CSV « CSV file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Unicode aware CSV parser in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for Java implementation of CSV (comma separated values) parser with proper handling of Unicode data, e.g. UTF-8 CSV files with Chinese text. I suppose such a parser should internally ...

2. What is a good CSV Java Utility    stackoverflow.com

I was using opencsv which seemed fine but from the looks of the website it's gone so it's time to look for a new library to deal with parsing ...

3. Csv Calculation using java    stackoverflow.com

Thanks for reading my question. I have a CSV file, I read it and store it in a variable. Now i just want to PLUS all the column to see its ...

4. NOKIA S40 Development    stackoverflow.com

please give me a sample code for read/write CSV file in nokia S40 application.

5. java: csv...do I need a library?    stackoverflow.com

Do I need a library if I only need to make csv formatted file. I don't need reading and parsing it.

6. Populate complex bean from CSV    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a calculation project with lots of scientific, domain specific knowledge. As such, our client has given us CSV files populated with inputs and outputs. We can write ...

7. RFC standard 4180 CSV Java Question?    stackoverflow.com

I have a .csv file and I want to write a Java program to check whether it is RFC 4180 compliant or not. Does anybody know how to accomplish this task? ...

8. Representing Logical Operations in an OO manner with Java    stackoverflow.com

My java program will allow the content of a csv file to be filtered based on a user defined logical operation. Data will be read from the content of two column ...

9. Append the content of FIleA.csv to an other FileB.csv in java    stackoverflow.com

I want to Append the content of FIleA.csv to an other FileB.csv in java. is there any method to do this operation. Or to read from FIleA.csv and append ...

10. LGPL compatible / commercial friendly Java / .NET based basic CSV Editor    stackoverflow.com

I'm using CSV as an input method for my application, but would like to provide a more structured UI for data entry (e.g. validation of columns, formats etc) I would prefer starting ...

11. Which apache commons CSV parser to use? SOLR CSV or commons CSV? Are they both the same?    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
csv api for java
There doesn't seem to any dev on commons-csv and solr-commons-csv mentions it is specifically intended for ...

12. ANTLR : AST eval problems    stackoverflow.com

I would like to eval an AST that i generated.
I wrote a grammar generating an AST, and now I'm triying to write the grammar to evaluate this tree. Here's my grammar : ...

13. .csv    coderanch.com

in my application im trying to read data from .CSV file if there is no value in the cell ,what value it holds? whether ""," " or null? StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("Read,Line,Here",",",false); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String insertString=st.nextToken(); if(insertString.equals("")) {insertString=null; System.out.println("next token is null "+insertString); } its giving nothing... thanks in advance

14. csv    coderanch.com

15. CSV help    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a problem. I have 500 rows and about 12 columns in a csv file. I need to upload the data of specific rows into postgres (but thats not the problem) what I really need to know is how can I isolate the first row which is the header and get a string at a certain position in that ...

16. csv java example    coderanch.com

17. XSD to CSV using Java    coderanch.com

18. csv beans    coderanch.com

19. Aggregating CSV Values    coderanch.com

Hi.. I am facing a problem in aggregating some CSV data, using Java. My input is like this: G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Sep-07,10,23 G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Sep-07,11, ,72 G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Dec-07,14, ,500 My expected output is: G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Sep-07,10,23, , , , XX, 3M EUR, Sep-07,11, ,72, , , , , , ,23,72, , , XX, ...

20. Java CSV    coderanch.com

21. Currency symbols not getting rendered for CSV attachment.    coderanch.com

Hello, My application sends out email attachments(csv,excel,xml) with currency symbols specific to locale. We use custom Money class to return formatted money strings. 180 etc.... The issue is,the currency symbol is not getting rendered in csv attachment files(it renders them as ?).It works fine for excel and xml. Also,when I test it in my local env(Jboss 4.3 EAP) the symbols are ...

22. Advice on csv processing: bundled war or simple applet?    coderanch.com

Hi all, Im looking for a bit of advice on how to proceed here. I have just taken up the reins on a project which has a whole pile of code written, but not a single piece of documentation or single comment produced It uses Spring, and JSP, both of which are new to me, bundles everything up into a War ...

23. Genric CSV generator with field names in Prop/Map    coderanch.com

Hi all, I am planning to write a generic CSV generator method that would take ObjectList and Map/properties file with all the pojo fields info. The method then has to create a csv file by iterating through the list of objects and based on the Map/Properties file fetch all the field values(Fields are defined in the Properties file) for each of ...

24. CSV to Java    coderanch.com

25. CSV EOF issue    coderanch.com

I have a csv that is autogenerated. I have no control over it For some reason the EOF is not at the end of the last line of data. So I have 2 lines at the end of the file with no data. I'm using opencsv to parse the csv and upon readNext it will not stop at the last line ...

26. problem filling list with values from CSV feed    java-forums.org

afternoon, i have this feed... Java Code: package com.citi.blott; public class StockBean { String ticker; float price; float change; String chartUrlSmall; String chartUrlLarge; long lastUpdated; public void setTicker(String ticker) { this.ticker = ticker; } public String getTicker() { return ticker; } public float getPrice() { return price; } public void setPrice(float price) { this.price = price; } public float getChange() { ...

27. ending a csv    java-forums.org

public void printAddrBk() throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner input = new Scanner( new File("addresses.txt")); input.useDelimiter(","); //changes default delimiter from whitespace to commas System.out.printf("%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s\n", "First Name", "Last Name", "Address", "City", "State", "Zip"); while(input.hasNext()) { //parse the first record setFname(input.next()); setLname(input.next()); setAddress(input.next()); setCity(input.next()); setState(input.next()); setZip(input.next()); //display record System.out.printf("%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s\n", getFname(), getLname(), getAddr(), getCity(), getState(), getZip()); } }

29. CSV help    java-forums.org

Ok i'm writing some code that will hopefully go on a jsp page but I need some help getting it there. I first of all am stuck on part of it where I put it the information into the array to then generate the form. Then obviously how do I put this java code into a jsp page. here:s the code: ...

30. CSV    forums.oracle.com

31. CSV Parser in Java    forums.oracle.com

32. replaceAll on CSV fields    forums.oracle.com

Hi I am a Java newbie. I am trying to write a simple tool that modifies a CSV file (with fields in quotes and delimited by comma) eg: "I","20090806", "09:00", "EDU","Event Description","","30". Note: There maybe whitespaces before the quotes(not indicated in the example above). I need my script to change to replace all "," to |. I am having issues with ...

33. Aggregating CSV values    forums.oracle.com

Hi.. I am facing a problem in aggregating some CSV data, using Java. I am not able to figure out how to aggregate the common values. My input is like this: G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Sep-07,10,23 G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Sep-07,11, ,72 G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Dec-07,14, ,500 My expected output is: G01,38020, XX, 3M EUR, Sep-07,10,23, , , , XX, ...

34. CSV & Java    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I have some question....I must make school schedule as a web service...School schedule is in csv file, i need parse it and search and return some results. Which class is best to save data from CSV? I used ArrayList bud I think that is no effective...:-( Can someone help me resolve this question? Thanks a lot....

35. CSV produces a number    forums.oracle.com

since I didn't get any conclusion from this thread, Well actually you did. I told you it worked fine for my on my platform which was JDK1.4.2 on XP. If you want people to text your code then: a) list your platform and version a) post your SSCCE so people can test the code to see if they have a problem. ...

36. need help in CSV    forums.oracle.com

i got some problems about the CSV. how to allow user to input data via external text file with information stored as comma separated values (CSV). and Implement a sorting algorithm to sort the input text file to have its data all sorted and stored in a new text file in CSV format. tq..