export « Excel File « Java I/O Q&A

1. Best language to use when exporting an excel file    stackoverflow.com

I want to write a macro program that takes in data from a text file and then arranges it in a specific manner in an excel file. I don't know ...

3. how to export data to excel file in java script    coderanch.com

Hi ULF, I got the out put by using this code, BUt i have to change IE browser internet options like in security->customlevel->enable initialization and activex, Is there any chance to do this with out enable that option. function toExcel(){ var xls = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); xls.visible = true; xls.Workbooks.Add; dojo.query(".dojoxGridRowTable").forEach(function(node,index){ var x = node.rows; for (i = 0; i < x.length; ...

4. Excel Export on Already Opened Excel File Problem    forums.oracle.com

Hello All, I have some data displayed in the grid of my JTable which I need to Export it into Excel File. I have a File say 1.xls which is opened and has data of the Table that has been exported the first time. Now second time when I try to export new data to the same file when the file ...

5. export data from html file to excel file    forums.oracle.com

6. export java file to excel    forums.oracle.com