InputStreamReader « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. InputStreamReader.markSupported is false

I need to “un-read� characters from an InputStreamReader. For that purpose I wanted to use mark and reset but markSupported returns false for the InputStreamReader class, since it doesn’t maintain an ...

2. InputStream vs InputStreamReader

What's the benefit of using InputStream over InputStreamReader, or vice versa. Here is an example of InputStream in action:

InputStream input = new FileInputStream("c:\\data\\input-text.txt");

int data =;
while(data != -1) {
  //do something ...

3. Java InputStreamReader

Is there any simple and efficient way to duplicate an InputStreamReader?

4. inputstream inputstreamreader reader in Java

inputsteam reads a byte each time, and inputstreamreader can convert byte to characher, and then reads a character each time, and reader also reads a character each time, so what is ...

5. Java inputStreamReader Charset Problem

I want to ping a target ip address and get a result. For this, I'm using windows command line in Java with runtime.exec method and process class. Im getting the response ...

6. Reading the content of web page

Hi I want to read the content of a web page that contains a German characters using java , unfortunately , the German characters appear as strange characters . Any help please here ...

7. How to get InputStreamReader in ISO-8859-15?

How can I make this inputstream read a ISO-8859-15 encoded file?

BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.jet)));
I found this line which seemingly works:
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ftp.getInputStream(), "ISO-8859-15"));
BufferedReader r = ...

8. What is the difference between Java's BufferedReader and InputStreamReader classes?

What is the difference between Java's BufferedReader and InputStreamReader classes?

9. InputStreamReader vs FileReader

I can't seem to determine any difference between InputStreamReader and FileReader besides the way the two are initialized. Is there any benefit to using one or the other? Most other articles ...

10. Read file from res folder in J2ME

I've tried this code but always get me 'is' as NULL. My file is located at "res" folder.

StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
    InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);

11. I have a JSON Service that returns results with "\n" when InputStreamReader reads the result "\" is gone

I have a JSON Service that returns results with "\n" when InputStreamReader reads the result the "\" is gone and leaving the "n" in the String. I'm having trouble converting the "\n" ...

12. What is the difference between BufferedReader and InputStreamReader

1. Specifically InputReader can covert bytes in different encodings to characters. -- 2. BufferedReader has a back-end reader which speeds up reading if you are only retrieving small parts at a ...

13. which InputStreamReader should I use?

hi, I was wondering which inputStreamreader should I use if I want to read files like document, powerpoint. I tried to use "new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file_name))", but it doesn't work. The funny thing is, when i use "new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file_name),"Big5")", it works. Is there any input stream read able to read all kind of files? FYI, I am currently using Windows98 Chinese ...

14. new InputStreamReader(InputStream is) Please help me understand

You're missing variable names in line 1 and line 2. (Like 'fr' in the previous line). Also, you're going to have a hard time doing anything useful with two different streams/readers attached to the same inner stream. The InputStreamReader and the LineNumberInputStream are both competing for bytes from the same source - each byte will be read by one of the ...

15. Reuse of InputStreamReader

Hello everyone, I have a very small problem, but I just can't figure out how to solve it. I have created an InputStreamReader from a URLConnection, which I use to process some XML data (in other words: the InputStream is an XML response). Now I want to do 2 things with the inputstream: 1) print it to screen 2) process it ...

16. InputStreamReader & reading bytes...

I have created an InputStreamReader to read ASCII characters from a file... this works fine. My problem is that the file also contains data that is encoded in other formats.. e.g. int or short or byte written by a DataOutputStream. Any ideas how I can use my InputStreamReader to read characters and then read bytes? The InputStreamReader used a DataInputStream in ...

17. obtaining InputStream/Reader from OutputStream/Writer to read the content

Hi I want to get the input stream/reader from an outputstream/writer. I am using XSLT transformer to generate HTML from XML using a XSLT. hereis the code: Source xmlSource = new StreamSource("input.xml"); Source xsltSource = new StreamSource("template.xsl"); TransformerFactory transFact = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Templates cachedXSLT = transFact.newTemplates(xsltSource); Transformer trans = cachedXSLT.newTransformer(); //1. writes to the screen trans.transform(xmlSource, new StreamResult(System.out)); // 2. writes to ...

18. InputStreamReader

Hi all, import*; import java.lang.*; class name { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader b=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Enter your AGE:"); int; System.out.print("Enter your name"); String str=b.readLine(); System.out.print("Age"+c); System.out.println("Name"+str); } } =========while running this pgm the output is like=============== D:\vijay\javac D:\vijay\java name Enter your AGE:24 Enter your nameAge50Name4 ============================================================= Question: I have wrote the pgm to ...

19. InputStreamReader!!

hi sathi here is what i understand. Byte streams can work with any streams (as anything essentially is a byte format). Character streams is a easy way of handling data "if we know the data is character data". e.g. - if we wonna read image then we don't use Character stream as u can't really print image the way u 'd ...

20. making own InputStreamReader()

Hello everyone, i am trying to make my own IO Package, can someone check this and correct it, if it is not good. I do this just for learning. I saw the Api doc, it is written that the only methods that a subclass must implement are read(char[], int, int) and close(). So i implemented it in the code. package DevelopIO; ...

21. Unable to get charset and InputStreamReader to work

I'm trying to read a file coded in ISO-8859-1, but having some issues. No matter what I do, I am unable to read the file properly regarding special norwegian characters without setting either LANG in Linux console or -Dfile.encoding when starting the application. Is there someone who can explain why reading the file doesnt work without setting LANG or file.encoding? Code: ...

22. beginner -- InputStreamReader( question

Hi Dan, When you type in your first character, it won't show up until you press "Enter". But that Enter is an actual character, and it will still be sitting in the input buffer, waiting to be read. Your second "read()" is going to get that "Enter" character (actually a newline, "\n".) If you add an extra "" after the first ...

23. How[] cbuf) determine the end of the stream

The end of the stream is just that, the end of the stream. What that means determines on the source. For local files, the end of the stream is reached when all characters (or bytes with an InputStream) have been read. For files on a web server or FTP server, the end of the stream is reached when the server says ...

24. InputStreamReader

25. InputStreamReader returns null

HI all I'm writing the word "load" to a server and expexting a reply in the form of a string array. The program exits on readLine() returning null ackage battleserver; /* */ import; import; import; import; import; import; class BattleServer { private static int port = 1001; /* port to listen on */ private ...

26. problem with InputStreamReader

Java Code: public String search(String target) { //Convert the target to lowerCase target=target.toLowerCase(); if (target.length()==0)return "model is empty"; target = target.trim( ); //QueryString query = new QueryString("search", target); try {//Open the URL for reading URL address = new URL("" + target); System.out.println("the links to search is: " +address); //Get links from the page,links-all the links from the correct page HTMLLinkExtrator links ...

27. InputStreamReader

28. InputStreamReader question

29. InputStreamReader Question...

Thanks for introducing me to Google in both the posts Keith. May be we can just redirect to soon... If you practically see then hardly there might be any query here that couldn't be answered with a little intense searching on I think after 6630 posts you ought to understand that many times people aren't on the levels ...

31. InputStreamReader charset

32. UTF-8 in InputStreamReader How To Ask Questions The Smart Way Eric Steven Raymond Rick Moen Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language We've found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually also careless and sloppy at thinking and coding (often enough to bet on, anyway). Answering questions for careless and sloppy thinkers is not rewarding; we'd rather spend our ...

33. InputStreamReader ignore Javascript

I'm writing a program which extracts data from HTML websites, which is working fine. It uses a InputStreamReader to read data from the URL in the form of in.readLine(). My problem is that a certain website which I would like to read data from contains a Javascript redirect, which if you read the site in a browser without Javascript enabled you ...

37. InputStreamReader

Try this. String line = null; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(your stuff here); while((line = br.readLIne()) != null) { //do your work } br.readLine() will return a null when the end of the stream is reached, Or if you're using the various read calls, they will return the number of bytes that have been read, and will return -1 when the ...

38. problem with InputStreamReader