write 2 « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. Trouble writing to file with FileWriter    forums.oracle.com

Hi my program seems to work after messing around with where the file is created with f.createNewFile() but to me I feel like it's only a ductape fix, can anyone explain to me why when I pass the file from somewhere else to the writer could it cause a problem compared to when I create it earlier and then try to ...

2. Help with writing to an outputstream    forums.oracle.com

3. Problem using PrintStream to write to file.    forums.oracle.com

I am trying to write some String data to a file. I have replaced System.out with a PrintStream of my own. When I open the file with notepad, there are little squared at the end of each line with text written. I'm guessing they have something to do with the default character encoding on a PrintStream Object. I am aware that ...

4. Can FileReader write to a binary file    forums.oracle.com

Readers read, not write. So you have a char[] that looks like this: {'0','1','0','0',...}? That's an odd thing to have. I would roll up my sleeves and convert it to a byte[]. Writing that to a file is a simple matter: use FileOutputStream. edit: can you avoid having a char[] in the first place?

5. Write file with RandomAccessFile.    forums.oracle.com

First, the method RandomAccessFile.readLine() reads a full line including the new-line character. To position the file pointer just before the new line, you should seek one position backwards. More to the point, writing to a RandomAccessFile is always done in "overwrite mode"; you cannot insert characters. Therefore, to achieve the effect of inserting characters, you need to re-write the whole file ...

6. Help with RandomAccessFile and arabic writing with it    forums.oracle.com

Well, there's the writeUTF() method. But I don't think you are going to be happy with RandomAccessFile. Unless you can tell in advance how many bytes your String will require when converted to UTF-8, your idea of writing to different positions in the file is likely to cause problems when things start to overlap.

7. OutputStream encountered error during write    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I am getting an exception into websphere FFDC log,pls let me know what this exception is? ------Start of DE processing------ = [7/9/08 10:38:17:111 GMT+05:30] , key = com.ibm.wsspi.webcontainer.ClosedConnectionException com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.SimpleFileServlet.writeResponseToClient 304 Exception = com.ibm.wsspi.webcontainer.ClosedConnectionException Source = com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.SimpleFileServlet.writeResponseToClient probeid = 304 Stack Dump = com.ibm.wsspi.webcontainer.ClosedConnectionException: OutputStream encountered error during write at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channel.WCCByteBufferOutputStream.write(WCCByteBufferOutputStream.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.SRTOutputStream.write(SRTOutputStream.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.BufferedServletOutputStream.writeOut(BufferedServletOutputStream.java(Inlined Compiled Code)) at ...

8. Unable to write to a file using PrintWriter class    forums.oracle.com

Hi , I am using the following code to create a file and write to it - ________________________________________________________________________ String md5sum = "my name is abhinav"; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("TestFileAbhinav")); pw.println(md5sum); _________________________________________________________________________ The file is getting created but the string is not getting written to the file.Where am I going wrong?Please help.

9. override write method of OutputStream    forums.oracle.com

If you want to change the behaviour of a file stream and still keep it as a file stream, then you've got to override all the methods which write to the file, of which there are currently three, and ensure that they are consistent. If you want to change the behaviour of an output stream in general, it's better design to ...

10. writing to file Using RandomAccessFile    forums.oracle.com

Hi All, I am trying to add the element to the xml file in start & the end. So i have decided to use the RandomFileAccess . After writing to file by writeUTF("") , its replacing previous content of file. Its not desired output. Is RandomAccessFile a good choice for doing the work?? ( i am baffled after reading many ...

11. Writing a byte to file using FileOutputStream results in LOST bytes HELP!    forums.oracle.com

Hmmm i not sure but i did print out the binary strings one by one... its like 1.4mb... 512*512 lines of bytes to be exact... When i read in the lines, i also printed out the text... turns out to be only 1.29mb... is anyone willing to look at both the 2 data? include your email add.... FYI I am actually ...

12. Write using RandomAccessFile    forums.oracle.com

Holy **** dude. IF YOU DON"T WANT SQUARE BLOCKS THERE THEN WRITE SOME DATA TO THE FIRST 10 BYTES. What is there is 10 0 bytes. So in whatever editor tool you are using there doesn't like that and display squares. Stop this encoding nonsense, both of you. This is purely you trying to read a file that isn't all just ...

13. Write Methods in OutputStream Class    forums.oracle.com

I'd like to display what is being sent in a JTextField. The problem is that if I leave the data as String, I cannot use the method write() to send the data over because write() can only send int & byte. If I do change it to byte using getByte() method of the String class, I get an error when I ...

14. writing a file with the OutputStream    forums.oracle.com

I'm trying to upload a file using Java's included ftp functionality. currently I'm trying to figure out how to upload a file. The connection and works. The code I found for the ftp connection indicated that I should use the following code to upload.. URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); OutputStream os = urlc.getOutputStream(); I've read the documentation for the outputstream and looked ...

15. Random Access File writing problems    forums.oracle.com

16. How to write a file from an InputStream    forums.oracle.com

The great thing about the Java community is that solutions for the the majority of common problems like this already exist and are available. See IOUtils#copy and FileUtils#writeByteArrayToFile in the Jakarta Commons IO library. (I'm assuming, of course, that you're not writing this method for some kind of school assignment. And if you are, definitely don't look at the source of ...

17. Write in outputStream WITHOUT giving fullpath    forums.oracle.com

what I m doing here is transfering a doc file using rmi. But I want to write this file in a directory that is in the classpath(e.g "/docs/myDocument.doc") But it doesn't accept it as a path unless I give the full path (e.g "c:\\docs myDocument.doc") I know that it doesn't accept it because may the system runs from unknown dirs, but ...

18. Writing 12 bits at a time to an OutputStream    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am currently implementing a Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm to compress a bunch of bytes. I want to write out the compressed results to an OutputStream. The algorithm basically produces a list of numbers and all of these numbers will be less than 2^12 (that is, they are all at most 12 bits long). So what I want to do is ...