wsdl2java « wsdl « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Access restriction on class due to restriction on required library rt.jar?

I'm attempting to compile Java 1.4 code that was created by IBM's WSDL2Java on Java5 without recreating the stubs and saw this error in Eclipse. I'm under the assumption that the ...

2. Why is WSDL parser still importing external documents?

I tried to turn off importing documents in WSDL4J (1.6.2) in the way suggested by the API documentation:

  wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", false);
In fact, it stops importing XML schema files declared with wsdl:import tag, ...

3. Generate java classes from WSDL through java program

I used wsimport command line tool for creating classses but I want to do it from the java code. Any idea?

4. Generating Web Service from WSDL File

I want to generate Web Service Classes from WSDL File. I want server side code not client side. wsimport creates client sides. which tool do you use to create server side ...

5. Stub files using a WSDL file in j2me

Is it possible to generate stub files using a "WSDL" file? I know how to generate stub files using wscompiler in j2me. I have a wsdl file is it possible to create stub ...

6. What's missing in my WSDL?

Hi I created a web service, and I've been testing it with SoapUI successfully. But whenever I try to generate the client in Rational Application Developer, Visual Studio or even in SoapUI ...

7. how can I merge three wsdls

I have downloaded Discovery.wsdl file of the discovery service of the msCRM2011 Settings/customisation/developer resources. In that wsdl there is one with namespace and location. If we go to the specified ...

8. WSDL2Java stub class receiving ArrayList instead of single object

I'm very new to web services so please forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to consume a web service to which I was provided the wsdl. There are several complex types being ...

9. Web service with no input params

I need to create a web service method which is not supposed to take any params. I'm using jax-ws and apache xref for generation Java sources from wsdl. I cannot omit ...

10. wsdl2java error for OGC CS-W wsdl files

Hi there, I am trying to generate OGC CS-W web service client stub. I tried to use Axis2 wsdl2java in this way: wsdl2java -uri wsdlfile -o client. I got the following error: Retrieving schema at '', relative to 'file:/E:/Java/Server/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/geoportal/csw/xm l-interfaces.wsdl'. [WARN] Type {}AbstractMetaData missing! [WARN] Could not find any schema type associated with the Element '{http://www.o}AbstractMetaData' [WARN] Type {}_Object missing! ...