binding « wsdl « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Which web service stack allows binding wsdl first web service to existing classes in Java?

Greetings, I have a complicated scenario to handle. I have a wsdl file which uses a particular XML schema. The XML schema is actually a handcrafted implementation of a specification. There ...

2. bindings in wsdl

According to binding means communication protocol used by a web-service. I know of soap can someone please mention a few other communication protocols used in web-services to ...

3. WSDL Binding protocol

I am working on how to call web service dynamically by SOAP (language c#). For this purpose, my program gets the WSDL and parses it to create the SOAP request. My ...

4. Error: Emitter Failure Undefined Binding in the WSDL Document

Here is my code currently, cannot find a way of making this compile, any ideas why not? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Lee Wishaw ...

5. IOException: Emitter Failure. There is undefined binding in the WSDL document,

Can anyone see why i am getting this error message... ...

6. How to control the name attribute value for the wsdl binding element

Well..i saw your other question and tried to find some answer for you... I once tried like adding the below parameter tag inside service tag was not working... If you are very keen, then you can try to publish custom wsdl file using axis.there is an article on how to do it but cant find the link ...

7. How to change the name of the binding element in wsdl file ?

Hi All, I have a wsdl file given by some third party web service provider. I am writing a web service client program that uses stubs generated out of this wsdl file using axis. My question is a. how do we control the file name of the stubs generated by axis ? b. if you are trying to deploy a web ...

8. binding and service elements in wsdl

I have a question about this fragment in the WSDL spec: > My first service ...

9. WSDL error: binding:StocksQuoteSOAPBinding not exist

I am developing web services with contract first approach. I developed the wsdl file and now I am ecuting the wsdl2java command. In that process I am getting the following error. I am also pasting the wsdl file below that [echo] Generating code using wsdl2java... [wsdl2java] WSDLToJava Error: [wsdl2java] Summary: Failures: 1, Warnings: 0 [wsdl2java] <<< ERROR! [wsdl2java] file:/D:/Prasad/workspace_webservices/StockQuotation/src/com/stockquote/StocksQuote.wsdl:[51,68] [wsdl2java] Caused ...