StringTokenizer « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. whats wrong with this code?

I am reading contents from files of a directory. I have to segregate the files according to their names and then read their contents. When I run the code simply without ...

2. How to make "this, string format" into two tokens ("this" and "string format")

Im reading in a file and each line is as follows

Derek Simons, Jason baker
Jack Smith, Rob Thomson
The problem is with my tokenizer
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");

3. Help...StringTokenizer

The nextToken() checks the last token for me. but, I have more than one tokens. How can get all the tokens?? is it possible? do I have another way to do this? Thanks in advance. -------------- String values = sb.toString(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(values, ","); //the values are 1478,1528,1530,1531,1532,1567,2125 //String[] sa = new String[st.countTokens()]; //for (int i = 0; i ...

4. StringTokenizer ??

I'm sure this is easy to do but I'm not getting it. ? All I need to do is parse a string in the middle and take the 2nd half as in select * from table where something = something I need to get from "where" on, isn't StringTokenizer the way to do this ? Thanks

5. Can StringTokenizer ignore whitespace??

I want to read and separate a comma separated list, but I only want the StringTokenizer to use the comma to separate the words and not whitespace. I set the code as: String text = "black white,blue green" StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(myString, ","); String[] list = new String[2]; int count = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()){ list[count] = st.nextToken(); count++; } I ...

6. String Tokenizer

I need to read a "|" delimited file. Each value/token represents a field The data looks like HDR|1000|009|1|99|1|20011210| ||WILSON|10X|HeSaab Document|1|USD|USA|6|2001|12| |143.00| |WILSON|WILSON| || If I use the code below the nextToken skips if the delimiters are continuous like | || then these values are skipped. I want these values to be returned as empty or null when I invoke nextToken. Is ...

7. StringTokenizer tab delimiter

9. Question on String Tokenizer .

Hello everybody, I have an application which has two parts. It gets employee data from the user, SSN, firstname, lastname and stores it in a text file. This data is stored in the format: SSN: FirstName: LastName. Then the String Tokenizer needs to get the individual parts of this using the delimiter:. I am pasting the three files. 1.Employee1 - writes ...

10. StreamTokenizer vs StringTokenizer

In my project I want to read a csv file. Sample file is : First_Name, Last_name, Email address, Occupation, home phone, zip xyz,abc,test@test,service,610-610-610,99999 with StreanTokenizer - @ and - is interpreted as a token and numbers are displayed as double. 1st line is not being displayed. In the program I want to read each line and then process it. With StringTokenizer, ...

11. string tokenizer, reading from .txt file

1. String fileName = stdin.nextLine(); 2. String st = new String (fileName); 3. StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(st); Ok, now to get what you want we will have to add some lines of code between the first and third lines. what is being currently done is you are reading in the name of file which contains the data which you want ...

12. BufferedReader & StringTokenizer

I've read in lines from a text file before without any difficulties. However the text file i'm reading now has alot of semicolons, periods etc.. So I use a delimiter with alot of parameters. The problem is that the following code doesn't read in the entire text file, it starts about 200 lines down and goes right to the end. Even ...

14. Unexpected results from StringTokenizer

Input file: 110001 commercial 500000.00 101 110223 residential 100000.00 101 110020 commercial 1000000.00 107 110333 land 30000.00 105 110442 farm 200000.00 106 110421 land 40000.00 107 112352 residential 250000.00 110 Already declared arrays for each column. StringBuffer buffered = new StringBuffer(); FileReader in = new FileReader(listingsFile); char buffer[] = new char[2048]; int charactersIn; while((charactersIn = != -1 ) buffered.append(new String(buffer, ...

15. compare file using string tokenizer

16. Using String tokenizer and reading a file

17. cost of reading flat file i java using string tokenizer

i am reading a flat file which is pipe seperated . the record length is 25000 and each record is having 22 fields of different character length. aslo my requirement is to ensure the length of each field of the record.and insert it into database . for that i have a function which does String ensureLength(String str_S, int size_i) { str_S ...

18. how to read a file using string tokenizer ?

He everybody I am bit new to java ! i have a text file call Student.txt which contain a StudentName + thier marks like this way Shane 60 Will 73 Lorenzo 12 What i need to do is i need to use stringtokenizer class to populate an array of Student name and marks and display the array ? i need to ...

19. StringTokenizer, chopping up content of a txt file

I'm working on a project here, making program(java) to read and run assembly. I have opened the file, but I'm having trouble extracting the content from the txt file. txt-file looks like this: IN 200 IN 200 LDA 200 ADD 201 HLT The file is bigger, but you see my point. I need to read the content and chop the content ...

20. FileReader and StringTokenizer