Type « File Attribute « Java I/O Q&A

1. How to create own filetype?    stackoverflow.com

I want to create own filetype to save objects in my app. Basically, I urgently do not need new filetype, but it will be better. I have class. For example Car. It ...

2. Define a swig interface file for generation of wrapper to every type from some header file    stackoverflow.com

We're using some C library in our Java project. Several years ago some other developer which has retired few years ago (as always) has created all the wrappers for us. The ...

3. Platform independent way to fire off external applications/helpers by file type?    stackoverflow.com

For example, one application that I'm working on stores PDF files into a database, then can pull them back out for display. I've got a call in there using Runtime.exec ...

4. Identifying file type in Java    stackoverflow.com

Please help me to find out the type of the file which is being uploaded. I wanted to distinguish between excel type and csv. MIMEType returns same for both of these ...

5. Best way to use command line args for file types and operations    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a small utility class that originally was going to read in one of four file types, which I had working. Then I found out that after I ...

6. Type code out of range, is 28    coderanch.com

why do i get this error?what is 28 indicates? i am writing my object to a file,and reading it back. when i read the object from some PC's,It works well.where as the same is not working in som e PC's. I tested the same with different versions JDK as it in another PC,it works well to me.same is not working for ...

7. Is indexof only way of identify in file type    coderanch.com

Yes, you can call them without an instance of URLConnection. My code does it: - public final boolean guessContentType() throws IOException { InputStream in = getStream(true); if (CompileOptions.ASSERT) HQNdebug.hqassert(in.markSupported(), "mark() should be supported on byte stream"); synchronized(this) { if (null == _contentType) _contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(in); if (null == _contentType) _contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(_path); if (CompileOptions.DEBUG && null != _contentType) HQNdebug.trace(WebGUISubjects.STATIC, "Content type ...

8. Get File Type    coderanch.com

Hi, Anyone know how to do the following: - when i right click on a file whether in windows or linux the properties of the file comes up, i.e. name: x.jpg, Type: JPEG image, size: 30kb - if i change the file extension of the file to x.png, the type: JPEG image remains the same i.e. Type: JPEG image i have ...

9. need help with ImageInputStream types    coderanch.com

This is my code, anyone can help me, because i can not get a value to bufi variable, always is null. getDocumentByDocHandle25mtemp is byte[] ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(getDocumentByDocHandle25mtemp); Iterator readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("TIF"); javax.imageio.ImageReader reader = (javax.imageio.ImageReader)readers.next(); java.lang.Object source = bis; javax.imageio.stream.ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(source); reader.getDefaultReadParam(); File myGifFile = new File("C:/aGifFile.TIF"); java.awt.image.BufferedImage bufi = ImageIO.read(iis); System.out.println("bufi==>"+bufi); ImageIO.write(bufi,"TIF",myGifFile); ImageIO.getReaderMIMETypes(); i think the ...

10. determining the file type in java    coderanch.com

hi all, Without considering the file extension, i am trying to determine the file type by reading the file contents. Is that possible ? I`ve observed that every .pdf file has "%PDF-1.3" or "%PDF-1.4" etc as the very first chars. If i try removing them, the file `ll still be a .pdf but can not be opened by the Acrobat Reader. ...

12. file type java.sbm    coderanch.com

13. associate a file type with java app    coderanch.com

Is there a way to associate a file type with my app so that whenever the user clicks on the file, it automatically opens up my java app and uses that file name as the first command line parameter? Sort of like how if a user clicks a .xml file, it will automatically open in XML Spy or whatever.

14. How to determine a file type    coderanch.com

Google for mime types. There are tables of hundreds of extensions with descriptive types and some hints about what programs might open them. This kind of thing isn't perfect ... some extensions are ambiguous and might have several meanings. Some files have a little "signature" at the beginning, like Java class files all start with x'CAFEBABE. I don't know a good ...

15. Assigning string to variable type File.    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

16. Filetype in Firefox    coderanch.com

17. Filesystem type    coderanch.com

19. The public type AppletFrame must be defined in its own file?    coderanch.com

//Create a child frame window from within an applet package Applets; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; /* * * * */ class SampleFrame extends Frame{ SampleFrame(String title){ super(title); //create an object to handle window events MyWindowAdapter adapter=new MyWindowAdapter(this); //register it to receive those events addWindowListener(adapter); } public void paint(Graphics g){ g.drawString("This is in Frame window",10,40); ...

20. FileUpload and File type    coderanch.com

I wrote a servlet to do file upload using the commons jar. This part is working fine and I'm able to upload files successfully to the server. My question is How do I determine the file type of each file? Users can upload files with any extensions as long as the content is text. Eg, The user can upload test1.txt, test2.abc, ...

21. file cannot be resolved to a type    coderanch.com

public File(file dir) This is the signature of your method? Then just look at it. The name of the method is "File". What type does it return? You don't say. Perhaps you meant it should return a File? If so, then you need to give the method a name. Or if you don't want it to return anything, you should declare ...

22. adding file type    coderanch.com

Ok, I will describe it in detail. A user clicks 'save the image' option. Then JFileChooser pop-ups and he chooses the path and file name. Next, he clicks OK. But the image is saved without extension: 'myimage' unless the user scecify it. I want to add that extension '. png' automtically. There is a simple way to filter files during opening ...

24. Creating a file "type"    java-forums.org

i know there is a FileFilter interface that allows you to specify the conditions for which a file is matched by name, so that when you do a list directory for the files, then it will only show these files in the results. Swing has a similar mechanism. see also: JFileChooser: setFileFilter(FileFilter filter) : JFileChooser**javax.swing**Java by API Now if you meant ...

25. What Should be my Reurn type for returning a file    java-forums.org

In case you need more attribute from the File, return the File object. If you'd never need anything other than just the name, then return the String name as it is less "heavy" than returning the File object. To be honest though, I'd rather keep the File object as you'd probably need to do more stuff with it later.

27. octet-stream type trouble!    forums.oracle.com

28. REG:DETERMINING THE FILE TYPE    forums.oracle.com

29. What is java .jpr file type?    forums.oracle.com

30. guessNumber gives unknown file type in ie, firefox is ok    forums.oracle.com

The guessNumber tutorial greeting.jsp page will not display. This page loads fine in firefox, but in internet explorer, it fails to display the page, instead it produces a; File Download - Security Warning Do you want to save this file? Name: guessNumber Type: Unknown File Type From: localhost ... I Saved the file to disk, here is the contents;

31. reading/extracting ISO type file    forums.oracle.com

How about [this|http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzipjbind/]? Or something else from [these results|http://sourceforge.net/search/?words=ISO&type_of_search=soft&fq[]=trove%3A198&words=zip+ISO&search=Search] that I haven't been through? I can see why googling for ISO would be a bind, but that's not the only avenue. I just nipped over to sourceforge, narrowed by platform to Java, and searched for ISO. Other well-known code repositories would be useful too. On top of that, of course, ISO ...

32. Determine file type    forums.oracle.com

Or it might be a text file with "PK" as the first two bytes. You just can't tell. You can guess, if you like, but there isn't anything in the standard Java API to do that. And since it's an open-ended question, and people have invented tens of thousands of types of file over the years, I don't think people are ...

34. Launching external viewer per file type    forums.oracle.com

From my Java program I need to launch external viewers per file type. Is there any easy way to do this? My program may generate various output files (eg. html, txt, pdf ...etc). Once a file is generated, I want to launch corresponding registered viewer on users desktop so user can view the output(eg. for "HTML" registered web browser OR for ...

35. Get the HDD file system type    forums.oracle.com

36. Restricting File Types in the "Choose File" window    forums.oracle.com

there were a way of doing that but using the accept attribute in the input tag like but many browsers ignore this attribute and still show all file types. another way to solve the problem is to validate the file selected after user clicks ok by java script code.

37. One type of file to another type    forums.oracle.com

Dear friends, Can we develop an application which would convert and save one type of file to another type of file without destroying its contents? For example, there's a file "1.xls" which i want to save as "1.csv". This can be manually done and is supported too. But what i want to do is i want to implement it through a ...

38. determine file type    forums.oracle.com

But there must be some way to do this Why must there be? There may be "magic numbers" in the stream, or there may not be. The point was made in reply one that quite a few file types and that without some sensible choice about what options are going to be considered it could be quite infeasible. But it's worse ...

39. octet-stream type problem    forums.oracle.com

40. File cannot be resolved to a type    forums.oracle.com

41. How to recognize file type (bytearray type)    forums.oracle.com

42. Get filetype?    forums.oracle.com

As you see, it include the filename (jpg). But not all my file are jpg, so it would be nice if I could have a function/method to return the filetype from the outputFile. There is no such thing as a "file type" as you imagine. I guess what you want is whatever is behind the last dot in the file name. ...

43. Which file type should I use and how I use it?    forums.oracle.com

Hello! I need to create a file with some data that has been inserted manually. In this file, for example, there are: ************************************************************************ ProjectName1: string1, string7 string10, date1 ProjectName2: string11, string15 string20, date2 . . . ProjectNamek: string 100, string 116 string 140, date1 ************************************************************************ I know only one thing: one of the strings. What I need to find in ...

44. Returning type File from Method Problem    forums.oracle.com

As you can see, this method allows the user to open a file chooser, and select a file to open, the variable file is returned. This works great when a user selects a file, but when the user hits cancel, meaning the value of file will be "null". The following error is thrown: