War 1 « Development « Java I/O Q&A

1. create a war file    stackoverflow.com

I want to create a war file for project. The code works fine for creating jar file. when I run the following ant build.xml it still gives the message jar file BUILD ...

2. Encrypting War files    stackoverflow.com

I would like to encrypt or obfuscate my WAR file so that reverse engineering will take a little more effort. Is there such a tool or maven plugin that will ...

3. what software can help me to unwar a war file and get the java source code within it?    stackoverflow.com

what software can help me to unwar a war file and get the java source code within it ?

4. How can I generate .war files using .java or .html?    stackoverflow.com

I want to Generate .WAR file from .java / .html

5. directory structure to access .sh file from war    stackoverflow.com

I have a .sh file i am creating a war file wheter in the classes are under web-inf/classes/test/test.class .i am accessing .sh file from test class using the following syntax string cmd="./test.sh" runtime ...

6. How to check if a file exists in a war file?    stackoverflow.com

How can I check if a file exists in a war file? I know I can use

boolean doesExist = new File(myfile).exists();
but how do I use that in a java class ...

7. how to obfuscate the war file using proguard    stackoverflow.com

I want to obfuscate a war file using proguard,how can i do so ?
Please explain me the steps

8. Is there a way to compare two Java war files    stackoverflow.com

We built some war files for our web server a while back and have now rebuilt them. To ensure that nothing has changed (and as a quality check), we tried to compare ...

9. Packaging Javascript files in a war?    stackoverflow.com

I am developing a Servlet based Java project which is to be packaged as a war using Maven. Is there a way I can include JavaScript (JS) files along with this project ...

10. How to conditionally include one of two files in a .war package with Buildr?    stackoverflow.com

We're using Buildr to package an application as a .war file. To streamline the automated deployment process further, I'd like to conditionally select one of these two files (from ...

11. Packaging into an war file    stackoverflow.com

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

12. Install .ttf file in client    stackoverflow.com

I have a question about TrueType Fonts and their installation in the client side. I know they can be installed in the operating system manually. But I have another question. For my Java ...

13. ANT creating a WAR file and excluding a word    stackoverflow.com

When building my WAR file I want to exclude all files that have the word "test" in them. Is there a way to exclude all those files in one exclude tag? ...

14. How to deploy the war file of module wise    stackoverflow.com

i want to deploy the war files developed by different developers on module wise.All are using the NetBeans IDE for the development,this IDE itself will generate a jar file.But all the ...

15. How to build Wonder/WebObjects project into single WAR file?    stackoverflow.com

Hello I have Wonder Project and I don't know how to build it into one single WAR file that will include all the libraries. Can somebody advise me on that? Thank ...

16. Is it secure to have a configuration file outside a deployed java war file?    stackoverflow.com

Specifically, is it more or less secure having the file on the outside? This is assuming you put the configuration files in the root directory (of the web server). And that ...

17. Include file with no extension in my ant build for my war file    stackoverflow.com

When I build my .war file via ant, it is excluding a file that doesn't have an extension from the class path. So in the class path there are two ...

18. Fingerprint of a Java WAR file    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a JAR library that can be included inside any WAR, sending log data to a server (EDIT: it's an appender for Log4j). In order to later group logs that ...

19. Naming Convention for War File    stackoverflow.com

Is there any accepted convention for naming war files? Jar files seem to follow all lowercase with hyphens. E.g. my-library.jar. I've seen both this and camel case for ...

20. Updating files in a WAR/JAR reguardless of their date    stackoverflow.com

I have an ANT task that uses the jar task to update a few files inside of a previously built war. [The files are processed between compilation of a WAR and ...

21. Fastest way to deploy and run a Java WAR file?    stackoverflow.com

Is there a simple, programmatic way to quickly "deploy" and run a standard Java WAR file for local testing without having to install and configure external software packages like Tomcat or ...

22. Copy Ant path to WAR's lib directory    stackoverflow.com

I think this is probably a common use case. I define a set of paths:

<path id="log4j.classpath">
    <fileset dir="${log4j.home}">
        <include name="log4j-1.2.16.jar"/>

23. No of JVM instances per war file?    stackoverflow.com

As per my understanding there will be one jvm instance and one class loader hierarchy per war file. Right? Two questions:- Question1:- if i package my servlet class and business class(packaed ...

24. How retrive the source code from .war file project    bytes.com

ashokreddy Hello, I developed a Java Web project in Netbeans IDE, i deployed the .war in Tomcat web server. It is working good. but the thing is I lost the source ...

25. reading filename in war archive    coderanch.com

A servlet runs as an application on the host machine, so there's practically no limit as to what it can do. Your question is vague as to where the directory is, on disk or within the WAR file. If the directory is on disk you could create a File object for the current directory and use its getParent() and list() methods ...

26. Finding files in war file...??    coderanch.com

I understand how to use File as well as File[] to retrieve file information on my PC given a specified directory. However, I would like to know if there was a way to find a file which I have located within a web-application which could be installed on many different directories. I am using tomcat5 and could use the same logic ...

27. run a java application from .war file    coderanch.com

realize that a "war" file typically denotes a Web Application aRchive -- and is used to hold J2EE Web applications that are deployed to and executed from an application server. a "jar" file typically denotes a Java Application aRchive -- and can be used to hold a J2SE application that you run from the command line, as Annie has shown. I ...

28. Create license for war file.    coderanch.com

29. .war files    coderanch.com

30. Help with .war files    coderanch.com

Thanx Peter for your reply. I know the .jar can be opened with any zip utilities. I tried the same thing with .war but no luck. Even i renamed the .war to zip and tried still luck doesnot seem to turn out my way. Thanx again Ajan [This message has been edited by Ajan Balakrishnan (edited February 07, 2001).]

31. WAR file    coderanch.com

32. How does one make a *%$#@ .war file?    coderanch.com

34. Question about war. files and customizing apps    coderanch.com

I have a question about visability from a .WAR file. I have an application I am building. It's being built using Servlets/Beans/JSP's using MVC pattern for use on Tomcat. I'ed like the user to be able to customise it (eg fonts, HTML tables etc). I thought of using a set up Servlet (via a jsp)that will enter user's specs into a ...

35. WAR file    coderanch.com

36. how to make war file    coderanch.com

37. How to create a .war file?    coderanch.com

hello everybody, i am using weblogic server 6.1. I have followed all the procedures given at the url: http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs61/programming/packaging.html#1036151 for packagind a web application. i created the staging-directory as "stage" and under it had created the sub directories "WEB-INF/classes" and "META-INF". i had put the servlet class under the classes directory and had executed the command: java weblogic.ant.taskdefs.war.DDInit stage at the ...

38. how to deploy a .war file?    coderanch.com

39. What is a .war file?    coderanch.com

WAR file is a "Web Application Archive" -- it's comprised of all the pieces of your web application: JSPs, Servlets, Images, Static HTML, images, etc. -- and all packaged in a single snazzy little file. Couple great advantages of a WAR file --> 1- Easily transferred from development to production machines (there aren't TONS of files to move and make sure ...

40. Does the size of the .war file matter?    coderanch.com

41. Ant War files for JRun    coderanch.com

42. Creation of a war file    coderanch.com

Hi, Is there a way to create a .war file as a directory as opposed to a simple file. For ex, I like to have the war file as a directory the following way. mywar.war - images - META-INF - WEB-INF - abc.jsp so that I can traverse to each directory beneath it. I know that simply creating a war by: ...

43. war files    coderanch.com

44. how to create WAR files    coderanch.com

Hi , You need to have RI to see some code in action for link given by Manish.Its lot better to have RI and check for urself some code in action.So if u dont have the RI download it from the Sun site.WAR stands for Web ARchive and essentially this is very similar to JAR but when we pack together the ...

45. WAR file deployment and dependent libraries    coderanch.com

Hi all, We seem to have an ongoing debate here regarding WAR file deployment and whether to include dependent libraries as part of the WAR file or not. I have done the reading and understand why you might put JAR files with libraries shared by multiple applications in some shared lib folder, but I am of the opinion that this should ...

46. Environment specific properties and WAR file deployment    coderanch.com

Hi all, I was wondering what the consensus was here about including environment-specific configuration information in the WAR file (like database connection info, etc) as environment entries, as in the web.xml. We have for some time here followed another practice. Any environment specific properties are placed in a properties file and deployed to a shared/classes folder and referenced on the classpath. ...

47. getInitParameter from a .war file    coderanch.com

Hi, In my web application, I get db username and password from the web.xml file under the servletcontext directory. In its web.xml file, several init-params are declared. Now, I want to distribute this application in war format but web.xml file will go into that archive file and cannot be changed after archived. Is there any way that I can get this ...

48. how to make a .war file    coderanch.com

49. how to open a WAR file    coderanch.com

sir i have downloaded some chapters from net and in that each chapter is in WAR fromat and one main thing is that chapter 1 consist of two war file ,,,,,,, one is of chapter that is cho1.war and other is index1.jsp file and i try to run jsp file and it is giving error....plz tell me that how to use ...

50. How to create a war file    coderanch.com

51. How to share value between mutiple war files?    coderanch.com

I have 2 war files running on the same web server. There is a login jsp page in the first war. When the user login through the login page, how can I pass the userid to the second war (for example, pass the first web application userid to the session of second web application)? Any idea? Thanks.

52. How can I make a war file?    coderanch.com

53. on war file    coderanch.com

54. Move a file in a WAR    coderanch.com

I am not sure if websphere can run war files without unpackaging them (like tomcat can). there is an unpacking work folder in websphere that some of our past projects the installation process was to honestly to deploy the war, stop websphere, edit property files that were in the newly created WEB-INF folder, within the deployed app, then restart websphere... So ...

55. war file    coderanch.com

56. about war file    coderanch.com

Originally posted by ravindra patil: [QB]i am creating war file using jar command jar -cvf applicationroot.war * it is working properly in tomacat but not on weblogic why this kindly reply tomacat version is 5.X and web logic server version is 6.1 but when i creates war file by eclipse then it works there is no problem with my web.xml file ...

57. content in war file    coderanch.com

war file when put in the server...once it gets expanded will be same as the option 1 (exploded directory structure) in Janakiram's answer... the contents...same as what you would put in the above option. Extra stuff would be the meta-inf directory and manifest.mf file... Contents would be html,jsps,images,css,jars,classes,tlds,tags,web.xml,config files,etc..(what a normal web application has)

58. unable to read file from war file    coderanch.com

hi, i'm trying to display report created using jasper report. following is the code of my jsp which contains one button on click of that button my servlet is getting called

My Servlet code which will call the static method of java class if (req.getRequestURI().equalsIgnoreCase("/SimpleJasper/report.do")){ System.out.println("Inside report.do servlet................................................"); ContactUtils.runReport(); } ...

59. how do files of one war file will access files of other war file    coderanch.com

Synchronizing file access across contexts is tricky. Or is just read-only access? Obviously, you'need to know the path to the file, which includes the name of the other web app, and its internal structure. This goes a bit against the encapsulation one is trying to achieve with web apps. Maybe it would be possible for the web apps to only access ...

60. include source code in WAR file    coderanch.com

61. talking across war files    coderanch.com

62. how to create war file    coderanch.com

To create one: CD into the root directory of your web app (the one that contains the WEB-INF directory) Type: jar cvf mywarfile.war * This will create a war file in the current directory. Why create them? Because they are a very easy, clean, and dependable way to ship and deploy an entire web application as a single file. If you ...

63. How to create a WAR file    coderanch.com

64. Package symlinks in a WAR file?    coderanch.com

Okay, so don't ask why (rolls eyes), but I need to deploy a WAR file, and have a symlink set up automatically in the webapps/myapplication directory under tomcat. Right now, I can auto-deploy the WAR file, and if I create the symlink manually, everything works fine. But is there a way to create a symlink on my development machine, and have ...

65. WAR files    coderanch.com

67. Comparing war files    coderanch.com

there is a command called jar -tvf . This command will list all files in jar file alongwith folder structure. You can probably run this command for both jar files from your java code and than used try comparing output of both of them. By this you can compare two jar files are same in terms of contents or not. ...

68. How do I read a .WAR file ?    coderanch.com

Hi again. I downloaded a whole lot of docos and codes from Osborne in a .WAR file. I put that into Tomcat, in CATALINA's examples directory (the samples work). Then I use a browser to try and read the .WAR file It asked me what I want to read it with e.g. WinWord, IE, NetScape etc. None of them could read ...

69. how to make a war file    coderanch.com

70. .WAR files    coderanch.com

Manikanta, WARs and JARs are just zip files. You can create and view the contents of a ?ARs with any zip program. When you create a ?ar file using a zip program, just change the zip extension to the appropiate one. As was previously pointed out, you need to add a manifest manually when building a JAR using a zip program. ...

71. hot to create a war file.    coderanch.com

72. Problem with war files    coderanch.com

Hello, I had visited the codebarn of javaranch to try the servlet given there. The page tells to download the SimpleServlet.war file to the webapps folder in the Tomcat directory. it further warns us to be careful not to store the file as zip file. But everytime i try to download it, it opens as ZIP archive file. How am i ...

73. How to package Diiferent Context Root in a .WAR file    coderanch.com

if i have a comm.war file, how do i package different context root say /communciation in war file. So that whenever i deploy this war file on tomcat it takes context root as /communicate. I did it successfully using server.xml but can i do such things from with in war file ?

74. How to create WAR file    coderanch.com

76. Need to refer a Javascript from another WAR file    coderanch.com

I am having two WAR Files. The first one contains a javascript and some utility functions along with the View Layer JSP. Second one contains user interfaces. Both the WAR files are there in the same server. I need to access the utility functions and javascript from the second WAR. I am not sure, how to do this. I cannot add ...

77. Depolying a WAR file    coderanch.com

Hi, The company hosting my website is absolutely no help on this, so I'm hoping someone here can help me. When I deploy my war file to my host's weberver, and then check "Enable Donmain Mapping" (a setting in Cpanel), I can browse to my app, but browsing to my home HTML page generates a 400 Bad Request error. If I ...

78. My webhosting company asked me to rename my .war file into ROOT.war    coderanch.com

Dear experts, I am quite worried that my web hosting company has asked me to rename my .war file as ROOT.war for upload into their file management system. Now, since I can't read another .war file inside my Netbean IDE and am dying to see how the application run so I asked them how to upload the file. They couldn't come ...

79. Singleton - Diff WAR files - same JVM - instances?    coderanch.com

Or a Class may be loaded by more than one ClassLoader, so the Class on its own is not distinct, but the Class/ClassLoader combination is. The exceptions are the java.* Classes which must not be loaded multiple times. One solution (if it matches the application solution) is to load the Class higher in the ClassLoader heirarchy so that a single loaded ...

80. encryption of war file    coderanch.com

It has repeatedly been stated that real pirates only consider DRM as entertainment, and generally manage to crack protection fairly quickly. Obviously, if you use industrial-grade encryption, that wouldn't be directly true, but you'd have to provide a custom classloader to decrypt the code and that could be attacked, or the user could put a watch on the bytecode execution process. ...

81. War File Contents    coderanch.com

82. How do I incrementally patch a war file?    coderanch.com

My war file is currently around 20mb. Sometimes I have small changes that need to be made and I would like to be able to send to the customer only the parts of the application that need to be updated, instead of sending the entire war file for every update. The solution needs to be generic and work with any type ...

83. How to acess file outside a War file.    coderanch.com

84. War file generation    java-forums.org

85. Comparing war files using java    forums.oracle.com

import java.util.zip.CheckedInputStream; import java.util.zip.CRC32; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; public class ChecksumCRC32 { private static Object doChecksum(String fileName) { CRC32 c=null; try { CheckedInputStream cis = null; long fileSize = 0; try { // Computer CRC32 checksum cis = new CheckedInputStream( new FileInputStream(fileName), new CRC32()); fileSize = new File(fileName).length();

86. how to deploy war files    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am absolutely new to solaris. I just find out how to run apache server, (did it by command: svcadm enable apache2) Now I have a war file that I want to use but I have no idea how to. I found the DocumentRoot "/var/apache2/htdocs" , so I copy the war file in that directory... now I have no idea ...

87. creating .war file    forums.oracle.com

88. .war file help    forums.oracle.com

im having trouble in creating .war files using the "jar" command in dos prompt, it says "jar" is not recognized as internal or external command. but man, I already set up the full path of the /bin of jdk1.6 in the environment variable. actually I set it as JAVA_HOME and another JRE_HOME for the jre...but still jar is not recognizable, are ...

89. WAR file?    forums.oracle.com

90. Decompiling a war file    forums.oracle.com

Hey, I dont know much about war files. Is there any way I could decompile the contents of a war file using Eclipse(or any other tool)? Also, the reason I am looking to do this is because I want to compare two war files to see what the differences are. Could anybody suggest an app that would do this and highlight ...

91. unjarring a war file.....    forums.oracle.com

I'm trying to teach myself java, and I see a .war file that's deployed on one of our test servers - I need to double check what test database it's connected to. It was written by a colleague and he's no longer with us. So I unjar it by: jar -xvf whatever.war and then cd to the WEB-INF directory and: jar ...

92. source from war file    forums.oracle.com

93. get data from war file    forums.oracle.com

94. deploying a war file    forums.oracle.com

Tomcat looks for web applications only in its webapps directory, not in any subdirectories. So placing your webapp in webapps/CH02/helloworldservlet/... will not work. Easiest way to solve it in this case is to lose the CH02 directory. The directory structure should be: ..../webapps/helloworldservlet ..../webapps/helloworldservlet/WEB-INF ..../webapps/helloworldservlet/WEB-INF/classes/.... You (and the book) are right it is better to create a separate web application for ...

95. How to deploy .war files    forums.oracle.com

Hi All, I have developed a simple web application using JApplet, Servlet, JDBC etc. I am using JDK 1.5.06 and Netbeans 5.0, Apache Tomcat server 5.5. Through Netbeans IDE, I can build my project successfully. ( NetBeans --> Build --> Build Main Project) Now what to do, to run this application through Internet Explorer? Frankly saying, I don't know how to ...

96. creating a .war file?    forums.oracle.com

97. Error while Deploying war file in SunOneWebServer    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am getting the following error while deploying my war file in sunonewebserver 6.1 Server Start Up

[https-ctsintcoora5]: start failed. (2: No such file or directory) [https-ctsintcoora5]: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 B08/22/2003 12:37 [https-ctsintcoora5]: info: CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.4.1_03] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.] [https-ctsintcoora5]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-ctsintcoora5] at ...

98. Source code from .WAR files    forums.oracle.com

Hello Experts, I am totally new to Java! I am actually an SAP consultant and am part of an implementation where we need to implement a customer self serve portal. We have an out of the box solution from SAP. However we need to add certain functionalitites like have a proxy server application. For this, I need to modify the source ...

99. How make WAR file on Tomact    forums.oracle.com

Tomcat is an application server, as is BEA Weblogic, and, as such, does not create WAR files. Instead, you deploy pre-packaged WAR files on the server. For Tomcat, there are a few ways of doing this. You can use the web management console at http://myserver/manager/html if it is enabled on your server. You can also manually copy the WAR file into ...

100. ClassFormatError when deploying WAR file    forums.oracle.com

Thanks for the reply. Not building oddly - simply using ant and the default javac. Not multithreaded. I haven't scanned my hard drive for problems - what sort of problems were you thinking of? Not transferred the files via FTP. In fact, the files that are causing problems are Java class files that have been compiled with javac. Maybe time to ...