log « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. Using an InputStream for Logging and then XML parsing    stackoverflow.com

What I want to do is log the output from an inputstream that I go using

org.apache.http.HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
org.apache.http.HttpResponse content =entity.getContent();


2. Java system.out vs new PrintStream    stackoverflow.com

What would use more memory if it were to output a message that was 15,000 lines? Would System.out.println us more memory? or Would System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("tonsoflines.log"))) use more memory? What uses more process ...

3. Where the log stream goes?    stackoverflow.com

when an app is started, not from the console but from an UI icon, where the standard stream goes, I mean can I for example see this log? Where the plain ...

4. Copy and Redirecting System.err Stream    stackoverflow.com

I am currently using java.util.logger in my application. It sends its output to System.err. I need it to continue to do this, but I also need to send that output to ...

5. How to receive the Log fields while streaming on live?    stackoverflow.com

I am using wowza media Server, to stream our video. While Streaming my video wowza write the log fields in log Statement. Similar to that I want to write the log ...

6. How do I create a logrotate friendly file writer in Java or other platform?    stackoverflow.com

What are the best practices for implementing a file writer/logger in Java that is compatible with logrotate? The goal would be allow logrotate to be used for all log ...

7. How to read a log file and parse the entries in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I have silly question, but I'm unprofessional. I am trying to make a logs reader in Java, which will read the logs from directory. It must recognizes errors,informations and warnings. Which ...

8. How to disable System.setOut and setErr at runtime/startup?    stackoverflow.com

How to prevent other classes changing the System.out? I would like to set the System.out PrintStream in App.main and make it a final so it can't be changed anymore form the ...

9. Log File Reader in JAVA    coderanch.com

Hi All, i am writing a small application which is similar to the putty tool. Say ,the application log files are available locally. Can anyone let me know how to read the log file which would be continuously be updated. The program as to read only the newly updated text in the log file everytime it reads the file PS i ...

10. Log File Reader in JAVA    forums.oracle.com