mp3 « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. How do I convert an audio stream to MP3 using Java?

Is it possible using Java to convert a real time audio stream from the mixer to MP3?

  • It has to be converted chunk by chunk otherwise the memory will be exhausted. ...

2. Java to transcode and manipulate mp3 files

I am looking for a java library to efficently/fast transcodig and manipulation mp3 files. I am working on a sophisticated streaming server that mixes music and has some other functions to ...

3. How to stream mp3 using pure Java

Is it possible to stream mp3s using pure Java? If so, what are the best resources to implement this. If not, are any other music formats streamable using Java only?

4. Reading Remote MP3 File's ID3 Tags using Java

I am looking for a way to read the ID3 tags from an MP3 file on a remote server without actually downloading the file. I have seen libraries like JAudioTagger and ...

5. ID3v2 library for streaming mp3 files?

Hey,can anyone guide me to the easiest java mp3 library for reading ID3v2 tags. Update 1: I forgot to mention that I need to stream the mp3 on a seek bar and therefore ...

6. How read id3 tags from BufferedInputStream?

this link not helped me, but this is id3_1 There are many libraries, but not one does not work with the stream. Tell the library, or tell me how much ...

7. Java stream mp3 from bytes

How to stream mp3 from bytes ? I'm getting the bytes from a file, but then how to start the sound ?

     File file = new ...

8. Java File object's renameTo method deletes my file instead of renaming it. Vistax64

Trying to take one mp3 file and rename it using a string variable. For example, I have a classical music folder, C:/classical, and I want a song called vivaldi renamed to ...

9. AudioInputStream : any way keep track of number of bytes read from source stream?

I'm using JavaZoom's mp3spi-1.9.5 and jl-1.0.1 to play MP3 files. This works fine, but I'm having a little trouble tracking the "progress" of a stream (measured in bytes) I need to play ...

10. Javazoom BasicPlayer: Seeking with inputstreams

I'm developing a programm that streams music from the internet. When i stream a song, i don't have access to it's URL. I only get an input stream and some information ...

11. Java how to extract audio stream from movie

I need to extract the audio stream from a movie and eventually convert it to a certain format, let's say MP3 at 192 kbps, for later processing, more exactly to detect ...

12. howto stream mp3

13. Mp3 file Streaming issue

hi , I did the following coding try { String response = ""; URL url = new URL(urlString); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.setDoInput(true); InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream(); int b; int counter=0; byte []buffer=new byte[100000]; while((!=-1){ buffer[counter++]=(byte)b; } byte []target=new byte[counter]; System.arraycopy(buffer,0,target,0,counter); response=new String(target,"ISO-8859-1"); return response; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } In this process Mp3 file gets currupted.. ...