window « wicket « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Can the Wicket modal window be customized?

I need to add a button to the title bar of a Wicket modal window. I can't find anything useful in the Wicket API that will help me. Is there any ...

2. Wicket modal window not displaying properly

I am trying to create a modal window for my application, but unfortunately I am unable to do so. I have a page that extends WebPage and I have added a panel ...

3. How can I make a Wicket modal window un-draggable?

I am using a Wicket modal window in my application. Is there any way to make it un-draggable? Any information will be very helpful to me. Thank you.

4. Close wicket modal window by pressing a button

I want to close a modal window by pressing a button residing on the modal window page. It is not working. My modal window page contains a video player. My code is:

public ...

5. Modal Window or confirm box in Form.onSubmit

In Form.onSubmit can I add a SimpleAttributeModifier to that form? Actually I have a situation where the onSubmit method of the form look like this:

public void onSubmit() {

6. Refresh Component of Parent Page on Modal Window closing

I have a modal window, simulation JavaScript confirm box. Depending on button click i.e., cancel button or ok button I want to refresh some component of the parent page. But unfortunately ...

7. How can I customize a modal window using Wicket 1.5?

I´ve already found this answer (Can the Wicket modal window be customized?) but it´s not suitable for Wicket 1.5. Can anyone please tell me how can I apply my own ...

8. Wicket: Form in a modal window

I have written an panel which supports file / image uploads. So the panel is a simple plain form. The panel works in a normal Wicket page. What I would like to ...

9. How open modal window on page load in wicket 1.5

I was using wicket 1.4.x for some time and solution found here worked pretty well: How to open ModalDialog on PageLoad But when I moved to wicket 1.5 I simply don't know ...

10. Wicket setting window close callback not possible everywhere?

I have a modal window with form inside it. There are two way user can close the window: either by filling up correctly form and submit change, or clicking an "x" ...