API « CSV file « Java I/O Q&A

1. csv api for java    stackoverflow.com

Can anyone recommend a simple API that will allow me to use read a csv input file, do some simple transformations, and then write it. A quick google has found

2. Is there any nice CSV export/import library providing features like field omission?    stackoverflow.com

Like when I export/serialize my bean to an xml file (using XStream) I get a nice API and I can easily restrict what shouldn't go into export calling XStream#omitField(SerializableBean.class, "restrictedField"), is ...

3. J2ME Writing in CSV file through file Connection API    stackoverflow.com

I am creating an application in which i need to add a new column in the csv file and then entries for that particular column. And I have tried OutputStream and PrintStream ...

4. Java API to make an object from a CSV file    stackoverflow.com

Ideally I'm looking for a library that allows me to map a .csv contents to an object. Something like:

public class Person {

    private String name;
    private ...

5. Is there any API that takes an Excel file and converts it to a CSV file using Java?    stackoverflow.com

I have 200,000 or more records in an Excel file. If I tried to read records row by row and create a CSV file it's very costly as well as ...

6. Is there is Limition of using opencsv API or Apache Poi Api?    stackoverflow.com

I am creating Excel file on the basis of CSV file.for reading CSV file,i am using Opencsv API and Apache POI.In my csv contain 65537 row.

class Test {
public static void main(String[] ...

7. API for XML programming    stackoverflow.com

Is there any good Java API that i can use to create XML documents where i can eliminate all the boilerplate code using SAX and DOM parsers. I am also looking ...

8. Recommendations for CSV API    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I need a good, fast Java API for writing to and reading from CSV files for the project I am currently working on. Does anyone have experience and/or suggestions on what is available? I would prefer open source but I'll hear any suggestions. I am using CSV files for persisting and archiving simple business objects. I'm purposefully not using a ...

9. How to use JExcel API (excel,csv)    forums.oracle.com