download « CSV file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Programatically Downloading CSV Files with Java

Scenario: A website I use to research stock data has a link on the page to Export Data to Spreadsheet. The URL displayed when hovering over the export link is of ...

2. java generate dynamic csv file for download

I have written a servlet that will return a csv file (dynamically generated) to the user to download. However the client is not able to see the file size which means ...

3. How to download csv file

I have the code in my class that creates a .csv file on the server and now I'm trying to provide a link that will open up a save window where the user can download it to their own computer. My link click here where URL_BASE is a constant variable but it opens up an browser window with the contents ...

4. Problem downloading CSV file in Internet Explorer.

IE works out what to do with a file based on the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers. If you have correctly set both of those (as Ulf suggested earlier) it should be OK. Windows uses the registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/MIME/Database/Content-Type to map the Content-Type header to an application. Windows also has a concept called MIME sniffing whereby it has an algorithm that attempts to ...

5. csv file download

Now i have removed because it did not work in some machines where it should and i have put in the new outputstream logic for the functionality. So now there is no I am using outputstream to present the data to be downloaded. but this fails to work in HTTPS.

6. CSV File download error

Hi, We have a struts wweb application deployed on weblogic 8.1.3. There is a csv file download functionality in one of the screen. On that screen, first user has to select certain filter parameters and depending on selections made, he gets a set of records on screen. After this, he has the option of downloading the filtered records(appearing on screen) or ...

7. Proble in downloading a CSV or excel file,two pages are coming.

JavServiceLocator serviceLocator = JavServiceLocator.getInstance(); //get service locator instance aObjJavRTQHome = (JavRTQueueHome) serviceLocator.getLocalHome(aObjProperty.getProp("RTQueueEJB")); //Get EJB Home instance aObjJavRTQ = aObjJavRTQHome.create(); // customer metrics starts customerMetrics.setORA_START(); aObjExportTO = new JavExportInfoTO(); aObjExportTO.setMCIntRequestID(argQueueID); // Fetch data from database JavExportDataOutputTO aObjOutputTransferObject = new JavExportDataOutputTO(); aObjOutputTransferObject = aObjJavRTQ.getExportData(aObjExportTO); // customer metrics ends customerMetrics.setORA_END(); String strHeader = "attachement; filename="+strFileName; //String strHeader = "inline; filename="+strFileName; //res.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); res.setHeader("Content-Disposition: Attachment ",strHeader); ...