Flush « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. When to flush a BufferedWriter?    stackoverflow.com

In a java program (java 1.5), I have a BufferedWriter that wraps a Filewriter, and I call write() many many times... The resulting file is pretty big... Among the lines of this ...

2. I created a PrintWriter with autoflush on; why isn't it autoflushing?    stackoverflow.com

My client is a web browser, and sending request to myserver using this url: http://localhost This is the server side code. The problem lies in the run method of the ServingThread class.

class ServingThread ...

3. flush in java.io.FileWriter    stackoverflow.com

I have a question in my mind that, while writing into the file, before closing is done, should we include flush()??. If so what it will do exactly? dont streams auto ...

4. Update text file with BufferedWriter    stackoverflow.com

I am writing to a text file using a BufferedWriter but the BufferedWriter does not write to the file until the program I'm running is finished and I'm not sure how ...

5. flushing input stream: java    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to flush the input stream in Java, perhaps prior to closing it? In relation to iteratively invoking the statements below, while reading several files on disk

InputStream fileStream ...

6. For what purpose they are using flush() in Java?    stackoverflow.com

In Java, flush() method is using in streams. But I dont understand what are all the purpose of using this method?

tell me some suggestions.

7. In Java, when I call OutputStream.close() I always need to call OutputStream.flush() before?    stackoverflow.com

If I just call close() in a output stream, the output is guaranteed, or need I call flush() always?

8. File.createTempFile create special file or how to force flush data to harddrive?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using File.createTempFile to create regular files I want to keep, the reason I use this method is because it guarantees a unique file name. However I'm seeing a strange thing ...

9. How do you flush a Java serial InputStream?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using JavaComm, and getting the inputStream from the serial port object. I have a problem in that sometimes when the system starts up there are noise characters in the ...

10. FileReader or FileWriter object flush method invokation in java    stackoverflow.com

I read that invoking flush method guarantees that the last of the data you thought you had already written actually gets out to the file.I didn't get the meaning of this ...

11. JAVA BufferedOutputStream flush slow with correct filesize    stackoverflow.com

I am using a BufferedOutputStream to write to a file. While debugging I noticed that the flush operation takes very long even if the OS shows that the file has got ...

12. PrintWriter Class. What does Create a new PrintWriter, without automatic line flushing, from an existing OutputStream mean?    stackoverflow.com

PrintWriter(OutputStream out) this method does not automatic line flushing.

PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush) 
This method does automatic line flushing. My question is what is line flushing?
    public static void ...

13. How do I flush a 'RandomAccessFile' (java)?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using RandomAccessFile in java:

file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "rw");
How can I ensure that this data is actually flushed to disk? There is no file.flush() method. (Note that I don't ...

14. Does DataOutputStream flush automatically when its buffer is full?    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing information to a file, through a DataOutputStream (RandomAccessFile->FileOutputStream->BufferedOutputStream->DataOutputStream). I assume that if the buffer used for data output is filled, then the dataoutput stream would automatically flush? The reason I ask ...

15. Is calling flush onFileOutputStream enough?    stackoverflow.com

So of course we must try-catch-finaly any Closable resource. But I came across some code which sins as follows:

java.util.Properties myProps = ... reads & loads (and doesn't close Stream!) 
myProperties.store(new FileOutputStream(myFilePath), null);
java.util.Properties.store() ...

16. Flush BufferedReader    coderanch.com

17. Flushing BufferedReader    coderanch.com

hi, i wuz just wondering if there is a way to really determine the end of file. For e.g. i have a text file containing data a,a b,b c,c d,d e,e the data should end at the char "e" but if i put 2 spaces below the "e". The program will continue till the spaces are read too... here is my ...

18. Buffered Writer automatically does flush() on a close()?    coderanch.com

first, Writer is an abstract class and close() is abstract, so that method in Writer has no implementation. Second, if you look at the source for BufferedWriter (here in Java 1.4.2_04) public void close() throws IOException { synchronized (lock) { if (out == null) return; flushBuffer(); out.close(); out = null; cb = null; } } void flushBuffer() throws IOException { synchronized ...

19. Piped output stream hangs on flush    coderanch.com

Hello, I am implementing the unix shell pipe feature in java. These are multi processed pipes that are connected with the java pipe streams. Only if the commands expect to use an input stream (like more, grep etc.) then then read from it else commands like ls etc that do not need the i/p stream ignore it and just write to ...

20. ByteArrayOutputStream.flush() necessary ?    coderanch.com

You can always look at the source code in src.zip. Yes, flush() is a no-op as well, and you could safely ignore both flush() and close(). If you are certain that you will only ever want to use a ByteArrayOutputStream here. However, in most cases I would recommend you go ahead and do a close(), which also implicitly does a flush(), ...

21. when PrintWriter.flush() is called    coderanch.com

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform (SCJP)
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Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE (SCEA)
IBM Certified Enterprise Developer, WebSphere Studio V5.0

22. OutputStream / Writer not flushing    coderanch.com

I have an application where I wish to write a line of text to the output stream and then flush it to the client. On websphere 0S/390 webserver, it seems that it won't flush. Instead, it waits until the servlet finishes running. I've tried using both the response.getOutputStream and response.getWriter Objects to do this and no success. I've sen tried setBufferSize(0), ...

24. Flushing IO streams.............    coderanch.com

The OutputStream class has a flush() method that you can call to flush the stream. Notice that InputStream does not have any such method since there is no reason to flush an InputStream. It is best to flush explicitly, but there are some cases where Java will do it for you: 1) OutputStream.close() calls OutputStream.flush() before closing the stream. 2) Java ...

27. FileOutputStream flush position of channel    coderanch.com

Im writing to a BufferedOutputStream( FileOutputStream ) and I want to occasionly record the position that the file stream is at. fos = new FileOutputStream(theFile); bos = new BufferedOutputStream( fos ); FileChannel theChannel = fos.getChannel(); /* later */ bos.write( theBytes ); if( isSomethingTrue ){ bos.flush(); storeAPosition( positionIndex++, theChannel.position() ); } the bytes may not be written to file at the time ...

28. Flushing OutputStream    forums.oracle.com

It's a fundamental truth that everyone who comes here needs to learn: Just because you posted a question doesn't guarantee any answer you'll like or any answer at all. You depend on the kindness of strangers here. If no one answers, it either means that no one knows or no one cares to donate their time and energy to you. You ...

29. Flush InputStream??    forums.oracle.com

I'm doing network program. So I have pass messages three time between client and server. 1. client to server 2. server to client 3. client to server in my third step I got Exceptional Error : Data must start with zero. so I thought The problem occur from my InputStream reader object. Because it also read socket in first step. Thank ...

30. Question about PrintWriter.flush();    forums.oracle.com

31. "flush on outputstream will do nothing"    forums.oracle.com

Possibly. Is it a guarantee that any OutputStream or Writer that is not explicitly buffered (i.e., its docs don't state that it is or is not) is not buffered? Rather than assume, I'd call flush() in those cases. Additionally, many APIs deal with the abstract types, so you don't know what the underlying implementation is. So while the actual practical effect ...

32. Usage of BufferedInputStream & OutputStream#flush()    forums.oracle.com

The only time you need to call flush() is if ALL of the following are true: - You've written some of the data AND - You're not totally done. There's still more data to write. AND - You want to make sure the data you've already written reaches its destination ASAP. It is not acceptable if there's still some sitting in ...

33. PrintWriter.flush() does not flush    forums.oracle.com

I have a class that acts as combined scanner/parser for the command line interface for a server. The class read and writes through an instance of the Console class obtained by invoking System.console();. For output a PrintWriter associated with the Console is used, obtained by invoking the writer() method of the Console instance. The class has a method called println that ...

34. Any way to flush() InputStreamReader?    forums.oracle.com

1. There is a networking forum 2. There is no way to force TCP (nothing to do with java) to send. It sends when it wants to. 3. I generally find it better (a requirement) to send messages, not data on sockets. A message, by its very existence, defines its boundaries (begin/end). This is as simple as sending the size before ...

35. How to get output stream of process and flush    forums.oracle.com

Indeed it is, but the basic ideas in it still apply. Both Runtime.exec() and ProcessBuilder are abstractions which cover up a lot of operating system-specific things that many users are clueless about, and the article covers a lot of those. But my impression of the original post is that the question is just about the fact that the Process variable is ...

36. WEB8004: Error flushing the output stream    forums.oracle.com

This error has been posted many time in this forum but so far no positive reply. My application uses Java 1.5 and iPlanet SUN Web Server 6.1 When user make multiple click on any request page this error occurs. Based on my investigation I got this exception occured when server response does not able to find its request page. Could any ...

37. flushing DataOutputStream    forums.oracle.com

38. The contract for java.io.OutputStream.flush()    forums.oracle.com

Well, if it were me I would probably redefine the flush() method to only write the bytes that I was ready to write. So in your Base64 case I might be holding back one or two bytes. If challenged on that I would just say that my flush() method conformed to the contract because those bytes weren't "buffered" yet.

39. java.io.FileWriter + flush()    forums.oracle.com

I am using a FileWriter within my web app to log application events. After every write I do a flush(). The problem is the writes usually don't show up in the log file until I shutdown Tomcat. If I switch from using flush() to closing + reopening the FileWriter that fixes the issue, however that seems excessive and inefficient. I don't ...

40. Hanging when flushing stream    forums.oracle.com

I have one thread for dealing with the process' error stream, and one for dealing with the input and output streams. I'm flushing the input stream after I write all my data to it, otherwise the C program fails to recieve it. And as I'm reading from the output stream and succesfully getting data from it, the buffer shouldn't be getting ...

41. flushing out inputStream (newbie question!)    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I have a serial device that I'm reading, and it produces 49 bytes every 1 second. I am customizing the method: serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) and unclear how to flush out the buffer. the first read is often a complete 49 bytes and that's great. but if for some reason a partial read is made, each event then only delivers some 49-byte ...

42. No reason to flush DataOutputStream.write??    forums.oracle.com

I have a client that sends some bytes to a server with DataOutputStream. The server receives them with DataInputStream,readFully(). For some reason this works fine eventhough I don't flush each time after calling write on the client side. When I use PrinWriter on the same socket I have to flush after each println call. Why the difference?