constructor « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java : The constructor JSONTokener(InputStreamReader) is undefined

I have a quite strange issue with Java, I'm getting an error on some machines only, I would like to know if there is any way I can avoid that: This ...

2. How to handle Writer, Result, OutputStream in Constructor?

I have a class which encapsulates a StAX Writer for a special business XML writing. You can push into some domain objects and the logic generates the adequate XML. I don't want ...

3. Serialization framework (no no-arg constructor)

I'm looking for some info on the best approach serialize a graph of object based on the following (Java):

  • Two objects of the same class must be binary equal (bit by ...

4. How best to make "accessable" File I/O Stream constructors (channel & ByteBuffer also)

I'd like to know how best to make "accessable" or "visible" a set of File I/O Stream constructors defined in my main routine, to sub-routines. I found that I cannot use ...

5. Mocking File object argument in constructor to use inputstream

I have an class, that I cannot modify, and this class contains one constructor which requires a I already have the information loaded from a different source and currently it ...

6. Proof-of-concept: How to dynamically choose an available constructor using reflection in Java

I'm developing a proof-of-concept object (de-)serialization framework, ideally able to serialize any Object and gather information about the class itself. I started implementing it using Reflection, to:

  • Access the type hierarchy (Superclasses, ...

7. FileInputStream blocks on the constructor when opening a named pipe

Using Fedora 12: mkfifo pipe creates a pipe. When I use the following code to try to open an input stream against the named pipe it blocks on the FileInputStream constructor unless ...

8. can constructors have bufferedReader objects in java

In C++ its possible to have a default stream like

class c
  c(istream fin =cin):fin(fin){}

Similary can I do this in java or is this wrong practice.Or is there a ...

9. How are constructors called during serialization and deserialization?

How are the constructors called during serialization and deserialization

  1. When there is one class implementing serializable?
  2. When there is parent/child relation ship and only child implements serializable?
  3. When there is parent/child relation ship and ...

10. Can I write in MS Word File from FileOutputStream Constructor

hi, you can read and write to a .doc file like any other file. but the text that appears in ms-word is not just clear-text in the .doc file. it is embeded in formating (color/font/size..) stuff. so you first need to understand the structure of word files before you can just go and change something in there (and this is quite ...

11. My BufferedReader works in constructor, but not beyond it.

I construct my reader through another classes constructor, thus: public LexicalAnalyzer(String wholeFile) { // this.wholeFile=wholeFile; read = new Reader (wholeFile); } I declared readIt in my Reader class, outside of the constructor. public Reader(String incomingFile) { try { BufferedReader readIt = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (incomingFile)); current = (char); next = (char); System.out.println(next); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("File not found."); } ...

12. FileinputStream constructor differences

The difference is not so much what they do - they both create a new FileInputStream for you to read from. The difference is really how you use them. If all you have is the String name you would the second form, if you have created a File already you would use the first form. One reason why you might create ...

14. Cannot find symbol constructor for FileReader

15. "File" not null outside "FileInputStream" constructor but null once inside

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); this.userDB.load(fis); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SipServerModule.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } What happens: When 'file' is submitted to the FileInputStream constructor, it's internal invariant validator says's 'file' is null. But, previously I had checked for this (explicitly) and it wasn't. I can't figure out why ...

16. Nesting stream constructors is not exception safe

This problem can be avoided by not nesting the stream constructors and explicitly making a variable for each, but it worries me that such a widely used paradigm is flawed. The fact that usually it is the deepest constructor that will fail with a FileNotFoundException or similar and thus no file handle will be opened is of little comfort.

18. Doubt with PrintStream constructor

19. Why is this ObjectInputStream constructor blocking?

To put it another way. Using localhost does not get you out of using two sockets (one at either end) or any other difference to your code at all. The only difference in using localhost to a remote IP is that the performance will be rather significantly better. But it makes no diffference to your code in any way shape or ...