authorization « wicket « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Wicket Authorization Using MetaDataKey

I am trying to implement a simple authorization strategy for my Wicket application. I am implemented my own AuthorizationStrategy (extending IAuthorizationStrategy). After reading the above link, I figured it makes ...

2. Wicket Authorization

Is it possible use a metadata driven component based authorization? Wicket in Action gives an example @AdminOnly private class ModeLink extends Link {.....} Then implement isActionAuthorized() of the Authorization Strategy. But I feel that it ...

3. In wicket, combine wicket:link with IAuthorizationStrategy

I use an IAuthorizationStrategy in wicket to limit access to certain pages. However, I also use html menus like this one:

<div class="siteMenu">
    <a href="Page1.html" class="siteMenuLink">