test « wicket « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Wicket testing startPanel(Panel) and PageParameters - how to set them?    stackoverflow.com

Currently I'm using the WicketTester's startPanel method to test my panels. Within these panels I often use PageParameters to access data, using getPage().getPageParameters(). However, the startPanel method does not initialize any ...

2. Best tool to do load testing of wicket framework?    stackoverflow.com

Can you recommend a simple/best tool for an web application developed using Wicket framework? The challenge is interface id is changed every time so record and playback may not work. This

3. Back-end performance testing for apache wicket    stackoverflow.com

We create a app based on the apache wicket and I'm now working on the performance testing for it. I'm familiar with Jmeter so it's my first choice as the load generate ...

4. How to test AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior in WicketTester    stackoverflow.com

In my Wicket application I used one radio button with "yes" and "no" options. If I select "No", I should display one dropdown choice. I wrote code using AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior. ...

5. wicket and AtUnit    stackoverflow.com

I've started playing with Wicket and I've chosen Guice as dependency injection framework. Now I'm trying to learn how to write a unit test for a WebPage object. I ...

6. How to unit test a custom Wicket component    stackoverflow.com

Given this really simple Wicket component:

public class ProductImage extends WebComponent {

    public ProductImage(String id, Product p) {
        super(id, new Model(p));

7. Testing Wicket panels with constructor arguments    stackoverflow.com

I got a page with several panels that takes several parameters in their constructors. One of them being a menu that takes a list for the different buttons in the menu. I've ...