file. So I have gotten as far as saving the object to a file, reading the object back from the file, but now I am trying to get a field from the saved object. Please ...

22. File objects and deleting/recycling files    coderanch.com

Hello all, I've been figuring out how to delete a file from a Java program, but have it go to the Windows Recycle Bin, instead of simply being deleted. I've actually got that going using a native method that calls a dll coded in C (thanks going to various examples on the Sun web site and elsewhere). There were a few ...

23. how can i count objects in an object file    coderanch.com

I stored so many objects in a file using file output stream.but when read these objects using file input stream just find last one.how can i read all objects in an file?And how can i find that how many objects a file contained?And another question is how can i make a java exe file? Thankz in advance.

24. Deserialize object from file failing    coderanch.com

I'm storing an object to file by declaring a static serialVersionUID and using an ObjectStreamField[] to declare the fields that I want to store when my object gets serialized. I have my readObject() and writeObject() methods declared. One of my fields is an array of custom objects(DataPoints). As long as that datapoint array has a length of zero (no objects assigned ...

25. Knowing your streamed Objects    coderanch.com

Hi, this is my first Post here, so please be nice ;-) I have a Client-Server Application the Communicates on a socketbased Objecttransfer. So everything that travels between Server and Client has to be an Object (walks through an ObjectStream). The Problem is that I also want to Transport Pictures from the Server to the Client(but I dont want to save ...

26. Trying to add key-value dynamically by using Properties Object    coderanch.com

Hi ,I am trying add some properties dynamically by using Properties object. Properties prop = new Properties(); try { prop.load(new FileInputStream("C:/test.properties")); } catch (Exception exp) { System.out.println(exp); } prop.setProperty("1", "l'historique antal rs"); prop.setProperty("2", "des candidats et/ou"); prop.setProperty("3", "{0} ({1}) est la page "); prop.setProperty("4","Manuel : l'historique antal rs ntrez ousmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm77777777777777777777777777777777777123"); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter ( "C:/test.properties"),true); out.store(out); ...

27. 2 Files, 1 Object    coderanch.com

So I have 2 files, Competitors.txt and Marks.txt. The Competitors file contains an IDnumber(int) and a name(String). The Marks file contains an IDnumber(int) and a mark(double). The ID in each file correspond to each other, and all three variables need to be stored in 1 Competitor object. How do I read the Competitors.txt file and Marks.txt file into 1 Competitor object ...

28. Ciphering a Serailized Object    coderanch.com

hi guys i`m making a project , i will paint the all picture for you. i have to create a server that send a serialized object to another client but this stream must be encrypted using a Cipher class but i just cant do this ... i will send a test code only but You will get the idea from it ...

29. Get Object from multipart request    coderanch.com

Actually i am setting object in the httpRequest and i want to retrive the object i am receiving that object as Formfield i am not able to get the contents of the object here is the code snap public void processFormField(FileItem item) throws IOException{ String name = item.getFieldName(); String value = item.getString(); values after executing this code Name: requestData Value: [object ...

30. Creation of File object on the fly....    coderanch.com

Hi all, I have a string using which I need to create a file object and I don't want to store to the hard-disk. Is there anyway to create File object from reading the contents from buffer. Say, for example: I have the string: String s="hello, this is the contents of the file". I need to create the File object for ...

31. Using Object From Other Files    coderanch.com

32. Object Passing & File I/O on a Cluster    coderanch.com

Hey Ranchers, I have requirement where I need to replicate a file on all servers of the cluster. The application is a Portal hosted on Vignette Application Portal and is hosted in a clustered environment. One of the modules (which is a Cache refresher) has the job to refresh a local XML file when called. Since File I/O is involved, the ...

33. Edit/Delete Objects from file    coderanch.com

34. A little help working with a file object    coderanch.com

Hey everybody, Java beginner here! Dont worry, im not asking anyone to do my homework for me lol. I am having troubles with netbeans working with a file object. My project requires me to save a .txt file to my project directory and then have the data used in my program. The file is a list of countries along with 2 ...

35. nested objects    coderanch.com

36. object string representation    coderanch.com

Hi, I would like to have string representations of different objects and I will use these strings to store my objects as base64 encoded bytes. What I like to learn is if I have something like this: Class1 a = new Class1(); String str = String.valueOf(a); then how can I convert this str to Class1 object back. As I know Object.toString() ...

37. Problem with Object Desirialization    coderanch.com

hi, i was reading the serialization chapter of Head First Java where I read If the object has a non-serializable class somewhere up its inheritance tree, the constructor for that non-serializable class will run along with any constructors above that (even if they're serializable). To try this out, i wrote the following sample code. import java.io.*; class A implements Serializable { ...

38. Object in a file    coderanch.com

Hello to everybody, I m new to java so i ve got some problems with the new project that i have. I want to parse some variables to a txt file. I ve found some ways to do that by none of them worked properly. For example i ve got one class, some private variables and in the main method i ...

39. Packing files to single encapsulated object    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a class that I created, it use another files - a few dlls , a few jars, a few txt and xml, but all of these other files are located in my class's directory or sub directories. I want to pack it all to single object that I can take and put in any machine. Also do I ...

40. Object > byteArray > String > byteArray > Object    coderanch.com

Well, hopefully this is a pretty small object, as a lot of systems restrict the length of a URL quite considerably. But here's your problem: converting an array of bytes to a String the way you did assumes that those bytes represented a String in the first place. That they represented text, in other words. But they don't, and when the ...

41. Escaping the forward slash while creating a remote file object.    coderanch.com

Hi there, Can anyone help me with this - I am trying to read a remote file. String sourceFileURL="http://" + serverName + ":" + serverPort + autoLoginPath + "/:" + mDoc.getId(); SimpleDateFormat simpleDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); String reqDate = simpleDate.format(mDoc.getLastStatusDate()); String queryString="webdoc="+ sourceFileURL + "&PRN=" + HttpUtils.UrlEncode(mDoc.getMimsdocPRN()) + "&district="+HttpUtils.UrlEncode(mDoc.getMimsdocDistrict()) + "&author="+ HttpUtils.UrlEncode(mDoc.getCreatorsUserName()) + "&approver="+ HttpUtils.UrlEncode(mDoc.getLastModifiersName()) + "&reqDate="+ reqDate + "&docExt="+ HttpUtils.UrlEncode(docExtension) ...

42. Rewrite the object without reopen the same file.    coderanch.com

Hi, I want to perform the read and write the content operation in the file. For this I have created Serialized class to write and read from the file using ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream. If I open and close every time its working fine. But every time open and close the file for read and write might be costly operation. I would ...

43. Object deserialiaztion .... with different versionUid    coderanch.com

I think we can not deserialize the object keeping the updated serialVersionUID. It is because serialVersionUID is an exception to the rule that static fields dont get serialized. ObjectOutputStream writes every time the value of serialVersionUID to the output stream. ObjectInputStream reads it back and if the value read from the stream does not agree with the serialVersionUID value in the ...

44. Is java object serialization/deserialization compatible between 1.5 and 1.6    coderanch.com

Hi I am using JMS object messages over Tibco EMS to communicate between two applications. Problem is that my message publisher application is using Java 1.5 while listener application is using Java 1.6. The bean that I am trying to serialize and deserialize has just a few fields (String and primitive datatypes) with setter/gettters and a serialVersionUID filed Even through I ...

45. Need Strategy for Object Vertioning    coderanch.com

46. How the objects are constructed at the time of de-serialization?    coderanch.com

De-serialization is the process of constructing the object from the byte stream. So while de-serializing the JVM should read/parse the byte stream and create the object and set the property at run-time. But at the time of de-serialization, the object constructor won't be called. Please clarify me "How the objects are created while de-serialization?" ( Because the constructor won't be invoked. ...

47. Sending/Receiving object/references or part of Object with JavaNio.    coderanch.com

Hello All, i have designed a real time Physics simulation with javanio , which is about moving balls simultaneously (real time) on multiple clients Currently, i m sending the coordinates of one ball with string parsing, but now i want to move multiple balls and want to have some generic mechanism other than sending string, so i create 4 balls on ...

48. Creating objects from a file    coderanch.com

Hello, I need to create thousands of objects but there is a limit on the number of lines in a Java class. Basically I need to be able to read from a file in which, each record includes the variable name, in this case name of cities, and then use the objects to add a relationship between them in an arraylist. ...

49. how to put contents into a file object    coderanch.com

A File object does not contain any data - actual files do. You can create files from File objects via FileOutputStreams, and those will create actual files. What do you mean by "... put content to a file ... without actually creating that file"? Either you want to store data in a file, or you don't. What's the objective here?

50. Objects From File    java-forums.org

I have i file containing data about clients details of about 40 clients I want to add the data to an existing ArrayList of Client Details I have got and scanned the file and separated the data into what i want using delimiters but now i need to add each client details in the file to my arrayList which requires me ...

51. question about using file objects    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I have two somewhat related issues in using file objects. In one app, a simple swing gui that passes a file to a sax parsing class and reports back any errors, if I parse a file using the app, then try to edit the file I'm parsing (in another application) and save, I get an error message. I need to ...

52. determining end of file when file consists of objects    forums.oracle.com

I don't use XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder myself, but looking at the API for them, there is no other way (using only that Class) to do it. You could, before hand, if it is a file, get and store the file's length, then check the current position in the underlying stream that XMLDecoder is created with and compare that to the length before attempting ...

54. Problem with carrying over an instantiated object to another file    forums.oracle.com

If i instantiate a new player object in the ball class and i refer to it in one of the methods, the NullPointException message does not appear. FYI, i'm trying to detect when the ball goes outside of the arena, i.e. the player has missed it, so it decrease the number of lives. The relevant method is here:

55. Using Object References in separate classes/files    forums.oracle.com

How do I use the reference "classOneRef" in the classThree file/class? I know I could duplicate the code as above (but put in the classThree file) but I want to use the object I already created, "classOneRef". I believe I know how to use the reference if the 3 classes are in the same file, but not as I describe, in ...

56. Does Java have an object model for the actual .java files?    forums.oracle.com

OK, you know how you can use the Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript or PHP to access and modify specific parts of an HTML document? Is there anything similar for .java files? Can I load a .java file into some kind of Java Code Object Model (JCOM?) and then manipulate that code as if it were an object. Note: I ...

57. Packing files to single encapsulated object    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I have a class that I created, it use another files - a few dlls , a few jars, a few txt and xml, but all of these other files are located in my class's directory or sub directories. I want to pack it all to single object that I can take and put in any machine. Also do I ...

58. How do I create an object from a filename?    forums.oracle.com

I'm traversing directories and storing a list of files in a File array. Then I traverse the array looking at the extension of the file. If it is .java then I would like to instantiate it as a class so that I may pass the new object to another function which will examine its methods. I've tried Class.forName(file.getCanonicalPath()) and it throws ...

59. Re: Writting Objects to a file    forums.oracle.com

60. Re: Writting Objects to a file    forums.oracle.com

63. How can i return a file as a Tranferable object    forums.oracle.com

Mr.Darryl Burke Thanks for sending the link. Those links can allow to Drag and Drop in between JAVA Components but as i mention earlier my requirement is to drag from JAVA component and drop it to file system (Desktop, C Drive, D Drive OR any where in file system). So no where i found to drag and drop to file system. ...

64. Create File Object from a remote file    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I would like to know about how to create a new File object from a file in a remote machine, it is a web application, i have the remote route of the file, and if I need the ip of the remote machine, I would like to know how to get it too. File fileobject = new File(What do I ...

65. Using a File Object    forums.oracle.com

int count,currCount; String error = ""; String status = ""; Ftps ftps = null; File currentFile = null; Enumeration x; Enumeration y; ArrayList fileListNames = new ArrayList(); try { ftps = new Ftps("*******","********","*********"); ftps.setDataPortRange(6100,6199); ftps.setPassive(true); ftps.connect(); ftps.setBinary(); ftps.setDir("outbound"); ftps.setDir("KUED"); count = 0; for (x = ftps.getNameListing(); x.hasMoreElements() { count++; x.nextElement(); } currCount = 0; for (y = ftps.getNameListing(); y.hasMoreElements() { currCount++; ...

66. Large volume of Records -> Objects -> File Implementation    forums.oracle.com

Hi Friends, I have to write a service between DB and other applications. This service is need to read the database and provide the stream of objects. There will be millions of records in the DB. I thought of below given approach. I need to convert the records into Objects stream (Is is possible to do soo??!). This stream will be ...

67. Problems with I/O object to a File    forums.oracle.com

} Questo il Saver import java.io.*; public class Salva { public Salva(){} public void salva (Utente piero) throws IOException{ Load loader=new Load(); ListKey Lista=new ListKey(); try{ loader.Caricalista(Lista); }catch (Exception e){System.out.println ("Errore in Salva.java");} FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ("elenco.sav"); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); Lista.insert(piero); Utente test=new Utente(); int i; for(i=0;i

68. Combining 2 parameter files into 1 Object.    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I have 2 files, one holds a list of parameter in key=value format. And the other one holds the meta for the parameter file with the name of the parameter and "_" and the meta key = value. it looks somthing like this: File 1: Max=50 DisableReconnect=N SendLogonReconnect=Y File 2: Max_Name=Max Max_ValidValues=50,100,150 Max_Mask=### DisableReconnect_Name=DisableReconnect DisableReconnect_ValidValues=Y,N DisableReconnect_Mask= What would be ...

69. Set a description for a File object    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I have to do a File saving task. I have a directory when I place my files. When i press "Save", a dialog appears and a table lists all my files from that directory. Each file must have a description. My question is how to set a description for a file, and also, how to get back that description. 10ks ...

70. un-serializing java objects.    forums.oracle.com