FileWriter « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. How can i handle this Error in FileWriter?

I have a problem please guide me :) I write this method :

public void createTempFile() throws Exception{

2. Why is my file being cleared if I don't save it?

My program is suppose to maintain a collection of Photos in a PhotoAlbum. It begins by reading a folder of photos and adds them to my PhotoAlbum. It then prints a ...

3. Sentinel Value to Close FileWriter (Java)

I'm trying to make a basic program that allows a user to create a text file and add a list of words to it. When the user writes "stopnow" - the ...

4. Access Denied Java FileWriter / FileInputStream

My program downloads a websites source code, modifies it, creates the file, and then reuploads it through the FTP. However, I receive the following error when trying to open the ...

5. PrintWriter vs FileWriter in Java

Are PrintWriter and FileWriter in Java the same and no matter which one to use? So far I have used both because their results are the same. Is there some special ...

6. can we open multiple FileWriter stream to the same file at the same time?

Can we open multiple FileWriter stream to the same file at the same time. I wrote some codes to test this, and apparently it allow to be happened. This stumble me. ...

7. Error when trying to compile the program

I'm trying to run this code taken from Sun Java site (I didn't copy it, Looked at it and wrote it as it would help me to remember the code).

import ...

8. Java: PrintWriter

I am trying to use but I am getting a rather strange problem and I am not able to figure out what am I am missing here.

public class MyPrintWriter {


9. Passing FileWriter as a parameter to a method

I'm sure there is a fairly simple answer to this question, so here we go. I'm trying to use a FileWriter to write text to a file. My program reads text in ...

10. Issue with FileWriter

I'm running my java application on a windows 2008 server (64-bit) in the hotspot vm. A few months ago I created a tool to assist in the detection of deadlocking in my ...

11. unable to append to file using printwriter in java

I have the following code to initialise a printwriter object--

/* This function is used to initialise the printwriter element so that it can begin the task of writing data into assignor.txt ...

12. fileREader and FileWriter

Hello I have to modify this program in two ways, and I am a REAL newbie.......PLEASE HELP. 1) Rewrite the program using fileReader and FileWriter streams 2) Write another program with buffered streams to boost performance. import*; public class CopyFileUsingByteStream { // Main method: args[0] for sourcefile and args[1] for target file public static void main(String[] args) { // Declare ...

13. filewriter problem...urgent...please help..

hi all, can someone tell me if there is a way by which a filewriter deletes the entire contents of an existing file and start writing fresh from the 1st line of that file?basically in my applet i am using a couple of text files and i want that when the applet is destroyed then either the text files should be ...

14. Creating Directories with FileWriter

15. FileWriter experience

I was curious about the wording of the documentation for a few classes in the package. I researched the subjects of my curiousity and here is what I learned (should anybody be interested): According to the documentation for the FileWriter class concerning the constructor that takes a String as its argument, it should throw an IOException "if the specified file ...

16. FileWriter and Stream error

Is there a way to stream or write a file from a server to client PC? String filename = "download.txt"; String webPath = "C:\\download\\"; File file = new File(webPath+filename); FileWriter fileWrite = new FileWriter(file); String outputString = new String(); outputString += "Text here"; outputString += "and here"; fileWrite.write(outputString); fileWrite.flush(); fileWrite.close(); I get the following error: C:\download\download.txt(The system cannot find the ...

18. Newline using FileWriter class

Hi, I am using the FileWriter class method 'write' to write a new line to a file. For some reason, it does not like the standard \n as a parameter, as it treats it like a character instead of a new line. My code is given below: try{ File file = new File("c:\\directory\\password.txt"); FileWriter text = new FileWriter(file); text.write("userid: "+userid); text.write("\n"); ...

19. FileReader and FileWriter

The below code doesn't work. Is there anyway how I can read only a particular line in a file and rewrite only that line? File fileName = new File(DataFolder + p + "Wis_CV_DailyProcessIni.dat"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fileName); if (fileName.exists()) { FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileName); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line; while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null) { ...

20. Reading to a file, using FileWriter

Im making a guestbook with java/jsp, im saving the messages in a file, using filewriter. When I read the file, the newest messages appers at the end of the file. How can I print the newest messages First? Here is a some lines from my code: if(ok){ String filnavn = application.getRealPath(reFilnavn); String utskrift = "" + "

Dato: ...

21. PrintWriter vs FileWriter

Ernest, since 1.5 there is a constructor for PrintWriter that takes a String filename and another that takes a File. So I guess it's convenient now to use those instead of first creating a FileWriter with a PrintWriter chained onto it. Sajee, Ernest is still correct, but the FileWriter is effectively hidden if you use the new constructors. [ January 11, ...

22. FileWriter

23. FileWriter Being Slow

Hi All, I have this piece of code. public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("pl.txt")); String currLine; int count =0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while((currLine = br.readLine()) != null) { String s = currLine.substring(0, 12).trim(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("spradigy/" + s,true)); bw.write(currLine); bw.close(); count++; } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time taken to write ...

24. Java code File and FileWriter

Hi I am using DOM to make an xml tree and writing it to a file. The code involves use of java. I have declared the fileName of the file: String fileName = "/tmp/memberFile"; to save it to the file i have done the following: File membersXMLFile = new File(fileName); FileWriter writer; if (!(membersXMLFile.exists())) { writer = new FileWriter(membersXMLFile); } else ...

25. Outputing files using wrapped FileWriter

Would you like to visit a web site with an applet on the page, and have that applet overwrite kernel32.dll -- or upload copies of all your .doc files to a server in Romania? Applets are denied access to the file system (and many other resources) by default, and are granted access only according to a detailed security policy including digital ...

26. help with FileReader and FileWriter

27. FileWriter Question

Hi all, I am trying to understand how write(), flush() and close() work, however I am having some trouble understanding the concept. Here's the code. package com.scjp6.FileandIOAPI; import*; import static java.lang.System.out; public class FileAPI { public static void main(String[] args){ File f1= new File("chintan.txt");//just creating a File Object..this doesnt actually create a file out.println("File exists?"+f1.exists()); try{ //WRITE TO A FILE ...

28. Filewriter File permission

29. FileWriter editing hosts file Mac

well the typo'd "ect" folder would not exist, unless you typo'd it just for the post and yor code really ues "etc". but also, the system will require super user privileges to do this. for example, if you were to do this in a terminal, with "echo '...' > /private/etc/hosts " it would also complain. however, doing a "sudo echo ......" ...

30. problem with FileReader and FileWriter

Hello All! I am having a little(may be big) problem with the writing to and reading from a file. The readInfo method is supposed to read from a file and store the info in an ArrayList, and the writeInfo method is supposed to write the info from an ArrayList onto a file. Your help highly appreciated. I'm running out of time.:( ...

31. FileReader and FileWriter

32. filewriter and printwriter

33. filewriter() save to relative directory

34. FileWriter not creating file...

The only real line of consequence out of the code is: FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("/usr/share/apache-tomcat-6.0.28/webapps/AIWars/WEB-INF/classes/"); I wanted to post the whole code here but it doesn't seem to be reproducible on different systems so I am not sure how useful it would be. Normally, this would just create a new file called if it wasn't there, and if it ...

35. FileWriter and FileReader/BufferedReader Problem

I am writing this code requiring me to use file based input/output methods and I am having a problem with the FileReader/BufferedReader... Since I implemented the readers, my FileWriter will not create new files. Once I take the readers out, it works fine... Is there any reason why this would happen? Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

36. Help with PrintWriter and FileWriter  | © Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved.