applet 2 « Development « Java I/O Q&A

1. access files from an applet

2. Reading file for an applet

What if I have a file that I put on the server side that I want to read when I run the program. I can always put the file contents into a class, but, can I create a file, put it on the server at the same folder of the applet source code then?

3. Need help with file reading in applet

Your applet could retrieve the file from the HTTP server where it was originally downloaded. Obviously allowing an arbitrary applet to read arbitrary files on the client hard drive is a security issue. Therefore, it's not allowed unless you have specifically edited your client machine's security policy to allow your applet to read files on the client machine. The applet must ...

4. Applet viewing without using html file

I am new to java and am trying to make a applet. My applet is working fine if I use tag in the browser encapsulting my applet file. But I want to know how can I run it without encapsulating my applet file on a html file. Please help me if it is possible.

5. Need help reading file directory from applet!

Sorry i thought it was a null pointer, it's actually this: access denied ( C:\Users\Emud\Documents\pokemon read) at Source) at Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) at Gui.initTables( at Gui.init( at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source) at Source) Exception: access denied ( C:\Users\Emud\Documents\pokemon read) yeah, i'm making a program about pokemon...cos i'm cool ...

6. A helloworld java applet that will work on an html file

I have spent a lot of time trying to get a java applet to work on a web page. Of course, I can download zip packages and they will work. But I can?t seem to find a formula for creating something simple that will work. All the examples that I have found will either work on Windows when running it on ...

7. Applet java file not refreshing in browser

Check this [document loader example|] & follow the link to sandbox.html for tips on clearing the class cache. That relates specifically to caching a refused security certificate, but class caching is much the same. As an aside, getting a console can be tricky in modern times (unless the applet fails completely). It is handy to configure the [Java Control Panel|] to ...

8. Addings graphics from a file to my applet

9. reading a file structure from an applet and posting to web site

how to get file list of the remote computer. I want to display directory structure of a visitor on the web page. I've read that java applets cannot read or write on hosting server . But if I understood correctly examples here it is possible to make two applets, one which is run on the remote machine ( but originates ...

10. Applet file I/O

Hello everyone, I am experimenting with applets and am trying to use file I/O. My goal is to have the applet run on a website and have it write "Hello World" to a text file on the users machine. I am aware that applets cannot typically write to files stored on a hardrive. I have tried using certificates and it still ...

11. Unable to open files from Applet Location

12. Java Applet that reads from file

I'm quite new to java, I'm fiddling around with it for a nonprofit organization. I have a java program that reads from a specified file and generates output but my final goal is a search box on the website that will take user input, run it through my program which searches through a prespecified file, and generate output. I'd appreciate any ...

13. calling applet embedded in html page from js file

Thanks for replying. But I don't understand your question. Here is a visual: CODE MyApplet ...{ myFunction(String var1){ //do some work here } } /*NOW THE JAVASCRIPT PAGE*/ function jsFunc(var2){ //do some work document.myApplet.myFunction(var2); } END_CODE The call to document.myApplet... is not working because obviously two different files are involved. So how do I get a script function in one file ...

14. Problem with applet file loading

This file you were hoping to load: it's on the server, right? Not on the computer where the applet is running in a browser? (At least that's a common mistake made by people when they write their first applet.) If that's the case then you can't use a File object to access a file on a different computer. To access a ...

16. Writing applets that read files hosted on a webserver.

I have a java applet that I need to be able to read files on the webserver. IE open and render images. I know ultimately the user will end up downloading these images that are hosted on the websserver, but the java applet is set to read from it's local directory, for example, when I open up a text files, I ...

17. Problem in Uploading a File by Applet

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" access denied ( connect,resolve) at Source) at Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkConnect(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at UploadAndDownload.actionPerformed( at java.awt.Button.processActionEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Button.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at ...

18. How to create bulk file up loader using Java applets

Applets should be avoided if at all possible. First off, to do this kind of think you need a signed applet, and to do that for more than testing you need an expensive digital certificate. An unsigned applet can't access the client machine's file system. Furthermore most of your potential users are likely not to have the right JRE installed, and ...

19. Applet Write Files Example

I can now see the button on the Webpage, but something else is wrong with the code. It somehow doesn't check the input in the textarea and it saves no file to the harddisc. I could find something about applets and security issues on the Tutorial sides of java, and even an example for writing a file from an applet. Thanks ...

20. accessing files with an Applet

I want to access files with my Java Applet. I kept getting error messages, trying to programm file IO. Then I read something about certificates and jar files. On this sun Internetside several vendors for signed certificates are emntioned: What possibilities do I have to read and write files from an Applet? Do I need a certificate? Or can I ...

22. Reading and writing files using applet

I have written an application in java which reads files as input and writes to a file as output. All the input/output files are at server side. The user just needs to select a file from menu. The result is displayed in a text area. I want to display this application on my webpage. Converting the application to applet is not ...

23. Write a remote file from an applet

Hi everybody, first post. Sorry for my mistakes and ignorance. I've got a Web application consisting basically of Java code and some jsp pages. I've got an applet in one of those Web pages and I want this applet to write in a remote machine. The client machine in which the applet runs has a Windows XP O.S. and the server ...


{ setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(ta, BorderLayout.CENTER); try { InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("test1.txt"); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(in); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { pw.println(line); } ta.setText(sw.toString()); } catch (IOException io) { ta.setText("Ooops"); } } } Can anyone help me please? Is this the best ...

25. After compile Applet, HTML file will be created, isn't work!

I have an applet, I want to run the applet out of the netbeans 5.5, I mean from the application folder by clicking on the html file. \application_name\build\myApplet.html After run the myApplet.html i get html page contain applet but it is white, can't see the game! What is the reasons for this kind of problem?

27. Applet read temp file from drag-drop

Hello! I am trying to read JPEG that user drop into my applet inside HTML. It is a temp file, so applet should be able to read that file without messup with grant { ... }; & sign applet. I searched the SecurityManager docs but did not find any useful information. Your comment and advice is appreciated. Thanks, Sovann

29. Applet in external file

Hi, I am trying to alter a Java applet menu I downloaded to run from an external file rather than being hard coded into each html page. Below is a sample of the html code. The original can be found at

30. can you write to files with an applet or what?

In the future, do not post eleventeenkathousand lines of code. No one is going to read it all and - quite frankly - no one really cares. As for the issue at hand, whenever you are going to access the file system, a remote server, access the clipboard and a handful of other "security" related issues, you must sign your applet. ...

31. html file of an applet

32. How to write a file with Applet?

33. Applet file access problem

Hi, I am new to applets and I am trying to build an applet that needs input from other files on the server. How can I give my applet access to these files? I found some code with URLConnection, but I cannot seem to make it work. I am getting AppletNotLoaded appearing on the bottom of the webpage. Here is some ...

34. Applet File Detection

35. can i open a ppt file in java applet?

36. Applet file help

Don't be so impatient. Many of us have jobs. Anyway...use HTTP. If your web server is so configured, you could use a PUT connection to add a file to a given URL. PUT is a bit unusual (although less so these days with the rising popularity of REST), so a more common option is to POST data to some kind of ...

37. write files with an applet -- help!

38. Applet accessing local files under Vista

I have a signed applet that accesses files on the client machine. This applet is not able to open files when running under Windows Vista (I get an "Access denied" message). I found that in C++ there is a function called GetTempPath, which returns a path to a directory where and OCX control can access files. So here is my question: ...

39. Difference between File access by Applets and other Java applications

Hello there, I have a problem in my project, I use JTEXTPANE, and read the content from that through both the Applets and another Java application, the content of the jtextpane is read correctly with the java application, but while using an applet it's causing a problem. Can i know the difference between accessing such components by Applets and other Java ...

40. Error on reading file in Applet

41. Writing to files using applets

ok.. this explains why I cannot update the file using URL object. Is there any way I can write to it... Yes, the file is local to me and located in the bin folder. I browsed the google 2 find the answer, but it gave me sumthing regarding CGI and Java partnership. Cant we do it without CGI? do tell me ...

42. Applet accessing temp directory in Vista

My signed applet requires access to a directory where it can read/write files. Apparently the temp directory is one place where an applet can do this. The method System.getProperty("") returns the path to the temp directory on Windows XT or 2000. But Vista denies access to reading this property. I also tried System.getProperty("") with the same result. Any suggestions on how ...

43. applet for uploading files

44. How to read a local file from Applet Code

45. Cannot Read File From Applet

46. How to let a webpage applet read a file????

47. How to load files into applets?

Hi, I have developed a quiz applet. The quiz applet will have a button by clicking which one can start quiz. The quiz will open in a Jframe. At first the frame shows screen to enter a username (no checking for present). After you click login it takes the test quiz file as input and number of questions to appear in ...

48. Can I use Desktop.getDesktop().open(file) to open a file instead of Applet

I was assigned a task in which a file has to be downloaded from a server. Right now, the code was already there which is written using applet. That is file is downloaded to local directory then it will get opened. Why cant I code in the following way. 1. Reading the file from the server and writing it to a ...