ws « wsdl « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Is there any easy way to perform Junit test for WSDL WS-I compliance

I am trying to validate generated WSDL to be correct. I have tried WS-i test tool downloaded from but it's test tool require all input to go ...

2. Why does WS-I Basic Profile 2.0 not use WSDL 2.0?

With a new major release of the WS-I Basic Profile specification I was expecting to read about the use of WSDL 2.0. Unfortunatly I could not find this... I'm hoping someone can ...

3. develop WS with a WSDL doc

4. Statistic: WS platforms used for publicly accessible WSDL WS in 2006

In the course of their research the authors of the article Taming Web Services in the Wild recently published in IEEE Internet Computing September/October 2008 (vol. 12 no. 5) pp. 62-69 "harvested" WSDLs from 596 publicly accessible WSDL/SOAP web services. They were harvested from sources like: Woogle XMLMethods Salcentral BindingPoint WebServiceList random internet searches Unfortunately the original article was ...

5. Creating WS from WSDL

Hi I am trying to set up my first web service using NetBeans (Actually I know how to build a SOAP message and make the request) I have made a WS based on the wsdl: This was generated: @WebService(serviceName = "GlobalWeather", portName = "GlobalWeatherSoap", endpointInterface = "net.webservicex.GlobalWeatherSoap", targetNamespace = "http://www.webserviceX.NET", wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/WS03/globalweather.wsdl") public class WS03 implements GlobalWeatherSoap { public ...