response « wsdl « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Why does a webservice specify all request and response types as a string?

I am working with a legacy webservice, and they supplied us their WSDL to work with. Now my problem is, that every function specifies the same argument and return type. And this ...

2. Parsing response from the WSDL

I've generated the web service client in eclipse for the OpenCalais WSDL using the "develop" client type. Actually I was following this post so not really going in detail. ...

3. Generate Response as List instead of ComplexObject

I am running wsimport to generate server-side skeleton code. For a response of such operation, I want to returnList<Item>, but the generated code return Item Here is the WSDL file:

<ComplexType name="item">

4. No response from web service on localhost

I'm using NuSOAP and PHP to connect to a web service (WSDL) and I can't get any response or error while trying locally. Once I move it to our server everything ...

5. java2ws: retaining request response namespace in wsdl

I am running java2ws through a maven plugin. I find that the resulting wsdl does not retain the namespace for the Request / Response object tree. I am wondering what kind of ...

6. How to put a response header in the WSDL

Hello, Using JAX-WS, how can I put a response header in the WSDL? (We need to validate the response header, so we need to put it in the WSDL) I do have request headers in the WSDL. Would the response header be returned as an operation parameter instead of a return value? Thanks in advance. -Ravi