Jaxb « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. How to stream large Files using JAXB Marshaller?    stackoverflow.com

The Problem I'm facing is how to marshall a large list of objects into a single XML File, so large I can not marshall the complete list in one step. I ...

2. Java/XML: Good "Stream-based" Alternative to JAXB?    stackoverflow.com

JAXB makes working with XML so much easier, but I have currently a big problem, that the documents I have to process are too large for an in memory unmarshalling that ...

3. Jaxb to generate the XML directly to the OutputStream    stackoverflow.com

I have a 500Mb csv file. I need to convert it into XML file.
I am using the Jaxb to created the xml file. It is working fine for small amout of ...

4. JAXB marshals XML differently to OutputStream vs. StringWriter    stackoverflow.com

I apologize if this has been answered, but the search terms I have been using (i.e. JAXB @XmlAttribute condensed or JAXB XML marshal to String different results) aren't coming up with ...

5. filter/remove invalid xml characters from stream    stackoverflow.com

First things first, I can not change the output of the xml, it is being produced by a third party. They are inserting invalid characters in the the xml. I am ...

6. How can I modify the JAXB marshalling output stream to include arbitrary inline XML?    stackoverflow.com

I'd like to modify the output stream for a JAXB marshalling operation to include some arbitrary XML. Here's an example to clarify the situation. I have an arbitrary Product domain object with ...

7. Multiple XML "files" in one stream    stackoverflow.com

While developing an adapter for a webservice, I've ended up facing a response like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResponseHeader version="1.0">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SubmissionProgress xmlns="sss"

8. JAXB API to generate Java source files directly to OutputStream    stackoverflow.com

I have a schema file and I want to generate the class files directly into MEMORY instead of file system. I have searched a lot, but everywhere I am finding API ...

9. Best practice: Java/XML serialization: how to determine to what class to deserialize?    stackoverflow.com

I have an application that saves its context to XML. In this application, there is a hierarchy of classes, that all implement a common interface, and that represent different settings. For ...