xml « wsdl « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Extract an object schema from wsdl    stackoverflow.com

I have an wsdl file that describes a group of objects, but I want to extract the definition just from a subset of them, is this possible, and if so what's ...

2. loosly-typed versus strictly typed what are the pros and cons    stackoverflow.com

In our company we have discussion going on whether to allow xml/xsd strucutures (used in webservices) that contain parts that are loosly-typed, in order to make changes to them easier. What ...

3. Best way to do arrays in gsoap, considering WSDL compliance and performance    stackoverflow.com

I'm using gsoap to generate an XML SOAP parser and WSDL grammar, and was wondering what is the recommended way to express a static array that is both fast to parse ...

4. Parsing a WSDL to extract Service / Port elements    stackoverflow.com

I want to automatically process a WSDL file to discover defined Service / Port elements. Is this possible, using Java or some sort of Ant utility? If so, how? ...

5. searching for a WSDL or updated xml with finance information    stackoverflow.com

Hi i have to create a line chart with finance information like the one in this site http://finance.yahoo.com/ but i need information of all the countries is there a place ...

6. gsoap class generation problem    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to generate gsoap classes for the JIRA issue tracking system WSDL. I run these commands to generate the required classes:

$ wsdl2h -o JIRASoap.h <url to wsdl>
$ soapcpp2 ...

7. What to ask for in web services documentation?    stackoverflow.com

A 3rd party is developing a web services library, which my team will be consuming. What should I ask for in terms of web service documentation? Here's my list so far:

  2. Sample Request ...

8. Classes in different sub-namespaces all appear at top level in WSDL    stackoverflow.com

I'm creating a web service with a variety of classes, many of which can contain references to other classes. Sometimes these "sub classes" have the same name (e.g. Customer and ...

9. Tool for reinforcing Xml, Xsd and Wsdl Naming convention    stackoverflow.com

In java we have a wonderful tool name CheckStyle that reinforce all our corporate naming convention. Wonderful tool. I would like to do the same with our XSD and WSDL. Is ...

10. Code generation from WSDL using XML Catalog    stackoverflow.com

Is there any tool for generating Java code from WSDL using XML Catalogs? The problem is that I have wsdl files that import XML schemas which also import other schemas and ...

11. Flex/AS3 incompletely decoding WSDL XML on one particular operation. How on earth do I remedy this?    stackoverflow.com

I am currently consuming a WSDL in Flex, that is on the back-end served by .NET. ALL of the operations seem to work fine, except one, whose result object is not ...

12. Generate random xml / web service response based on xsd / wsdl    stackoverflow.com

I've just seen a case of the same old familiar story - we are trying to integrate to an external 3rd party web service, but the development has been done using ...

13. Validate XML instance document against WSDL    stackoverflow.com

I can easily validate a XML document against a XML Schema, eg. with XMLSpy or programmatically. Is it possible to do this with a WSDL file? It does not seem possible ...

14. Disabling access to wsdl file in Axis Service Listing (listing services from wsdl's)    stackoverflow.com

The listing of all deployed Services can be disabled by setting 'disableServiceList' to true in Axis; which is used in AxisServlet.java -> reportAvailableServices() . However, is there a way to disable access ...

15. Web service request ignores basic WSDL XML element restrictions    stackoverflow.com

I have encountered some difficulties while trying to validate an incoming soap message to a service I have running on JBoss AS (v. 5.1.0). In my code, I have explicitly set some ...

16. operation specified in binding is not defined for 'Porttype', but it is there, wsdl.. help    stackoverflow.com

this thing is driving me crazy... Whenever I try to validate it.. it gives me error at

<wsdl:operation name="ComposedClassOpt">
complete definition is below... that "The operation specified for the 'Binding' binding is not defined for ...

17. Flex - How to call a webservice without crossdomain.xml file    stackoverflow.com

How can I consume a webservice that hasn't explicitely created a crossdomain.xml? I understand it's for security and to prevent cross-site scripting, but it does seem like a major limitation to ...

18. WSDL unable to import binding    stackoverflow.com

I'm not able to get WSDL to work, it giving me this error:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin>wsdl.exe /username:NOTGIVINGU/password:THEPASSWORD /v /parsableerrors http://www.stoysnet.com/stn_mfg/link/soap.php?wsdl

WSDL: error WSDL1: Unable to import binding 'Product' from namespace 'http://www.stoysnet.com/stn_mfg/link/soap.php?wsdl'.

19. Web service response differs from WSDL    stackoverflow.com

Any explanation for this kind of behaviour? Part of WSDL:

   <complexType name="ArrayCD">
     <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="item" type="impl:EF"/>

20. Coldfusion web service error, "Unable to parse WSDL as an XML document."    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to get a web service running CF9 IIS7 testpage.cfm

<cfinvoke webservice ="https://nww.eastwickpark.nhs.uk/cfcs/test.cfc?wsdl"
  method ="echoString"
  input = "hello" 

<cfcomponent output="false" access="public"  returntype="string">

21. Service, but no WSDL    stackoverflow.com

I have to get data from a web service, but they do not publish a WSDL file. My SSIS component won't work without the WSDL. Is it possible for me to create ...

22. WSDL-Axis2 CodeGen Problem    stackoverflow.com

I am having a problem sending a WS Request to a Server. It seems that the Namespace(NS) in one of the ComplexTypes of an operation types is causing an xsi:type to ...

23. xsi:type in doc literal format    stackoverflow.com

Although in normal circumstances xsi:type does not appear in a literal WSDL's SOAP message, there are still cases when type information is necessary and it will appear -- in polymorphism, for ...

24. Is there a way to remove magic numbers from a XML Schema?    stackoverflow.com

I have a WSDL with some types defined. Some elements accept lists of elements and on the service return I also have elements with list of values (or other elements). As a ...

25. XML Namespace error in WSDL file    stackoverflow.com

I have the following service definition (incomplete, but demonstrates the error. Visual Studio tells me (translated from german) "In this Schema Namespace http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ is not available" at the line where ...

26. Generating XML file from WSDL    stackoverflow.com

I have a wsdl file with me and want to generate a sample XML file for request/response of an API. Using soapUI I managed to generate the file but it has ...

27. Are there any standards similar to WSDL but designed for Java or C/C++?    stackoverflow.com

Are there any standards similar to WSDL but designed for Java or C/C++? To be clear: I am designing an offline API, not a web service. I am designing a system that allows ...

28. replacing an attribute at WSDL file from a Deployment plan XML    stackoverflow.com

I have two files WSDL file and Deployment plan file. I am trying to replace an attribute at the WSDL file from the Deployment plan file. WSDL file


29. Using jax-ws-catalog.xml for resolving imported xsd:s in wsdl    stackoverflow.com

I would like to deploy a Web Service using JAX-WS 2.1 on Weblogic where the wsdl imports a schema but I would prefer to have it in another location than together ...

30. Accessing flight information    stackoverflow.com

Hi I'd like to make an application to show flights, including prices. I'm not going to do a booking application, I just want to make an application to ...

31. Web Service (WSDL - HTTP ERROR)    stackoverflow.com

Hi everyone i'm trying to read a WSDL which have user/pass and call one of its functions. I've tried everything. I'm getting the following error: Error: wsdl error: Getting http://ws_t.riesgonet.com/validador/?WSDL ...

32. Passing an xml document (as a parameter?) to a web service    stackoverflow.com

I am developing a web service in java and Metro that requires a lot of information to be passed. For example, something like xml describing all the attributes of ...

33. WSDL: whats the difference between and     stackoverflow.com

... both seem to define an operation and it's message. i dont quite understand, why both are necessary. thanks for any help on this.

34. How to Retrieve WSDL and Included XML Schemas?    stackoverflow.com

I m trying to query a wsdl by using the ?wsdl in the URL. I m able to get the complete WSDL. but the WSDL contains xsd imports with schemalocation like ...

35. Use same ComplexType in different WSDL files    stackoverflow.com

I would like to use same ComplexType in two different WSDLs. How to define and include these ComplexTypes so i can use it in both WSDLs? (and practically in case of ...

36. Best Open Source WSDL/XML Editor for Java    stackoverflow.com

Which is considered as the best free WSDL visual editor? I am working in java if it makes a difference.

37. Trying to add an extra element to an XSD file    stackoverflow.com

I have an XSD file that contains the following...

    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" id="OTA2003A" targetNamespace="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" version="1.000" xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05">

  <xs:element name="OTA_VehAvailRateRQ">

38. Convert WSDL to XML Tool?    stackoverflow.com

Does anyone know of a tool / program to convert a WSDL to XML? Basically I just want an empty XML template. I can populate the nodes with data after I get ...

39. read wsdl file in browser    stackoverflow.com

When i try to open WSDL file in browser (http://localhost/something/file.wsdl), i am offered to download that file. But i want instead of downloading to be able view as XML(string) in browser? Thank you ...

40.  how javabean data types mapped with wsdl Schema    stackoverflow.com

When we create a webservice in Eclipse using JAX-RPC where return type of implementation class is javabean .Please let me know how javabean data types mapped with wsdl Schema Thanks in Advance ...

41. getting an error in wsdl file while exposing as a grid service    stackoverflow.com

hii everyone, I need to expose kmeans algortihm as a grid service as part of my project. I attached java source code of kmeans algorithm and its wsdl file. I am getting ...

42. webservice Cannot assign object of type System.Xml.XmlNode[] to an object of type System.String    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to consume a Java Webservice using Visual Basic.net. I am getting an error on deserialization "Cannot assign object of type System.Xml.XmlNode[] to an object of type System.String". What I ...

43. WSDL schemaLocation : Is it possible to import a .xsd into a .wsdl using a relative path?    stackoverflow.com

Here is my WSDL :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://xxx" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:ns0="http://xxx/commun/axis" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:tns="http://xxx" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

          <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://xxx/commun/axis" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

44. Specify amount of decimal places of an xs:decimal in an XML schema    stackoverflow.com

  1. Is there a way to specify the amount of decimal places an xs:decimal should have in an XML schema?
  2. Is there any way to control that using .NET's Xml*** attributes?

45. Reading services.xml to generate wsdl in axis2    stackoverflow.com

I want axis to read a file other than services.xml when generating wsdl. For that i want to know where axis2 read services.xml. Any idea where in axis2 code it happen? ...

46. WSDL for overloaded elements in legacy service    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to write a WSDL 1.1 definition for a legacy service whose documentation specifies XML schema that overload root (and other) elements with different definitions for different ...

47. Referring to overloaded elements from different schema    stackoverflow.com

In a previous question, I asked how one could create a WSDL 1.1 definition for a legacy service whose documentation specifies XML schema that overload root (and other) ...

48. How many WSDL specification extensibility elements are allowed in a WSDL document    stackoverflow.com

The wsdl specification can be extended using extensibility elements, such as SOAP. These extensibility elements appear around the bindings, operations and port sections of the wsdl document (http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl - 2.1 ...

49. WSDL Type for getter without parameter    stackoverflow.com

I try to write wsdl file. And I start with defining in element my future operations. So I need define method like getAllObjects. That's why I don't need to set any ...

50. tns appearing in Web Services schema    stackoverflow.com

I'm using JAX-WS for running some sample Web services. After publishing the web services, when I typed the WSDL URL, I could see the WSDL document. WSDL document refers a Schema ...

51. webservices xml validation error    stackoverflow.com

we are getting the below errors if we validate our response xml in soap UI monitor tool:

line 4: Expected element 'GEHeader' instead of 'GEHeader@http://geheader.capital.ge.com' here in element LoginIfsUserResponse@http://IfsUserProfile.data.webservices.ikon.ifs.com
line 18: Expected element ...

52. Create a jax-ws web-service endpoint that receive parameters including XML content    stackoverflow.com

I have a web-service endpoint I must code which must be able to receive part of its parameters as XML. I expect its signature to be something like

public void sumbitJob(User user, Organization ...

53. How to canonicalize WSDL files in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I need to find differences in two WSDL files. I started by pretty-printing them like here, but I see there are same things (e.g. complexTypes) in the two files defined ...

54. Problem with passing xml to wsdl from flex    stackoverflow.com

I am having a wsdl. I am new to this. Calling an operation in wsdl from flex using WebService object. The operation has one paramter which accepts value of type table. ...

55. Where to place version information in a wsdl?    stackoverflow.com

I have a web service where the definitions are located in the wsdl-file and the schema in an external xsd-file. In the xsd file, there is the schema tag, which provides an ...

56. How to make xsd element extend another    stackoverflow.com

I have three different XML elements that have some common tags. For e.g: Person has name, age, sex Then i have Manager, Employee that would share the three fields the Person has plus ...

57. WSDL with imports in the binding section    stackoverflow.com

Where can I get some sample WSDLs that have import tags in the binding section? I need it to verify a code that I have written to flatten WSDL after resolving ...

58. How to convert proxyclass to xml right away    stackoverflow.com

Hi I'm doing a webservice project. and I need to convert proxyclass, which comes as a result from the webservice according to WSDL, to XML. Actually the response is made as a ...

59. Difference between a named Complex Type and an anonymous Complex Type in an Element    stackoverflow.com

What is the difference between...

<xsd:element name=�add�>
        <xsd:element name="x" type="xsd:float"/>
        <xsd:element name="y" type="xsd:float"/>

60. Reading dynamic web services, wsdl xml schema    stackoverflow.com

I need to read dynamic web services known at run time. I use something similar to this http://www.crowsprogramming.com/archives/66 and it works fine with WS I have created and wc3schools ...

61. EPF automated file downloads from usps.gov    stackoverflow.com

The USPS system has changed and the company I work for has asked me to write a new java client that connects to a xml based service using a source wsdl. ...

62. How to do an enum in xml    stackoverflow.com

I have a number of request types - which really are enums. But in my code these request types are an enum:

enum RequestType {
My current attempt ...

63. Flash images traped behind white boxes    stackoverflow.com

I am having that problem that on my page. My images are traped under some white boxes. See it live here: http://kjacobsen.dk click on Archive Anyone that know what is ...

64. Seeing xmls of soad    stackoverflow.com

I need to see the xml request and response of a comunication between my android device (emulator of android sdk and eclipse) and a WSDL Webservice that uses soad. I compiled ...

65. XML Schema: Setting fixed value for an attribute defined in a base-type    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to set an xml attribute's value to a fixed value when overriding a base type? For example, my base type looks like this:

<xs:complexType name="Parameter" abstract="true">
  ... stuff that ...

66. Customized XML Schema package and WSDL - validation    stackoverflow.com

I've several XSDs for web services for business processes and along with their associated components (like their objects, data types - all are in the form of XSDs as well). Now ...

67. How do I create a simple WSDL?    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to WSDLs so I'm trying to create a simple math service with one. The service should add two integers together, as well as multiply two floats together, and return ...

68. How to test a webservice / WSDL    stackoverflow.com

I have generated this WSDL file...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Generated by JAX-WS RI at http://jax-ws.dev.java.net. RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 in JDK 6. -->
<definitions targetNamespace="http://math/" name="MathServicesService" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:tns="http://math/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/">

69. How to return arbitrary XML Document using an Eclipse/AXIS2 POJO Service    stackoverflow.com

How can I return an arbitrary XML document using an Eclipse/AXIS2 POJO Service? For full background details, see this question: Java Web Service returns string with &gt; and &lt; instead of > ...

70. Parsing XML with DOM : Java    stackoverflow.com

I have an XML document that I've received from my server. I need to use this file (which is a WSDL, by the way) to print out a method signature for ...

71. DOM Document null?    stackoverflow.com

When trying to parse the method return type, method name, and parameters from the following WSDL (xml document), I get null each time I try to retrieve something from the DOM ...

72. HOW TO? - Dynamic site URLs inside an unique XML. One XML for many sites... (one to many)    stackoverflow.com

I need to know, how can I have some dynamic URLs (like a template URLs) inside and XML file to fit a the site URL paths on a distribution like this:

73. XML/WSDL Comparison tool    stackoverflow.com

There is no surprise for those who work with web-services a lot that they get updated from time to time. And you always need to track changes of these updates. In my ...

74. NB 6.7.1, WSDL and XML Schema problem    forums.netbeans.org

Hi All, I'm using NB 6.7.1 with SOA plugin installed. I've created a Web Application, then an XML Schema inside it. Then, I'm using the wizard for new WSDL file... In ...

75. XML schema and WSDL editor is back    forums.netbeans.org

To my very best surprise, the XML schema and WSDL editor is back in 6.9.1. Not as a module that is automatically installed with NetBeans, but as an optional module you can get at the following address: http://netbeans.org/downloads/zip.html Installation instructions: - download the zip file netbeans-6.9.1-201008030030-ml-xml.zip - unzip the file - you should see an xml root directory - copy this ...

76. Validating Uniquness with XML Schema WSDL Plugin    forums.netbeans.org

HI Everybody!!! My goal is to validate the uniqueness of certain xml elements using the "unique" constraint in my XSD schema. Problem I'm having is that the "Validate XML" feature succeeds whether the elements are unique or not. This is my first time using "unique" constraints. I'm using the netbeans 6.9 "XML Schema and WSDL" which has been great for all ...

77. Question about importing XML Schema in WSDL    coderanch.com

Hey guys, I came across the following lines in Richard Monson-Haefel's book (at the end of Section 5.2), and got confused. It's about importing XML Schema in WSDL document. Hope someone may shed some light on this: If you need to import an XML schema element, you should do so in the XML schema definition contained in the WSDL types element, ...

78. Doubt on xml schema declaration in WSDL    coderanch.com

Hi All, Is there a problem with namespace prefix 'tns' in the schema declaration of the below wsdl. I am not that much comfortable with xml schemas and namespaces and their usage in wsdl. Can anyone please tell if there is problem in schema section of the below wsdl although I used WSDL Validator which showed no errors in this wsdl. ...

79. Proprietary XML to WSDL    coderanch.com

Hi, I'd like to scope out the effort to take our proprietary XML web service to be a WSDL compliant web service. We currently exchange XML documents with our customers via a Servlet. The current submit documents have authentication information, as well as the content of the request being submitted. Some of the documents are fairly complex (but all are currently ...

81. xml parser for wsdl?    coderanch.com

82. How do WSDL and services.xml relate    coderanch.com

Hello, I'm new to the creation of web services. I've been going through some tutorials/samples and I have a question about the wsdl file and the services.xml file in a Contract First context. I manually created a WSDL file. I use it to generate my server and client side code. I allow the services.xml file to be automatically generated. Then I ...

85. javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL file and Server redirected too many time    coderanch.com

Hi Bill, Perhaps I should have been more clear. The service exists and the web-service client works fine from my local machine(uses my local credentials for NTLM authentication), however when I run it from Linux box it fails which tells me that there is something wrong that I might need to fix in my authentication code. If I remove the authentication ...

86. Automatically gen. code from WSDL results in XML with same tag for array and array elements    coderanch.com

Hi all, I had to generate webservices from WSDL and I used Eclipse to do so (New -> Webservices -> Top-bottom, etc) So far the generated code is good except for one thing: the arrays are not working as expected because the array tag is the same as the one given for the elements in the array. This example will show ...

87. XML representation of WSDL file using WSDL4J    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am working with WSDL4J and I would like to get XML string representation of the binding part of WSDL file. I try to use the function WSDLElement.getDocumentationElement() but it returns null. Here is my code: public static void main(String[] args){ // TODO Auto-generated method stub Definition def = readWSDL("l:/WeatherSummary.wsdl"); QName qName = new QName("http://www.roguewave.com/soapworx/examples/WeatherSummary.wsdl", "WeatherSummary"); Binding binding = def.getBinding(qName); ...