monitor « Development « Java I/O Q&A

1. In Java, what is the best/safest pattern for monitoring a file being appended to?

Someone else's process is creating a CSV file by appending a line at a time to it, as events occur. I have no control over the file format or the other ...

2. Java Folder Monitor for creation/deletion/etc?

Is there a way to monitor folders in java to see when they are updated, ie file created, deleted, renamed,etc. And also is there any way to set it that it ...

3. Use jpathwatch to find out when a program finished writing to a file

I'm currently using jpathwatch to watch for new files created in a folder. All fine, but I need to find out when a program finished writing to a file. The library's author ...

4. How to monitor file upload progress?

I need to upload a file to server and monitor it's progress. i need to get a notification how many bytes are sent each time. For example in case of download i have:

HttpURLConnection ...

5. java 7 directory monitoring questions

I just saw an awesome feature with java 7, the directory watcher. It'll tell you when something changed in a directory without polling the directory. 1.) But it says it falls back ...

6. FileMonitor filechanges combine signals (aggregate them)

long time visitor, my first question. I'm more looking for ideas to my problem than a specific java question. I have a file and/or directory that I need to pass on ...

7. How to monitor a file?

Hi, I have a perl program that will be updating an XML file at periodic intervals. Then I have a Java program that will go through the XML file and perform some database activity based on the file. Is there a way to "listen" to the status of the xml file, so that whenever the file gets updated, the java program ...

8. Resolution of the Monitor

If you're talking about having a browser connect (via HTTP) to your socket listener and you want to find some way to detect their resolution from this, as far as I am aware, the resolution is not a property of HTTP but can be made available by the browser. In other words, I'm not sure you can simply parse the HTTP ...

9. File Upload Monitor

10. Monitoring File System

I'm looking for an open source Java application that allows me to monitor a Windows file system. Something that creates a log when files are opened, modified, moved, copied, or deleted. Does anyone have any suggestions? If there isn't already an open source application that does this, does anyone know how I could accomplish it via Java and a Microsoft API? ...

11. Monitoring a Directory

Can anyone tell me the best way to monitor a directory for file changes? I have code that currently uses a properties file to store file modification times. This works but as the number of files increase with run time so does the memory requirement. I need to monitor 1 or more directories in live time and process new files. Thanks, ...

12. Monitoring a directory?

I think your two choices are to periodically list the directory and see if anything new showed up or to use JNDI to a C/C++ module using some operating system notification API. Guess the choice depends on how quickly you need to spot new files, how much overhead you can stand for listing the directory, how good your C/C++ skills are, ...

14. Monitor FIFO (mkfifo) file - start / stop not working

Hello, proFTPD can use a FIFO file as a log. The manual tells me I must start the monitoring fifo script before the proftpd is started. I found in the init.d script the start parameter and inserted: proftpd start... touch /opt/ftp/proftpd.lock java Simple& [Simple now in background] Fifo reads: public class Simple { public static void main(String args[]) { BufferedReader in ...

15. Directory monitor in Java, help

This is exactly what I need to do. Now, i already have been working on the last modified time comparison which is relatively simple. What I was stuck on was finding what was different between the two file lists. Would I have to iterate through the entirety of the list and compare each item to find what was different or is ...

16. Folder monitoring - problem finding new files

17. Trying to monitor folder for new files

Hello everyone, So I am trying to make a service that waits for a file to appear in a directory, then send it to the appropriate queue based on the purpose of the file. Is there any kind of framework (such as the monitoring tools) that would help me with this? Does anyone have experiance with the best way to design ...

18. flat file monitoring and parsing

I'm looking for an existing framework/open source project, which is designed to monitor a file to detect when it has changed, or just periodically check the modified date. If it detects a change in the file, then parse the file, looking for specified strings. Basically I want to monitor application log files, parsing out specified strings, then loading this information into ...

19. Monitoring of a file in java

If you are on Windows there is an API ReadDirectoryChangesW that you can call using JNI. This call is supposed to block until the file is changed. At that point your code can check to see what happened. I tried using it a while back but found it to be problematic. It could just be that it was my first attempt ...

20. Monitor the new incoming files in the folder -help please

public class SimpleJdbc1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File("E:/Interface/OUT"); File files[] = f.listFiles(); for(int i=0;i

21. Real time file/dir monitoring

if(file == null) { System.out.println("No urls to update"); } else { String[] filePath = file.list(); for(int i=0; i

22. How to monitor file directory