BufferedWriter « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. Saving a BufferedWriter instance in a class. Any problems?    stackoverflow.com

I am creating a service that looks similar to this:

interface MyLogger
    void logStuff( int id, String message );
The implementation basically opens a file and caches an instance of ...

2. java bufferedReader, writes something different than it reads    stackoverflow.com

i parsed a text (CAL code) with BufferedReader and BufferedWriter in Java, unfortunately, lines which i red and wrote with outStream.write(line); have changed, please look at Screenshots: http://uploadz.eu/images/4qz8mtkm2d9zx3x5ms3n.png h**p://uploadz.eu/images/c03hgkrgrmit2ij2mug.png as you see, ...

3. Difference between java.io.PrintWriter and java.io.BufferedWriter?    stackoverflow.com

Please look through the below code,

// A.java
File file=new File("blah.txt");
FileWriter fwriter=new FileWriter(file);
PrintWriter pwriter=new PrintWriter(fwriter);

File file=new File("blah.txt");
FileWriter fwriter=new FileWriter(file);
BufferedWriter bwriter=new BufferedWriter(bwriter);
What is the difference between these two files? And when do we need ...

4. BufferedWriter java    stackoverflow.com

Write a program to keep your friends telephone numbers. You should be able to; Add a new name and number ...

5. Java BufferedWriter close()    stackoverflow.com

assume that I have the following code fragment

When I call BufferedReader.close() from my code, I am assuming my JVM makes a system call that ensures that the buffer has been flushed ...

6. Character corruption going from BufferedReader to BufferedWriter in java    stackoverflow.com

In Java, I am trying to parse an HTML file that contains complex text such as greek symbols. I encounter a known problem when text contains a left facing quotation mark. ...

7. Java: BufferedWriter skipping newline    stackoverflow.com

I am using the following function to write a string to a File. The string is formatted with newline characters. For example, text = "sometext\nsomemoretext\nlastword"; I am able to see the newline characters ...

8. Is there a Java equivalent to unputc?    stackoverflow.com

I have a BufferedWriter to which I use to write characters into a PipedInputStream. Based on keyboard events. But I am implementing a backspace handler, but I can see no way ...

9. BufferedWriter problem    stackoverflow.com

I made a program which can generate primes. I want the program to write to file. When I generate primes up to Integer.Max_Value it doesn't write all of the primes for ...

10. Java BufferedWriter performance    stackoverflow.com

I need to create large test files—near 3 GB. So I try to write for start only string "1"—to check performance and correctness.

FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("c:/out.txt");
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream,10000000);
for ...

11. Java: can't save in UTF-8    stackoverflow.com

I have this line of code in java:

new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(name, append), "UTF-8"));
This writer does not write an UTF-8 file, because when I open it in notepad++ it says that the ...

12. In Java, what is the advantage of using BufferedWriter to append to a file?    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking at the following example Which uses the following code

try {
      BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("outfilename"));

13. BufferedReader to BufferedWriter    stackoverflow.com

How can I obtain a BufferedWriter from a BufferedReader? I'd like to be able to do something like this:

BufferedReader read  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(...));
BufferedWriter write = new BufferedWriter(read);

14. Is there a pattern for re-using a BufferedWriter?    stackoverflow.com

I am reading XML files from a directory (containing thousands of files), processing the content and writing one output file for each input file. Is there a way of 're-pointing' ...

15. Bufferedwriter not saving *everything* to file    stackoverflow.com

I am somewhat new to java and was hoping that someone could help me. I have looked everywhere, but cannot seem to finder a solution. I'm trying to save the result of ...

16. Creating file in java    stackoverflow.com

This may sound easy but I when debugging through this code it just stops debugging, cant work out if its throwing an exception or not. What am I doing wrong?

 Writer output ...

17. BufferedWriter only works the first time    stackoverflow.com

I have a simple server-client program that takes info from the client and passes it to the server. The messages are passed through a DatagramSocket. The server then takes the message ...

18. Why the file.txt is not updated inside the IDE (using BufferedWriter)?    bytes.com

Please use "code tag". By the way i tested this code, it's running successfully. But what do you mean by "inside the IDE"?

20. PrintWriter and BufferedWriter    coderanch.com

hi i have this method in my code that i wrote to send a message to clients. Now if i change the code to use PrintWriter it says that print writer with every println() method is flushing the buffer it doesn't WORK . i tried everything nothing happends. Now i try to use BufferedWriter same story. I use flush method to ...

21. BufferedWriter    coderanch.com

when I use BufferedWriter, the server program keeps on waiting, that means BufferedWriter does not write.why???PrintWriter does write and my program works. import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class Aa { public static void main(String str[]) throws Exception { Socket s=new Socket("localhost",33333); int i=5; // BufferedWriter bw=new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream())); PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(),true); while(true) { for(i=5;i>=0;i--) { out.println(i+"message from Client"); //bw.write(message sent to server); ...

22. BufferedWriter & PrintWriter ?    coderanch.com

import java.io.*; public class filewriter { public static void main(String[] args) { try { FileWriter connection = new FileWriter("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\test.txt"); BufferedWriter format = new BufferedWriter(connection); PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(format); file.println("kelvin"); // a method from "PrintWriter". file.close(); // close the stream. and data on buffer writes to the file. without "close();", nothing writes to the file. writeAgain(); } catch (IOException ...

23. Java BufferedWriter & OS File move    coderanch.com

Hi, I am writing into File ( loc1 )using BufferedWriter. While this is in progress, by mistake, I moved the file ( which java process is currently writing ) to different location ( loc2 )using Operating system command ( HP Unix ). When I verified, java process is still writing into the file which is located in the new location (loc2). ...

24. BufferedWriter Problem    coderanch.com

Hi, I need to copy a file into a different file after cutting off the last few lines based on a check. The problem I am encountering is that the final file is shorter than the original and cutting off portions that should be there. The original file is of length 779KB and the new file is only 768KB. Here is ...

25. Java BufferedReader and BufferedWriter    coderanch.com

Hi, I am writing a program that uses BufferedReader to Read through a postscript file and number the lines. So that I can write a postscript instruction at specific line numbers. However, I am encountering an error when I try to use BufferedWriter. I have tried closing the BufferedReader to no avail. Can anyone share insight of code that will help ...

26. Question on BufferedWriter    coderanch.com

Hello All, I have question on bufferedWriter. Following is what I'm trying to do( i have provided just the jest ) .I have opened a socketconnection and application will be sending messages to the client BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( _socket.getOutputStream() ) ); bw.write( "AAAAA" ); bw.flush(); " some logic here " bw.write( "BBBB" ); bw.flush(); " some logic ...

27. BufferedWriter to byte []    coderanch.com

Your choices are... (1) After finishing writing the file, read it back into a byte array. Easy, but maybe a bit inefficient. (2) Use a "tee stream" to send the data to a ByteArrayOutputStream as well as to a FileOutputStream. You'd need an OutputStreamWriter in the chain somewhere. There's no such thing as a "tee stream" in Java 1.4, which I ...

28. FileWriter and BufferedWriter    coderanch.com

I want to check about my understanding about these two classes. Please correct me if I am wrong somewhere..... Each time we invoke write() method of FileWriter class then CPU gets busy in searching for the file and then write data to the file. But when we use BufferedWriter write() method , then CPU writes data in the buffer and when ...

29. BufferedWriter error    coderanch.com

the output of SQL query is around 19254 rows. But my below code writes only 18700 lines to o/p file. Sometimes the o/p file as 18900 rows. No idea why the file write is having error. It does not even throw any exception public class Application_DBmap { String noofrecords="",dbcount=""; public Application_DBmap(){} /* This is for opening a database connection */ public ...

30. Trying to change font on a using bufferedwriter    coderanch.com

strOut = ("TOTALS REPORT FOR TOTAL RCDS WITH NO UPDATES"); Counter.write(strOut); Counter.newLine(); Counter.newLine(); I am getting no errors I just want to change the font and font size of the My program works I just want to be able to adjust the fonts on my report. ("TOTALS REPORT FOR TOTAL RCDS WITH NO UPDATES"); //just want to change text to Courier ...

31. BufferedWriter problems    coderanch.com

Hi there, Haven't used java for long, and am still learning the basics, but currently trying to get something back in a file. I have been able to read a file, put that data into a table, add to the contents in the table, and I now need to be able to write that information back to the file. Not sure ...

33. Close BufferedWriter, can't open again?    coderanch.com

Hi, I ran across this in a small demo I wrote, and pared it down. The behaviour is a console app, give it several text files on input line and it prints the contents out. If I uncomment the "systemOut.close();" line, it only prints the first one. I can't figure out why - can anyone tell me? Thanks in advance. package ...

34. BufferedWriter Vs FileWriter    coderanch.com

35. FileWriter vs BufferedWriter    coderanch.com

If the intended destination of this stream is an abstraction provided by the underlying operating system, for example a file, then flushing the stream guarantees only that bytes previously written to the stream are passed to the operating system for writing; it does not guarantee that they are actually written to a physical device such as a disk drive.

36. BufferedWriter    java-forums.org

37. BufferedWriter, FileWriter    java-forums.org

import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; ....... ....... public void save(boolean saveagain) { try { BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("c:\\data\\inventory.dat")); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { BlurayDVD dvd = get (i); [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"][B] w.write[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR](" %d\t%18s\t%d\t$%.2f\t$%.2f\t$%.2f\t%s\n", dvd.dvdItem, dvd.getDvdTitle(), dvd.getDvdStock(), dvd.getDvdPrice(), dvd.titleValue(), dvd.getRestockFee(), dvd.getCategory()); } w.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (saveagain) { new File("c:\\data\\").mkdir(); // create the ...

38. Nullpointer Exception with BufferedWriter?    java-forums.org

Not really sure from the info provided. When you create an object array, it is filled with the default value of null. So if you create a String array with a length of 100 and fill 70 slots with Strings the other 30 slots will be null. If you then iterate over the full array and try and write all values ...

39. BufferedWriter Problem    java-forums.org

import java.util.*; public class School { private int schoolId; private String schoolName; public int getSchoolId() { return schoolId; } public School(int schoolId, String schoolName) { super(); this.schoolId = schoolId; this.schoolName = schoolName; } public void setSchoolId(int schoolId) { this.schoolId = schoolId; } public String getSchoolName() { return schoolName; } public void setSchoolName(String schoolName) { this.schoolName = schoolName; } public List getStudents() ...

40. Problem with BufferedWriter    java-forums.org

Hi everyone, How do I append some text to a file? I'm using the BufferedWriter class. The main commands I'm running are writer.append ("Stuff to append"); writer.close; However, when this program is runs, it deletes all of the current text and simply writes the "Stuff to append" line shown above. How do I simply append a string to the end of ...

41. BufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

I would like to know how to write in a file when accessing a method in a class several times with several values of a string. The question is how to create a BufferedWriter, write to it every time you access to the method and close it when finishing. This is what i have:

42. Conflict with FileWriter and bufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

43. ASAP question about BufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

44. JUnit testcase to test the close of BufferedWriter?    forums.oracle.com

How do i test the close of BufferedWriter using JUnit? I was able to test the close of BufferedReader because Reader has a method ready() which returns a boolean. So, if i call ready() after close(), then i can use assertFalse with that boolean value. For BufferedWriter there is no such method that returns a bool. I see there is a ...

45. BufferedWriter resources issue    forums.oracle.com

46. BufferedWriter: newLine();    forums.oracle.com

Didn't you ask this yesterday? Why did you open a whole new thread for this? Anyway...you're only creating one line of output. So how many lines were you expecting? UNLESS...perhaps this code is in the middle of a loop, and you neglected to tell us. Why tell the people you're asking help for about the most important aspect of the problem? ...

47. Overwrite file using BufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

I am using BufferedWriter in my in following way: BufferedWrite out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); and then i'm writing to the file using out.write; but everytime run the program, the text gets appended to the file, while I want overwrite the existing file and then write to it. How do I do this??

48. BufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

49. Need help about method close() in BufferedWriter Class    forums.oracle.com

// Create a socket to the host InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(shost); Socket socket = new Socket(shost, sport); // Send header BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), "UTF8")); data = "" + content_code "" orig_num +""; System.out.println("------------POST----------"); wr.write("POST /" + surlname +" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); wr.write("Host: " + shost + "\r\n"); wr.write("Connection: close \r\n"); wr.write("Content-type: text/xml \r\n"); wr.write("Content-length: " + data.length() + ...

50. quick bufferedwriter question    forums.oracle.com

51. Need help in BufferedWriter ,why there is no value ouput to the file.txt ?    forums.oracle.com

Thank you scphan for your help but I am learning ,so it will be kind of diicult for me to implements the flush method ,and besides it is abstarct,if you have time is it possible to ask you for a changing code,I know I am asking too much but your help is really appreciate it,thank you.

52. using bufferedWriter correctly    forums.oracle.com

You are looking for the method write(String) in the API for BufferedWriter? That method is actually inherited from the class Writer. It is not described explicitly on this API page, but linked to. See the Methods Inherited from... section. Personally I think I would go wrapping the BufferedWriter in a PrintWriter so the methods such as println() are available. Cheers, evnafets ...

53. BufferedWriter won't work??    forums.oracle.com

54. BufferedWriter keeps terminating on a space character    forums.oracle.com

try { // C/C++ can read this with getc bw.write( "some text\n" ); bw.write( "some_more_text\n" ); bw.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { System.err.println( "problem writing spawn input" + e.getMessage() ); System.exit( 1 ); } The problem is that only the contents up to the space character are written. So for the first input instead of the process getting "some ...

56. Dumping using bufferedwriter etc from a CFG file?    forums.oracle.com

Well, i use a cfg file to load a certain amount of config for my 2d mmorpg (still under work), but loading it i use doubles; Here is a piece of the code to load it; itemExz[Integer.parseInt(token3[0])][itemCount[Integer .parseInt(token3[0])]] = Integer .parseInt(token3[1]); This is one of the pieces of code used to load from these cfg files, could anyone help me dump ...

57. BufferedWriter for RandomAccessFile ?    forums.oracle.com

I tried using BufferedOutputStream, and it seems I got a big speed improvement. I still have to check if this change is having unintended effects, but it looks good. For the same test input n=214748, ---the version using File ff = new File(namext); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(ff, "rw"); takes 5.29 sec ---the version using FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(namext); BufferedOutputStream ...

58. BufferedWriter behavior    forums.oracle.com

"Each invocation of a write() method causes the encoding converter to be invoked on the given character(s). The resulting bytes are accumulated in a buffer before being written to the underlying output stream. The size of this buffer may be specified, but by default it is large enough for most purposes. Note that the characters passed to the write() methods are ...

59. BufferedWriter try catch Scoping problem    forums.oracle.com

You can a few options. You can open and close the writer on each call (open the file in append mode) or make the writer an attribute of the class, and open the file prior to first call, and close when you are done. Another option is to pass the writer into the method that should perform the writing. Kaj

60. Problems with FileWriter and BufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

for(int x=0;x

61. Can't create a file by using BufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

Um, I haven't technically found your problem yet, but i did notice one flaw. You have a StringBuffer when you're doing your output, which you don't clear each iteration of your for-loop. So if your new lines were I Am Endasil, you would be printing I I Am I Am Endasil EDIT: I'm also not clear as to why you explicitly ...

62. BufferedReader XX BufferedWriter.    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I need to read a BufferedReader and then write to a File. I got the BufferedReader by reading a CLOB from the database. Now, to write it to a file, I'm using BufferedWriter. I'm using the readLine method of BufferedReader and creating a stringbuffer, converting it to a string and then writing the string to a file using the write(String) ...

63. BufferedWriter error    forums.oracle.com

64. BufferedWriter and FileWriter Problem    forums.oracle.com

Hi Im using bufferedwriter with filewriter inside its parameter but find that its causing line breaks to occur at random places. Is there any way of overcoming this problem? This is the code of the method thats causing the problem public void writeFile(String username, String domain, WBListFileContents wbList) throws IOException { File spamListFile = getSpamListFile(username,domain); logger.info("started remote writeFile to "+spamListFile); logger.finest("file ...

65. Smething wrong when closing/deleting a BufferedWriter stream. Locked file?    forums.oracle.com

Hi there, I tried to write an app which writes into a file while reading from another. I used: BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName, false)); and the same with the BufferedReader. The strange thing is that I close the file with bw.close(); and when I try to delete it using the file.close(), where file is an instance of the File ...

66. error with BufferedWriter    forums.oracle.com

67. Can't a BufferedReader and a BufferedWriter be open at the same time?    forums.oracle.com

To the experienced: I am writing a class to selectively extract data from an Excel file, and write out to a plain text file. I am using JDeveloper It works fine and writes out the output file as expected when reading data from the spreadsheet and directly writing to the output file. However, I need to convert the data in ...