print « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. Printing HTML file out to printer in java

I need to print a an html out to the printer programmatically. I do not want to print the html tags, I want the html tags parsed before printed. This code ...

2. How to read OutputStreamBitWriter object in Java?

I have the following code:

OutputStreamBitWriter writer = new OutputStreamBitWriter(System.out);
If I want to print the value or store it in a String, how do I do that?

3. Java filereader bufferedreader printing out a certain number of lines

I am trying to use a file reader and buffered reader in java to print a certain a certain number of lines from a txt file. The file has over 100000 ...

4. Where to put a PrintStream object to print a variable java

I have a code that generates combinations and prints to screen, I'd like to print this to a file but Im not sure where to put my PrintStream object to have ...

5. PrintWriter failing to print to file

The file is being created successfully, but I cannot get PrintWriter to print anything to the text file. Code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class exams {
    public ...

6. java print stream and printwriter

I am stuck on why my program is not working, I am trying to print to a file however, where it says student[i].listCourses(System.out); I actually need it to print to the ...

7. Remove spaces only certain places not everywhere

I am taking in txt from a txt file and trying to store it in an arraylist. In the txt file the which mean ballot are not together instead the ...

8. Can i print using FIleOutputStream on a printer

Can i print using FIleOutputStream on a printer ? (I am targeting windows platform particularly win32) For example :

FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("lpt1");
fos.print("testing testing testing testing...");
Will these two lines be able to print ...

9. Determining and printing file size in Java

The method below returns file size as 2. Since it is long, I'm assuming the file size java calculates is 2*64 bits. But actually I saved a 32 bit int + ...

10. print stream empty file

import*; class Characters { public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException{ char vChar; PrintWriter out= new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("Characters.txt"))); for (int i=33;i<255;i++) { vChar=(char) i; System.out.println(""); String vString = Integer.toString(i); out.write(vString); } } this file produces output to consele and also creates file "Character.txt" but file is empty i m unable to figure out why? any comment.

11. RandomAccessFile + Java printing

Hi I am trying to utilize Java's printing utility from java.awt.print . On java's web page, I found a code that allows to print a file from an applet. The problem is that it uses RandomAccessFile and I am trying to run this applet on the server, but I cannot load a file straight from the server to an applet. As ...

12. Print Stream problem

Hi , i have some question regrading chracter Stream. 1- when we write data through "PrintStream class" and read through "BufferInputStream class" method readLine(). It is recmonded that the sequence in which u write the data, You must be read in that order. Otherwise u get FormateException. What is the reason of such sequence of reading data . Even casting is ...

13. How can I print output of inputstream?

14. If I use println to print out an input stream value, what should it look like?

Feel free to just answer my topic question or read on to get a more detailed version of what Im asking - When I print out some values to see what they are I get: printing InputStream respnseBody from httpclient class: org.apache.commons.httpclient.AutoCloseInputStream@1855af5 printing access.readXml(method,getResponseBodyAsStream(): deviceContainer.DeviceCollection@1764be1 printing data node: null The first line, responseBody is of the type InputStream The second line ...

15. Can you send OutputStream to a named printer?

Can output stream be directed to a printer other than default (windows) ? this gives a list of Printers available to my desktop PrintService[] printServices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); System.out.println("Number of print services: " + printServices.length); for (PrintService printer : printServices) System.out.println("Printer: " + printer.getName()); there are seven names in the list one of which is a default printer, I have some ...

16. problem while printing using PrintWriter class

Did you read the API for PrintWriter? "public PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush)" "autoFlush - A boolean; if true, the println, printf, or format methods will flush the output buffer" So if you put 'true' in the constructor, it won't actually do any printing until it receives a println, printf, or format method.

17. PrintWriter Fails to Print

Jona, Please at the very least put { and } around ALL of your for loops. With all the nesting it's hard enough to count with some of the fors not having { and } it's next to impossible. I suspect a simple count of braces would show you your problem. I think your close_dmr() is in one of your loops ...

18. PrintWriter - print methods

What are you using to view the file? If it's Notepad on Windows, then you'll probably be seeing little squares where the newline is supposed to be. This is because Notepad doesn't recognize "\n" as a newline, it only works for "\r\n". Try viewing the file in some other editor (I personally use [Notepad++|], and incidentally, it's the first result when ...

19. PrintWriter.append vs PrintWriter.print

Hi.....what's the difference between those two? append() returns PrintWriter and print() returns nothing. When each method should be used? How about println(); Is println is used whenever to format a newline. print("this is test\n"); // using \n will not be platform-independent? println("this is test"); // and this println format will be platform-independent. Thanks....

21. Print OutputStream ti file

Giacomo wrote: This is a tipical answer that makes people thiks that this kind of forms are useless... If I had time to search in documentation I would have done. I have little sympathy with your problem of not having enough time since by saying you don't have enough time you imply that our time is less valuable than yours. If ...

22. Printing ByteBuffer

24. printwriter cannot print whole document

25. Modify the output of a PrintStream before print

Can you extend PrintStream and overwrite the read methods to return or do what you want them to return, and pass that to the method? Sort of writing a filter stream... P.S.: yeah, what you said. Didn't read your P.S. The other way would be to read that stream yourself and pass the contents into a new ByteArrayInputStream...