manifest « Development « Java I/O Q&A

1. manifest file not containing an attribute

Thanks for your answers. I'm still having a fault saying manifest file does not contain a file/object attribute, after I had created my jar file for my application. I'm doubting maybe ...

2. Ant not parsing variable in BND file correctly

I have a large project that I've previously been able to compile in ant without problem. I've made some changes to my system since then, most notably upgrading from Ubuntu ...

3. Java Manifest Files

I am trying to make sense of these files, I can seem to find reading that makes it simple to understand and remember. Could someone explain manifest files, and why they ...

4. The MANIFEST.MF file won't load when I compiled it on my macbook

I created a simple test jar executable file, but when I tried to run it, it wouldn't work because it said that the Main-Class manifest attribute from jar.jar wouldn't load. ...

5. Order of the lines in Java manifest files

Does the order of lines in manifest file matter? Somebody is trying to convince me that things break for him when the manifest file changes from

Manifest-Version: 1.0 
Class-Path: xxx.jar 
Main-Class: com.something
Manifest-Version: 1.0 ...

6. Application Description in Manifest file

I'm developing an about-box JFrame that contain information about application:

  • Company Name
  • Version
  • Description
For application Version and company name i retrieve the value from the manifest file fields (company-name, version-number) of the ...

7. Why edit to Manifest file provides solution that CLASSPATH does not

I'm writing a short utility that performs a short task on a remote Oracle instance. The utility uses the Oracle jdbc driver found in ojdbc6.jar. The Oracle jar is properly included in ...

8. Reading Manifest File

I want to read a version number from a Manifest file stored in a JAR file named common.jar. This code clip works: URL url = new URL("jar:file:/D:/mypath/common.jar!/"); JarURLConnection jarConnection = (JarURLConnection)url.openConnection(); Manifest manifest = jarConnection.getManifest(); String version = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Version-Num); The problem is that I can only use absolute file paths (d:\mypath\common.jar) to get to the JAR file which will not work ...

9. Question about Java heap size and the manifest file

Hi all! Recently I've been developing a small game engine in Java, which loads many png and jpg files and the default heap size that the JVM gives (64mb) seems to not be enough. I solved that matter by adding the following switches, as instructed by tutorials around the net: -Xss2048k -Xms64m -Xmx256m -Xmn50m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy 256 max heap size will ...

10. manifest file problem

Hello sura, - in your Jar there has to be a folder named META_INF - in this folder put a file named MANIFEST.MF - this file should contain two lines of code: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: MyBrilliantTestClass In the second line there has to be the name of the class file that contains the main method to run. In this stupid example ...

11. Manifest file woes

I've been working on writing a java app (using WebSphere 5.1.2) that uses a couple of common jar files (log4j, that sort of thing) and I roll everything up in to the same jar file. The problem is that when I try to run the app out of the jar file (java -jar myapp.jar), it can't find my property files or ...

12. Manifest file problems

I posted about a week ago, on this problem, and still im having problems. Just trying to create an executable jar file. This is what im doing. At the command line I'm typing: jar cvfm package.jar "C:\mydocuments\Messenger" my manifest file looks exactly like this: Main-Class: yet when i run the executable jar file, it sais it cannot find the ...

13. Difficulty in adding own manifest file

I create a folder w in which i have a java class in package my.Wen i use D:\>jar cf qwe.jar w jar file successfully creataed but when i add a manifest file which has content Main-Class: my.Test I also press enter after my.Test Now when i execute it in cmd D:\>jar cmf qwe.jar man w i get this error qwe.jar ...

14. Class-Path variable in manifest file

Hi All, I am trying to create a jar file which is custom utility. I need to package some extra 3rd party jars along with this jar & I am adding the same as part of manifest file when creating the custom jar file. So here is the manifest file Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: Test User Main-Class: Class-Path: activation-1.0.2.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar ...

15. Libraries path in Manifest file

16. writing a manifest file

17. Putting un-jarred config files on the manifest classpath

Hi all. Here's what i want to do... Have my entire program contained in an executable jar file. Have the external library jars referenced in the manifest's classpath. Have configuration files, referenced in the manifest classpath, outside the jar file in a folder named 'config'. These configuration files (application-context.xml etc, should be un-jared and editable on the classpath. Here's the ...

18. No console window when running manifest file?

This is more of a question on programming concept than anything. After 7 or 8 months of experience in Java, I'm still quite comfortable using the console window for IO for my program (although I'm not using commandline). I just recently saw a fellow student create a manifest file with an applet that allowed the .jar file to be clicked on ...

19. JVM parameters in MANIFEST file

hey guys really its my first time to build RMI application now I have problem I want to double click the jar file and run every thing but the problem is the JVM parameters -Djava.rmi.server.codebase -Djava.rmi.server.hostname is there a way to set these parameters in the manifest file? or how could i do that without running the cmd?

20. What is manifest file?

Hi, I have learned about jar's. I know the basic definition of the manifest file.I know that it gets created automatically and that it stores information like version number etc. But I want to know following : 1.Is it possible to create manifest file manually, overwriting the default one created automatically? 2.What other information does the manifest file stores? 3.Will it ...

21. Manifest file: line too long error

When I try creating a jar file using eclipse which has a manifest file in it with a long list of jar files, I get an error saying line too long. Can you tell me how to get this working: Here is the list of jars files>> Class-Path: activation.jar antlr-2.7.6.jar aopalliance.jar aspectjrt.jar aspectjweaver.jar cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar common-annotations.jar commons-collections-3.2.jar commons-dbcp-all-1.3.jar commons-lang-2.2.jar commons-logging.jar dom4j-1.6.1.jar hibernate3.jar ...

22. "Failed to load main class manifest attribute from "

A JAR file is simply a collection of class files, in order to make it an "executable" JAR file you must specify which class file is the "main" class file. In other words, which class should the runtime start executing first. You do this using what is called a manifest file, this is meta information included into the JAR file that ...

23. what is manifest file in java?

24. need help with a manifest file

I'm trying to make a jar file executable, and I've seen numerous questions and answers regarding this particular issue, and none of them helped me with my problem. I have a batch file that runs the application without any problem, but when I try to create a manifest with the main class attribute copied char by char from my batch file ...

25. JApplet MANIFEST classpath.. 3 files

26. Stupid manifest file

28. specifying multiple classpath entries in manifest file

HI all, I want to make one jar file executable so i have created the jar file with specifying manifest file including main-class & class-path. But my class-path is little over 75 bytes .There is restriction of entries should be only 70 jar file is not taking the last 6 bytes. I have specified multiple classpath entries but it is ...

29. Manifest File

If you want to create jar from command line tool. First compile the source code, then create one manifest ffile with some information like: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: your class name with package then use Enter key to change line and save it as name(xyz is anum name). After this step use the command as cmd>jar cmf abc.jar className.class // ...

30. What is manifest file?

Hi, I have learned about jar's. I know the basic definition of the manifest file.I know that it gets created automatically and that it stores information like version number etc. But I want to know following : 1.Is it possible to create manifest file manually, overwriting the default one created automatically? 2.What other information does the manifest file stores? 3.Will it ...

31. manifest file in war application

My classes are not loaded within the jar file but they are in WEB-INF/classes. Is war manifest information not available to classes inside WEB-INF/classes directory? For now I have created a jar file of application classes containing manifest file, put it inside lib directory and now I am able to retrieve required information from manifest file using methods on Package class. ...

32. spaces in directory names in Class-Path in manifest files

"Program Files" is a Windows directory that you won't find on Linux or Solaris. One normally distributes the jars that a jar depends on in a directory 'close' to the jar's directory. For example myProgram.jar lib/derby.jar lib/library.jar lib/jdom.jar then the class path entry in myProgram.jar will be Class-Path: lib/derby.jar lib/library.jar lib/jdom.jar This class path will be platform independent.

33. Manifest file

This is my manifest file is this correct Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 11.0-b15 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Main-Class: helloworldapp.Main Class-Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC\lib\mssqlserver.jar X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build I need to access the classes in mssqlserver.jar but it still gives me no class found exception.

34. Manifest file is wrong somehow...

35. How to change the Java manifest file

Hi i am facing the problem of running a java program that queries an SQL database. It works perfect when i am running it with netbeans but has a problem in running through the command prompt this error message comes up java.sql.SQLException:No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql:// When i posted this question earlier everyone asked me to change the mainfest, can ...

36. Argument passing by Manifest file

37. problem in exporting library files with project(Classpath in manifest file)

I've developed a J2EE application client using Eclipse, now I want to export my project as a executable jar file but there is a lot of external jar files so when I put their name in Class-Path variable of project's Manifest, I see "Too long" error because there are too many external jar files. How I can export required jar ...

38. file's Class-Path attribute too wide?

I have created an executable .jar file and everything is fine except that the .jar needs about a dozen other jars located in various directories. When I put the locations of the other jars in the using "Class-Path:" the system tells me that the row containing the Class-Path attribute is too wide and the .jar won't execute. Is there a ...

41. Java Manifest file

42. How do you add a directory to a file, andf in what order.

How do you add a directory to a file in a JAR file, andf in what order. I know how to set a classs files and file class's & Main Class's not a problem, but how about a directory/folder. The Directory/folder contains class's. My prog can run the class's from a Jlist, as long as I set the classpath directly ...

43. Accessing the manifest file.