WCF 2 « wsdl « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Error: Cannot import wsdl:port with svcutil    stackoverflow.com

I created a small WCF service (hosted in IIS) and used Chrome to take the wsdl of it, put that in a .wsdf file and then wanted to use svcutil test.wsdl ...

2. XmlSchemaProviderAttribute and xsd:import    stackoverflow.com

We're using a custom class that uses XmlSchemaProviderAttribute in order to make it seem like a string. It is declared as follows:

public sealed class CDataWrapper : IXmlSerializable


3. WCF: Should all datacontracts use the same namespace?    stackoverflow.com

I have several service contracts exposed over WCF, which use multiple datacontracts. The service is to be consumed by Adobe Flex. I've run into many problems getting Flex to consume the ...

4. How to change address of WSDL?    stackoverflow.com

I host simple WCF service in IIS in web application.

      <behavior name="SimpleServiceBehavior">
        <serviceMetadata ...

5. Error when accessing access the WSDL of my WCF services: "The ... operation references a message element … that has already been exported from the …"    stackoverflow.com

I experience a weird behavior when accessing my web services into a web browser and it leads to an exception while generating. Here is my scenario:

  1. Access web page: http://localhost:10100/WCFService1.svc?wsdl
  2. Access web ...

6. WSDL-first approach: How to specify different names for wsdl:port and wsdl:binding?    stackoverflow.com

I am following WSDL-first (provided by our client) approach for developing WCF service but WSDLs generated from my wcf service is slightly different from WSDL provided to me by our client ...

7. Understanding httpGetEnabled and Mex binding    stackoverflow.com

In a WCF service, I have removed the default Mex binding and I have set the httpGetEnabled attribute in the default service behaviour to false. With this my understanding is that the ...

8. WCF4 hosting in IIS, WSDL: bindingNamespace is never read    stackoverflow.com

In trying to remove the "tempuri" references from a wsdl file. I have followed all existing advice I can think of. Add a

attribute to the implementation class, Add a ...

9. WCF service from existing WSDL    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to create a new service based on an existing wsdl. I was able to add a service reference to the wsdl and implement it in my svc file. I'm ...

10. How to get the original service from a wsdl file    stackoverflow.com

i have a wsdl file, now i need to get the original wcf service. and after that i want to use(consume) that service in my web project. please tell me is this ...

11. WCF basic HTTP and NetTCP binding, exposing both via Mex    stackoverflow.com

I'm having some difficulty getting my WCF service configured. My requirement is that it exposes a basicHttpBinding endpoint as well as a netTcpBinding endpoint. Some of my clients are .NET 2.0, ...

12. Failed to generate code for the service reference 'ServiceReference'. Cannot import wsdl    stackoverflow.com

I am getting this error in WCF. what should I do to get rid of this error.

Error 10 Reference.svcmap: Failed to generate code for the service reference ...

13. WCF: myservice.svc?wsdl shows "You have created a service.", not WSDL?    stackoverflow.com

I've created a WCF service with a wsHttpBinding and a mexHttpBinding. When running on http in IIS6, the myservice.svc shows the usual "You have created a service." page. myservice.svc?wsdl shows XML ...

14. Supply a different endpoint address in the WSDL of a WCF web service    stackoverflow.com

I have a fairly standard WCF service (hosted on IIS7) which generates a fairly standard WSDL when queried with ?wsdl:

  <!-- ... -->

15. .NET WCF class calling Java created WSDL, "References a method and a type" error    stackoverflow.com

I have spent the last couple of days trying to call a third party web service written in Java from .NET. I have used the svcutil.exe utility to create a proxy ...

16. WCF updated WSDL which caused previous methods to disapear    stackoverflow.com

I updated my service reference with a new version of the WSDL and now I am unable to access the methods. I'm new to WCF and have looked around for ...

17. Setting the original WSDL with externalMetadataLocation doesn't work    stackoverflow.com

I'm building a WCF web service inside a Web Application with C#, and since I need to include schema validation for some Xml parameters I want to set a custom wsdl ...

18. Do i have to include xml namespaces in the svcutil.exe command?    stackoverflow.com

I need to create a proxy class so i can communicate with a Java web service (which i have no control over). The web service is supposed to be implemeting the

19. IOS calling WCF service    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to call a WCF service from IOS Xcode. I am generating the code from WSDL using SuDz-C. The code is successfully generated as far as the Exposed classes ...

20. WCF Service Wsdl Error: operation references a message element that has already been exported    stackoverflow.com

We have a WCF service that has two operations (Operation1 and Operation2) with the same message contract. When you access the Wsdl (Get/Http) we get this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: An exception was thrown ...

21. dynamically read web service methods    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to read the web service methods dynamically using a program? I have a windows forms app that should be able to read the list of methods and ...

22. Unable to reference WSDL of WCF web service hosted on AppFabric    stackoverflow.com

I have developed a WCF service and, while in Visual Studio 2010, I can import the WSDL without a problem. After I've deployed it to AppFabric, I get the WSDL, but ...

23. WCF dotnet 3.5 wsdl link and xsd:operation have Domain Name instead of IP address. Want IP Address to be there     stackoverflow.com

I created a WCF and hosted in IIS of one our servers . provided the internet link(http://IPADDRESS/Sevice.svc) , but in the wsdl link I have the domain name instead of IP ...

24. Is it possible to control elements in WSDL minOccurs maxOccurs?    stackoverflow.com

is it possible writing WCF, that will expose my properties with controllable maxOccurs? <xs:element name="param" type="string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="10" /> What I have only found, it's control over complex types. Thanx in advance.

25. Create flattened WSDL using svcutil for wcf 4    stackoverflow.com

I need to create a wsdl without the extras xsd files as external files, but have them all inside a single file. I need this because they will be imported by ...

26. svcutil for multiples WSDL and unique XSD file?    stackoverflow.com

I have some (non .Net) web services I want to use from a WCF client. I have the WSDL file for all this services. Each one reference the same XSD file which ...

27. Axis WSDL with complex types faills to validate    stackoverflow.com

I'm experiencing some wsdl schema namespace hell. I have a WSDL that came from an Axis web service and I'm tyring to generate a stub service with WCF for testing purposes. Problem is, ...

28. Flat WSDL for WCF 4 Service    stackoverflow.com

Using WCF 3.5 and the FlatWsdl EndpointBehavior from Christian Weyer, I was able to get a single flat WSDL file for my WCF services without any <import> directives. Now with ...

29. Problems importing WSDL using WCF    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying with WCF to import WSDL for a web service provided by one of my company's partners. The web service is written in Java. I get this error:

Warning: ...

30. Replicating what WcfTestClient.exe does    stackoverflow.com

I need to write an app that only takes a webservice address as input (for now it can be just a simple http address with default web-service configuration as generated with ...

31. I can't access the wsdl of one of my bindings?    stackoverflow.com

I have two endpoints: a basicHttp endpoint and a wsHttp endpoint. Each endpoint's base address is http://localhost:8181 which also happens to be the default for the basicHttp binding, so ...

32. My WCF Web Service is referencing local files    stackoverflow.com

Unlike ASMX Web services, WCF Web services seem to break the WSDL up into a number of files. My problem is that when I try to generate a proxy from a server ...

33. How to specify a sequence of elements instead of an array of elements in a .NET WCF Web Service?    stackoverflow.com

I have a .NET 4 WCF web service which takes a data contract with an optional enumerable of strings. For example: Service Code:

[DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
public string Something {

34. Generate Windows Forms from WSDL    stackoverflow.com

I have set of WCF web services that I need to generate a Windows based test client. Does anyone know of a tool that will take as WSDL and auto ...

35. WCF / WSDL Service Version    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for a way to version services. So far we've establish lax versionning principle. For minor versions, we maintain backward compatibility. For breaking change we force a new major ...

36. WCF - Is using a generic in your datacontract going to make your WSDLs non-interoperable?    stackoverflow.com


[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.abc.com/foo" Name = "Get{0}Request")]
public class GetGenericRequest<T> { ... }
my WSDL has this verbatum:
<xs:complexType name="GetFooRequest">
      <GenericType xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/" Name="Get{0}Request" Namespace="http://www.abc.com/foo">

37. How to hide wsdl information on WCF?    stackoverflow.com

I thought that deleting of endpoint with 'IMetadataExchange' is enough. I did that but wsdl file is still generated... How to hide wsdl information on WCF? P.S. Probably my question is not valid ...

38. WCF Generics - Why do DataContract and CollectionDataContract allow formatted naming, but not DataMember, OperationContract or ServiceContract?    stackoverflow.com

Basically as the title says:

[DataContract(Name = "{0}Item")] //This will format properly
public class GenericItem<T>
    [DataMember(Name = "The{0}")] //This will NOT format properly
    public T TheItem { ...

39. Can I include custom attributes on auto-generated WCF classes?    stackoverflow.com

I have a WSDL-fisrt approach to generating Web Services. Basically, this means, I have a hand-crafted version of how I want my service to look, and then generate the WCF service ...

40. #Id/#Ref is unresolved    stackoverflow.com

I have created a very simple Web Service using WCF/.NET framework 4.0 (C#). I have generated a WSDL file using the svcutil.exe utility. When I import the WSDL file using Eclipse ...

41. How do I get a wsdl file for a wcf service to point to the original url (before it was rewritten)?    stackoverflow.com

I have a WCF service that uses the default WSDL auto-generation behaviour. This service is accessed through a URL rewrite as follows: Friendly url http://machine/applicationName/Services/ServiceName Internal url http://machine/applicationName_versionNumber/Services/ServiceName.svc The problem ...

42. WCF Wsdl - Get rid of the "tns" xml namespace prefix with my own prefix?    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way to replace all "tns" prefixes with my own when my WSDL is generated? I know setting the namespace and name of my ServiceContract, OperationContract, DataContract, etc makes ...

43. optional WSDL extension element 'annotation' from namespace was not handled    stackoverflow.com

Custom tool warning: The optional WSDL extension element 'annotation' from namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' was not handled. XPath://wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://soap.vindicia.com/v3_6/Account']/wsdl:binding[@name='AccountBinding']/wsdl:operation[@name='fetchByMerchantAccountId']
When I try to add this wsdl to my project in Visual ...

44. svcutil from wsdl file: Error Schema with target namespace could not be found    stackoverflow.com

On my machine I have a WSDL file and all the necessary schema files. I am trying to use svcutil to create client proxy code from the WSDL. Command:

svcutil myfile.wsdl
I keep getting ...

45. Is it possible to link to a static dicso file from a wsdl file?    stackoverflow.com

As per the title I was wondering of it was possible to link to an external disco file from the wsdl file. Im having a wcf issue when accessing a service from ...

46. WCF wsdl includes a serialization xsd schema. Why does this need to be included in the wsdl?    stackoverflow.com

I have created a WCF service and when I look at the WSDL I see the following code: <xsd:import schemaLocation="https://xxx/xxx/xxx.svc?xsd=xsd1" namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/" /> My question is why does it ...

47. IIS 7.5 Wcf https WSDL always returns blank (bad request)    stackoverflow.com

Everything else works fine, I can make SOAP and RESTful calls w/o issue via https. But WSDL always returns blank (bad request). HTTP returns WSDL fine. Trace log inner exception ...

48. Custom Tool Warning: Cannot import wsdl:portType    stackoverflow.com

I am not sure what this error is. Thought I would ask you guys on stack overflow what it could be. I had to change the contract on my ...

49. Generate WCF Services and Interfaces from WSDL    stackoverflow.com

Could anyone please tell me whether it's possible to reverse engineer (generate interfaces and services) from WSDL. The reason being, we would like to generate exactly same industry stanadard WSDL. Any tool ...

50. WCF WSDL Generation Details on How and what each section means    stackoverflow.com

I'm quiet new to WCF world. I've been looking and trying to understand the WSDL file being generated by WCF. the reason I'm looking is that our clients with Java and PHP ...

51. Where is wsdl file in WCF service    stackoverflow.com

I have created a WCF web service and locally when I access the wsdl file like (http://localhost/myservice/service.svc?wsdl it shows the wsdl file just fine. I then uploaded it to my ...

52. WCF web service not displaying wsdl file using ssl    stackoverflow.com

y WCF web service wsdl file displays just fine when I use http but when I change the service to use https (SSL) the wsdl file is never displayed but just ...

53. WebServiceHost2Factory does not load wsdl file    stackoverflow.com

My Rest wcf was working perfectly until I installed WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2. I have added WebServiceHostFactory2 in the service Host Markup as mentioed below.

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="wcf.Service1" 

54. specify location in wsdl:import    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to have my WCF services run completely off HTTPS. However when WCF generates the WSDL it provides locations that are not secure (http) and not allowed (rejected) by server. ...

55. Host wcf service on custom port IIS and access wsdl in browser    stackoverflow.com

I have wcf service on IIS (see link below without ?wsdl) When I try connect to from vs client application all works fine. Problem is - then I try https://subdomain.domain.xx:12002/Service.svc?wsdl in ...

56. svcutil.exe generates errors while wsdl.exe runs through without    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking into generating a web-service conforming to the WSDL found at: http://assets.cdn.gamigo.com/xml/connection-service/1.0.10/account.wsdl When I run with svcutil.exe like this:

svcutil.exe /language:C# /out:GamigoServices.cs http://assets.cdn.gamigo.com/xml/connection-service/1.0.10/account.wsdl
I get these errors:
Error: Cannot import wsdl:binding
Detail: The given ...

57. Hosting a webservice implementing a wsdl.exe generated interface in WCF    stackoverflow.com

I've asked another question (svcutil.exe generates errors while wsdl.exe runs through without) about a difference in how wsdl.exe successfully generates code from a given WSDL-definition (which I cannot change) while ...

58. wcf - wsdl change port type and binding    stackoverflow.com

I am new to wcf and trying to create a webservice from a client provided wsdl; I'm having trouble changing some wcf generated wsdl entries to match the provided wsdl. I ...

59. Is it possible to return different wsdls for different contracts on the same service?    stackoverflow.com

I have a WCF service implementing two contracts on two different endpoints. I would like a client to be able to point at an endpoint (rather than the base address of ...

60. WCF WSDL has xsd:import statements in one environment, but not the other    stackoverflow.com

In our INT and QA environments, the WSDL for a simple WCF service looks like this:

  <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://blahService/Imports">
    <xsd:import schemaLocation="http://server:80/blahService/blahService.svc?xsd=xsd2" namespace="http://genericHeader"/>
    <xsd:import schemaLocation="http://server:80/blahService/blahService.svc?xsd=xsd3" namespace="http://blahServiceNamespace"/>

61. What would prevent Visual Studio/WCF from generating a new updated WSDL after adding new service methods?    stackoverflow.com

I had a long post here about how I was adding web methods and they were not being reflected in the generated wsdl. It turns out the code I was ...

62. How do I determine the WCF namespace from a PropertyInfo?    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing an implementation of IWsdlExportExtension and I've collected a list of PropertyInfo instances that need their corresponding XSD declarations to be modified. In order to do this, I need to ...

63. Creating a Producer/Consumer Service in WCF    stackoverflow.com

I am a little stuck at the moment. What I have to do is create a Composable Service WSDL first. Using an incremental approach, I have created a service that is ...

64. What to modify in WSDL so that svcutil generates HttpsTransport for the binding in the config    stackoverflow.com

I have deployed a Java metro web service that is being consumed by a WCF client. The service is accessed over https. The WSDL gives the service location in the soap:address ...

65. How does a WSDL parser decide to generate a void method for a Request/Reply operation?    stackoverflow.com

I have spent 5 hours on this, and I've already been up 30 hours writing this contract-first spec ("aggressive" deadline, ergo stupid) and I cannot see what I'm missing. I do not ...